What might you discover about your hypothesis during research?
Someone else may have already tested your hypothesis or answered your questions.
What is one of the tasks you need to do in the 'RESEARCH METHODS & BIOSTATISTICS' course?
Present & defend your proposal
Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What might you discover about your hypothesis during research?

Someone else may have already tested your hypothesis or answered your questions.

Research Proposal Preparation

What is one of the tasks you need to do in the 'RESEARCH METHODS & BIOSTATISTICS' course?

Present & defend your proposal

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What skills are demonstrated by understanding the importance of planning and information gathering in research?

Good planning and information gathering skills.

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

Why should you do background reading even if it isn’t directly related to your topic?

To understand your subject area better.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Why should a postgraduate student become familiar with the most current work on their topic?

To stay updated with the latest developments and research.

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What should you focus on adding to your project according to the tips?

Add value, not experiments.

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What are metrics of success?

They are defined criteria to measure the success of your project.

Research Proposal Preparation

What is the subject code for 'RESEARCH METHODS & BIOSTATISTICS'?


Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What should you record for each source while reading?

The complete bibliography.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What are the criteria for evaluating hypotheses?

The criteria include being clear, precise, and succinct; defensible on theoretical grounds and logistically feasible; and honestly considering its own shortcomings and limitations.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What ability is demonstrated by critically and comprehensively reviewing the scientific literature on a given topic?

The ability to critically and comprehensively review the scientific literature.

Research Proposal Preparation

What components should be included in a detailed research proposal?

Background, literature review, aims, methods, data analysis, and importance of the research project.

Ethical Principles in Research

What principles should be demonstrated in research involving human subjects or animals?

Accepted ethical principles.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

How long did J.B. van Helmont claim it took for mice to spontaneously generate?

About 21 days.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

What should you ensure about the topic you choose?

That it is manageable and that material is available.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What should you look for evidence in when critically reading a scientific paper?

Methods, Materials, Form of Analysis, Results.

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What should you take about each source while reading?

Some key notes about what is in each source.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

How should a postgraduate student extend knowledge within their field?

In some novel or new way.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What is considered the most difficult part of the thesis process?

The formulation of the hypothesis and research protocol/methods.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What is the primary focus of coursework?

To provide structured ways to learn and synthesize existing knowledge.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What does the writing process typically involve?

Several stages and a lot of revisions.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What is a key principle of good writing?

Good writing is essentially rewriting.

Research Proposal Preparation

Is research tied to the normal semester or term schedule?

No, it is not tied to the normal semester or term schedule.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

Which group did the U.S. military approach for recommendations on armoring fighter planes during World War II?

The newly formed Statistical Research Group (SRG).

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

Which university offers the course 'Writing in the Sciences'?

Stanford University

Ethical Principles in Research

Why can't nitrosamine production be completely prevented?

Because nearly all foods contain some protein and are exposed to acid in the stomach, which favors the formation of nitrosamines from nitrite.

Research Proposal Preparation



Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

Which computer program can help efficiently manage and format your bibliography or reference list?


Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Why might material on the home pages of individuals be considered unreliable?

Because it may lack peer review and verification by experts.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What type of material on organization websites might be unreliable?

Material written by enthusiasts rather than experts.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Why are free-for-all post-your-views sites often unreliable?

Because they may not be restricted to a recognized set of academic contributors.

Statistical Analysis and Power Calculations

What should be performed to demonstrate understanding of planning, performing, and evaluating statistical analyses of research data?

Power calculations.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What does the speaker claim to offer to others?

A method to become a millionaire within a few months with no risk.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

Is it normal to feel uncomfortable with extensive edits on your drafts?

Yes, initially cringing at the sea of red ink after every draft is normal.

Research Proposal Preparation

What does research signify in terms of academic progression?

Your journey from student to scholar.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

Which university offers the course 'Learning to teach online'?

The University of New South Wales

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Would you call the phone number?


Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Why might you choose not to call the phone number?

Because you may already be a more critical reader than you realize.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Why should expert opinions be treated cautiously in scientific literature?

Because they are still hypotheses and have never been tested or proven.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What should conclusions in scientific literature be based on?

They should be justified by the methods and results, not based on unsubstantiated claims and speculations.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

What is the first step in identifying a research area of interest?

Reading to become familiar with what is already known about your topic area.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

How long did it take the speaker to make their first million?

Five years.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

How quickly did the speaker make their second million?

In six weeks.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What are the three main aspects standardized in coursework?

Format (classroom or online), content (syllabus describing topics covered), and time (schedule for the semester or shorter term).

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

How can making progress by failing early be beneficial?

It allows you to learn from mistakes and make necessary adjustments early in the project.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

How can assessing the convincingness of the authors' arguments benefit your critical review?

It allows you to evaluate the strength and validity of the evidence and arguments presented, which is essential for a thorough critique.

Ethical Principles in Research

Why should reheating spinach be avoided?

