Inferior rectal arteries.
A thickened ridge on the internal posterior aspect of the tunica albuginea from which septa extend inward between lobules of seminiferous tubules.
Convolutions of the epididymal ducts.
Posterior margin of perineal membrane and perineal body.
Deep to and from the inferior border of the gluteus maximus.
Middle rectal veins.
Through or near the superficial inguinal ring.
Large fascia-lined wedge-shaped spaces.
The testicular arteries from the abdominal aorta and the artery of the ductus deferens.
Passes medially from the area of the ischial spine and traverses the ischio-anal fat body.
Ischium and the inferior part of obturator internus.
External anal sphincter and the medial part of levator ani.
The space between the labia majora when the thighs are adducted, containing the labia minora and vestibule.
Suspensory ligament of penis.
The diamond-shaped shallow compartment bounded by the pelvic outlet.
Seminiferous tubules → straight tubules → rete testis → efferent ductules → head of epididymis → body of epididymis → tail of epididymis → ductus deferens → ejaculatory duct → prostatic urethra → membranous urethra → bulbous urethra (in bulb of penis) → spongy urethra.
The perineal membrane.
The inferior portion of the obturator fascia.
Part of the external urethral sphincter and anterior extensions of ischio-anal fat pads.
Proximal part of the urethra, vaginal hiatus, deep transverse perineal muscles, sphincter urethrovaginalis, compressor urethrae, external urethral sphincter, and dorsal neurovasculature to the clitoris.
Deep transverse perineal muscles, sphincter urethrovaginalis, compressor urethrae, and external urethral sphincter.
They secrete a pre-ejaculate fluid that lubricates the urethra.
Into the left renal vein.
Into the right and left lumbar nodes and preaortic nodes.
To the inferior pubic rami and the perineal membrane deep to the labia.
It begins at the apex of the prostate and ends as the urethra enters the bulb of the penis.
The intrabulbar fossa in the bulb of the penis and the navicular fossa in the glans of the penis.
Median raphe on ventral surface of bulb of penis, perineal body.
Clitoris and ischiocavernosus, bulbs of vestibule and bulbospongiosus, greater vestibular glands, superficial transverse perineal muscles, deep perineal branch of internal pudendal vessels, and pudendal nerves.
Paired corpora cavernosa dorsally and a single corpus spongiosum ventrally.
By a transverse line joining the anterior ends of the ischial tuberosities into the anal triangle posteriorly and the urogenital triangle anteriorly.
Middle rectal artery.
Inferior rectal veins.
Fascia lata of superomedial thigh.
Mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, bulbs of the vestibule, greater and lesser vestibular glands.
Testicular artery and artery of the vas deferens.
Arise in the anterior (terminal) end of the pudendal canal and pass medially and superficially.
Dorsal neurovasculature to the clitoris.
Deep fascia covering external oblique muscle.
Suspensory ligament of the clitoris.
<p>The internal pudendal artery and vein, the pudendal nerve, and the nerve to obturator internus.</p>
The dorsal artery of the penis.
Perineal membrane, dorsal aspect of corpus spongiosum, corpora cavernosa, fascia of bulb of penis.
Bulb of penis/bulb of vestibule and bulbourethral gland/greater vestibular gland.
The tunica albuginea is the outer covering of each cavernous body in the penis.
A central tendon at the midpoint of the line dividing the perineum.
Mons pubis and anterior aspect of labia.
The body of the penis is suspended from the pubic symphysis.
The substance of labia majora and mons pubis, and anteriorly and superiorly with abdominal Camper fascia.
On each side of the external urethral orifice.
By the spermatic cords.
A network of canals in the mediastinum of the testis where seminiferous tubules are joined by straight tubules.
Superficial inguinal nodes.
Intermediate part of the urethra, deep transverse perineal muscles, bulbourethral glands, and dorsal neurovascular structures of the penis.
The apex is superiorly where levator ani arises from the obturator fascia.
The wide base is inferiorly at the skin of the anal region.
Into the inferior vena cava (IVC).
Ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles.
Ischiopubic rami.
Four parts: Intramural (preprostatic), Prostatic, Intermediate, and Spongy.
The fascia covering the inferior aspect of the pelvic diaphragm.
Levator ani and coccygeus.
Arises within pudendal canal and supplies superficial perineal muscles and scrotum of male/vestibule of female.
The anal canal begins as the rectal ampulla narrows proximal to the puborectalis of levator ani and descends posteroinferiorly between the anococcygeal ligament and perineal body.
Deep inguinal nodes.
Pubic arch and fascia of corpora cavernosa of clitoris.
The external anal sphincter attaches anteriorly to the perineal body, posteriorly to the coccyx, and superiorly it blends with the puborectalis.
It attaches to the skin and causes wrinkling of the scrotum.
Maintains erection of penis or clitoris by compressing outflow.
The pectinate (dentate) line indicates the junction of the superior and inferior parts of the anal canal. The superior part is visceral and derived from the embryonic hindgut, while the inferior part is somatic and derived from the embryonic proctodeum.
Superior rectal artery.
Ilioinguinal nerve (L1).
<p>Perineal nerve from posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S1-S3).</p>
Inferior hypogastric plexus.
Inferior anal nerves from the pudendal nerve.
Continuous with Scarpa fascia of abdomen after passing superiorly to fatty layer of labia majora.
A rounded fatty eminence anterior to the pubic symphysis, pubic tubercles, and superior pubic rami, covered with coarse pubic hairs after puberty.
25 cm.
Bodies of the pubic bones.
Deferential artery from the superior (occasionally inferior) vesical artery.
Skin and fascia surrounding the anus, coccyx via anococcygeal ligament.
Internal pudendal artery.
Ischiopubic rami and obturator internus.
The dorsal vein of the penis.
The sacrotuberous ligaments.
Erectile tissue of corpora cavernosa of penis or clitoris via helicine arteries.
Buck's fascia is the deep fascia of the penis, superficial to the tunica albuginea and a continuation of the deep perineal (Gallaudet) fascia.
Deep to the skin with little subcutaneous tissue, posterior to the vestibule of the vagina/bulb of the penis, and anterior to the anus and anal canal.
The glans penis is the distal conical expansion of the corpus spongiosum.
The dartos muscle in the penis and scrotum.
Anterior scrotal nerves of the ilioinguinal nerve.
Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve.
Into the vestibule between the urethral and vaginal orifices.
Inferior mesenteric vein.
On each side of the anal canal.
Sperm storage and maturation.
Arises near the entrance to the pudendal canal and parallels the parent nerve to the end of the canal, passing medially.
Dorsal neurovascular structures of the penis.
Sacrotuberous ligament and gluteus maximus.
Rounded folds of fat-free, hairless skin with a core of spongy connective tissue and erectile tissue at their base, forming two laminae anteriorly.
It disappears.
The lateral laminae of the labia minora unite anterior to the glans clitoris to form the prepuce.
The pubic symphysis.
Skin of scrotum or labia majora and minora.
The internal anal sphincter is an involuntary sphincter that surrounds the superior 2/3 of the anal canal. Its contraction is stimulated by sympathetic fibers from the superior rectal and hypogastric plexuses.
Prostatic nerve plexus from the inferior hypogastric plexus (autonomic).
Supports and fixes perineal body/pelvic floor, acts as a 'sphincter' of the vagina, assists in erection of clitoris, compresses greater vestibular gland.
Anal columns are longitudinal ridges in the superior half of the mucosa of the anal canal, containing terminal branches of the superior rectal artery and vein.
An indication of bilateral embryonic formation of the scrotum, continuous with the penile raphe and perineal raphe.
Passes along inferior aspect of posterior border of perineal membrane to perineal body.
The arterial supply of the penis includes the dorsal arteries of the penis, deep arteries of the penis, arteries of the bulb of the penis, and branches of the external pudendal arteries.
<p>S2-S4</p><p>Dorsal nerve of penis(Sensory and symp)</p><p>Ilioinguinal nerve(Skin of root)</p><p>Cavernous nerves(Erection)</p>
Perineal branch of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
Into the internal pudendal vein.
The inferior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm.
The tough fibrous outer surface of the testes.
A closed peritoneal sac covering the surface of the testis, except where it attaches to the epididymis and spermatic cord.
Pudendal nerve (S2-S4).
A network of veins that drains into the right and left testicular veins.
Gallaudet fascia or investing fascia.
Prominent folds of skin filled with loose subcutaneous tissue, containing smooth muscles and the termination of the round ligament of the uterus, passing inferoposteriorly from the mons pubis toward the anus.
Ductus deferens.
A root and a small cylindrical body composed of 2 crura, 2 corpora cavernosa, and the glans clitoris.
<p>Testicular vein and distal pampiniform plexus.</p>
Constricts anal canal during peristalsis, supports and fixes perineal body and pelvic floor.
Anal canal inferior to pectinate line, anal sphincters, and peri-anal skin.
The anal canal extends from the superior aspect of the pelvic diaphragm to the anus.
The penis consists of a root, body, and glans.
Perineal body.
The external anal sphincter is a voluntary sphincter that forms a broad band on each side of the inferior 2/3 of the anal canal.
Heavily pigmented skin and Dartos fascia.
Inferior and medial aspects of crus, perineal membrane medial to crus.
Anal valves are formed by the union of anal columns inferiorly, with depressions above them called anal sinuses.
Veins accompanying the arteries, draining into the external pudendal veins.
Lymph drainage of the penis occurs in the superficial inguinal nodes.
To secrete mucus into the vestibule during sexual arousal.
Cavernous nerves from the uterovaginal plexus.
Dartos fascia of scrotum and penis.
Sensory and erectile tissue for sexual arousal and intercourse, directs the flow of urine, prevents entry of foreign material into the urogenital tract.
Pampiniform plexus from the testicular vein.
Arises in the anterior (terminal) end of the pudendal canal and passes medially then deeply in the superficial perineal pouch.
The testicular nerve plexus on the testicular artery, originating from T10 and/or T11.
Extensions into the urogenital triangle superior to the perineal membrane.
Perineal (Colle’s) fascia.
Perineal membrane.
The terminal part of the large intestine is called the anal canal.
The ischial tuberosities.
Supports and fixes perineal body/pelvic floor, compresses bulb of penis to expel last drops of urine/semen, assists erection by compressing outflow.
The contraction of the internal anal sphincter is inhibited by parasympathetic fibers from the pelvic splanchnic nerves.
Dorsal nerve of the penis from the pudendal nerve (somatic).
Internal surface of ischiopubic ramus and ischial tuberosity.
The anorectal junction is indicated by the superior ends of the anal columns.
Supports and fixes perineal body/pelvic floor to support abdominopelvic viscera, resists increased intra-abdominal pressure.
Surrounds urethra superior to perineal membrane, ascends anterior aspect of prostate, fibers enclose vagina (urethrovaginal sphincter).
Compresses urethra, urethrovaginal sphincter portion also compresses vagina.
To secrete mucus into the vestibule to moisten the labia and vestibule.
Inferior anal (rectal) nerve.
Root (bulb and crura) of penis, ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus, proximal part of spongy urethra, superficial transverse perineal muscles, deep perineal branch of internal pudendal vessels, and pudendal nerves.
Internal iliac nodes.
The inferior-most sacrum and coccyx.
Deep perineal pouch, skin of penis, fascia of penis or clitoris, distal corpus spongiosum of penis, spongy urethra, and glans penis or clitoris.
The corpus spongiosum contains the spongy urethra and is separated from the corpora cavernosa by the intercavernous septum of deep (Buck) fascia.
Bulbospongiosus, external anal sphincter, superficial and deep transverse muscles, external urethral sphincter, and levator ani.
The suspensory ligament of the penis is a deep fascia from the anterior pubic symphysis that passes inferiorly and splits to form a sling, attaching to the deep (Buck) fascia of the penis at the junction of the root and body.
At the upper medial aspects of the labia minora.
<p>In the superficial perineal pouch, on each side of the vestibule of the vagina</p>
Posterior labial nerves from the pudendal nerve.
Anterior aspect of scrotum and skin at root of penis.
The root of the penis consists of the crura, bulb, ischiocavernosus muscles, and bulbospongiosus muscle.
Superficial (subcutaneous tissue) and deep (Gallaudet/investing) fascia.
Superficial inguinal nodes.
Posterior scrotal nerves of the pudendal nerve.
Paired masses of elongated erectile tissue lying along the sides of the vaginal orifice immediately inferior to the perineal membrane.
<p>Superficial inguinal LN</p>
Passes along superior aspect of posterior border of perineal membrane to perineal body and external anal sphincter.
Dorsal nerve of penis/clitoris.
The bulbospongiosus muscles.
Anterior labial nerves from the ilioinguinal nerve.
The condition of the hymen, which is a thin annular fold of mucus membrane.
Into the anal triangle.
<p>Fatty tissue, internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerve(Pudendal canal), inferior rectal nerves and vessels, posterior scrotal nerve and vessels, perineal branch of S4, perforating cutaneous (cluneal) nerves, and lymphatics.</p>
<p>Lesser sciatic notch</p>
<p>Horizontal passageway within the obturator fascia, lining the medial aspect of the obturator internus and the lateral wall of the ischio-anal fossae.</p>
<p>Internal iliac nodes(common iliac, and lumbar nodes.)</p>
<p>Posterior Scrotal Branches</p><p>Anterior Scrotal branches </p><p>Cremasteric Artery</p>
<p>Cavernous spaces: Deep dorsal vein of penis(Prostatic plexus)</p><p>Skin: Superficial dorsal veins to superficial external pudendal vein</p>
External pudendal arteries and labial and clitoral branches of the internal pudendal artery.