Reheating spinach can cause nitrite to be produced, which can then be converted to nitrosamines, some of which are known to be carcinogenic.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

Why was the data on bullet holes not considered random sampling?

It only represented the planes that returned.

Ethical Principles in Research

Which university offers the course 'Qualitative Research Methods: Conversational Interviewing'?


Evaluating Research Hypotheses

How does a hypothesis differ from a simple prediction?

A hypothesis is more than a simple prediction; it is an assertion or conjecture that requires verification.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What leads to the formation of a hypothesis?

The organization of questions and the expected answers that grow out of them.

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What is the first project management tip for postgraduate students?

Define your timeline.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

How should you react if your hypothesis changes during research?

Do not be dismayed if your hypothesis changes.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

What is the purpose of narrowing your research topic?

To develop specific research questions.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What assets does the speaker claim to own?

Four luxury villas on three continents, five top-of-the-range sports cars, and a helicopter.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What is the significance of understanding what the authors are trying to achieve in their writing?

It helps to grasp the authors' objectives and the context of their research, which is crucial for a critical evaluation.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Which university offers the course 'Introduction to systematic review and Meta-analysis'?

Johns Hopkins University

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

How should peer-reviewed journal articles be referenced?

According to their paper details, rather than as an Internet resource.

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What is a crucial step before narrowing down a research topic?

Reading a great deal of literature.

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What does 'prepare to be punched in the mouth' mean in project management?

It means being prepared for unexpected challenges and setbacks.

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

Why is defining your project scope important?

It helps to clearly outline the boundaries and objectives of the project.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

Why should you choose a topic you are genuinely interested in?

It will enable you to read and understand the literature.

Research Proposal Preparation

Who initiates, proposes, researches, and writes research?

You (the researcher).

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

What was the main challenge faced by the U.S. military regarding fighter planes during World War II?

Minimizing the number of planes being shot down while avoiding excessive armor that would make planes heavier, less maneuverable, burn more fuel, and carry less payload.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

What advice did Abraham Wald give to protect planes?

To put the armor over the engines.

Ethical Principles in Research

What are nitrosamines and why are they a concern?

Nitrosamines are compounds that can be carcinogenic, formed from nitrites under acidic conditions, such as those in the stomach.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What type of official materials are considered reliable?

Materials published on a recognized institutional website.

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

How should the depth of study be for a good research topic?

It should have an appropriate depth of study to satisfy the degree requirements.

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

How should a good research topic align with the student's abilities?

It should be appropriate to the skills and understanding of the student.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What should you look for to identify potential issues in scientific literature?

Gaps, inconsistencies, unexplained and serendipitous findings.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What characteristics must a hypothesis have to be considered clear and precise?

It must be succinct.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

What is the goal when choosing a research topic?

To go from a broad topic area to a specific research question or questions.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What must a hypothesis honestly consider to be valid?

Its own shortcomings and limitations.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Why is it important to ask 'Why am I reading this?' when critically reviewing scientific literature?

To clarify the purpose and relevance of the material to your own research or interests.

Research Proposal Preparation

What is a key characteristic of research compared to coursework?

Research is a unique contribution to your field developed by you.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What does the speaker offer to send free of charge?

An introductory pack explaining the failsafe method for guaranteed wealth and happiness.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

Which university offers the course 'Design and interpretation of clinical trials'?

Johns Hopkins University

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What is the role of bacteria in the conversion of nitrate to nitrite?

Enzymes present in bacteria convert nitrate to nitrite, especially when spinach is heated, stored, and then later reheated.

Ethical Principles in Research

Why should nitrite be avoided by infants up to 6 months old?

Nitrite can affect the ability of the blood to transport oxygen by transforming haemoglobin into methaemoglobin, which is unable to carry oxygen, leading to 'Blue Baby Syndrome'.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What type of journal articles are considered very reliable?

Peer-reviewed journal articles that are also published in an academic or genuine electronic journal.

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

Why is scientific merit important for a good research topic?

A good research topic should have sufficient scientific merit and interest.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What is a hypothesis in research?

An assertion, conjecture, or premise that is subject to verification via research.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What should you do if you encounter something unexpected during research?

Understand that it may completely change the research situation.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What is a common perception about writing an academic paper?

It can be a real slog and often takes weeks, months, or even years.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

Who develops and standardizes coursework?


Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Why might web-logs (blogs) and chatroom pontifications be unreliable sources?

They often lack academic rigor and peer review.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

Why is it important to identify a working hypothesis?

To have a clear focus and direction for your investigation.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Why should you identify what the authors are saying that is relevant to your own research?

To determine how the information can contribute to or influence your own research questions and objectives.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

How should you define your topic?

As a focused research question.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

Who studied the data on bullet holes in planes and provided advice?

The exceptional statistician Abraham Wald.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

What were the bullet holes per square foot for the fuel system and rudder sections of the plane?

Fuel system: 1.55 bullet holes per square foot, Rudder: 1.2 bullet holes per square foot.

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

Which university offers the course 'Scientific Methods and Research'?

University of London

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

What is one of the primary responsibilities of a postgraduate student?

To become an expert on their topic.

Ethical Principles in Research

How can you avoid inadvertent plagiarism in your notes?

Make direct quotations obvious in your notes.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

What should you do after becoming familiar with the existing knowledge in your topic area?

Narrow your topic and develop specific research questions.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

Why must a hypothesis be defensible on theoretical grounds?

To ensure it is based on sound theory and is logistically feasible.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What is a working hypothesis?

A working hypothesis is a preliminary idea or theory that you aim to investigate.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

Why should you avoid picking a topic just because it seems simple?

Because it may not be engaging or substantial enough for thorough research.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

According to J.B. van Helmont, what causes the wheat to change into mice?

The ferment coming out of the underwear and penetrating through the husks of wheat.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

What change occurs in the jar after about 21 days according to J.B. van Helmont's recipe?

The odor changes.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

What did the data show about the distribution of bullet holes in planes?

There were more bullet holes in the fuel system and not as many in the engines.

Statistical Analysis and Power Calculations

Which university offers the course 'Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics'?

University of Cape Town

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Which university offers the course 'Advanced literature Searching in the health Sciences'?

Michigan University

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

What is a time-related characteristic of a good research topic?

The task should be able to be completed in the allocated time.

Evaluating Research Hypotheses

What could be a reason for your hypothesis to be incorrect?

It may be based on a misunderstanding or erroneous assumption.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

Why is it important to learn about the most frequently cited works on your topic?

To understand the most important contributions in the field.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

Who proposed the recipe for the production of mice?

The chemist J.B. van Helmont.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

What materials did J.B. van Helmont suggest using to produce mice?

A piece of underwear soiled with sweat and some wheat.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What benefits do the people who followed the speaker's method reportedly enjoy?

They no longer worry about domestic bills, healthcare, or their children's education.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

What method was used to determine how to best protect planes from fighting?

By looking at where they took damage, specifically where the bullet holes were.

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

What conditions affect the nitrate concentration in spinach?

The variety, season, and the soil and water conditions where the vegetable was grown.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

Why did Wald suggest putting armor over the engines?

Because if fewer planes were returning with holes in the engines, it meant those planes weren’t returning home.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What should you do if you find a journal article marked as 'submitted to' or 'draft'?

Check if it has since been published.

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

What should a research problem have to be considered a good topic?

It should have a viable proposed solution.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

How should one view the editing process?

As an act of love, indicating that colleagues are deeply engaged and investing time to improve the work.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What role do the infamous red track changes play in writing?

They are a vital ingredient to better writing.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What is the purpose of concluding with how you can use the information from the literature?

To determine the practical applications and implications of the findings for your own research or practice.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

Which section of the plane had the highest number of bullet holes per square foot according to the data provided?

Wings, with 1.8 bullet holes per square foot.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

Which university offers the course 'Understanding Research Methods'?

University of London

Importance of Planning and Information Gathering in Research

Which university offers the course 'Academic Information Seeking'?

University of Copenhagen

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What type of electronically readable books are considered reliable?

Books written by subject experts.

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

What is the success-related characteristic of a good research topic?

It should have a reasonable chance of success.

Choosing and Narrowing Research Topics

Why is it important to be flexible when choosing a research topic?

To adapt to new information and refine your focus as needed.

Effective Academic Writing Strategies

What is the speaker's main promise to potential followers?

Guaranteed wealth and happiness with no risk.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

What was the role of the Statistical Research Group (SRG) during World War II?

To provide recommendations using data and innovation to help win the war.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

What was the key insight about the distribution of bullet holes in planes?

Bullet holes should be evenly distributed over the planes, so fewer holes in the engines indicated planes with engine hits were not returning.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

What does it mean if a journal article says 'submitted to' a journal or 'draft'?

It means the article has yet to be peer-reviewed.

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

How complex should a good research topic be?

It should not be too complex but sufficiently detailed.

Case Study: Statistical Analysis in WWII

Which section of the plane had the lowest number of bullet holes per square foot according to the data provided?

Engine, with 1.11 bullet holes per square foot.

Ethical Principles in Research

What is 'Blue Baby Syndrome'?

'Blue Baby Syndrome' is a condition where the blood's ability to transport oxygen is affected due to the transformation of haemoglobin into methaemoglobin, which is unable to carry oxygen.

Statistical Analysis and Power Calculations

Which university offers the course 'Probability and Statistics: To p or not to p?'

University of London

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

What are the feasibility considerations for a good research topic?

It should not be too difficult or impossible and should be within the capabilities of the student.

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

What is one characteristic of a good research topic regarding originality?

It should be original or have a good reason to repeat the study.

Critical Review of Scientific Literature

How can you verify the authenticity of the website you are on?

By going to the home page of the website.

Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

What is assured in a good research topic regardless of the outcome?

An outcome is assured whether positive or negative.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder