Java's Role in Internet Programming
What environment is Java designed for?
The distributed environment of the Internet.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
List three of the Java buzzwords.
Simple, Secure, Portable.
Complexity Management in Programming
What programming methodology emerged to address the limitations of structured programming?
Object-oriented programming (OOP).
The Development and Features of C++
What significant changes did Java 1.1 introduce?
New library elements, redefined event handling, and deprecated several features from Java 1.0.
Java's Lineage and Influences
Is Java upwardly or downwardly compatible with C++?
No, Java is neither upwardly nor downwardly compatible with C++.
The Development and Features of C++
What significant features does C++ add to C?
Object-oriented features.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What does dynamic Java programming carry with it?
Substantial amounts of run-time type information.
Java's Lineage and Influences
How has Java influenced the development of C#?
C# shares similar syntax, supports distributed programming, and utilizes the same object model as Java.
Java's Role in Internet Programming
What role did the Internet play in the rise of Java?
The Internet helped catapult Java to the forefront of programming, expanding the universe of objects that can move freely in cyberspace.
The Birth and Impact of the C Language
How did C become widely accepted in the programming community?
It was designed by and for programmers, reflecting their needs and preferences.
The Development and Features of C++
What new features were added in Java 2?
Swing, the Collections framework, and enhancements to the Java Virtual Machine.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What was deprecated in Java 2 regarding the Thread class?
The methods suspend(), resume(), and stop().
Java's Role in Internet Programming
What is the significance of Java in computer language history?
Java is a revolutionary force in Internet programming, similar to what C was for systems programming.
The Development and Features of C++
How does Java 1.3 relate to Java 1.2?
Java 1.3 is a major upgrade that is mostly source-code compatible with Java 1.2.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What are the fundamental forces that necessitated the invention of Java?
Portability and security.
Java's Lineage and Influences
Who invented C++ and when?
Bjarne Stroustrup invented C++ in 1979.
Complexity Management in Programming
What was the primary reason for the creation of C++?
To manage the increasing complexity of programs.
Complexity Management in Programming
What is the limit of C in handling program complexity?
Once a program exceeds 25,000 to 100,000 lines of code.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
Why can't an entire Java program be compiled into executable code at once?
Because Java performs various run-time checks that can only be done at run time.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What does it mean for Java to be 'architecture-neutral'?
Java programs can run on any device that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What feature allows objects on different computers to execute procedures remotely?
Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
Java's Lineage and Influences
Why is it a mistake to think of Java as simply the 'Internet version of C++'?
Java has significant practical and philosophical differences from C++.
The Development and Features of C++
How does Java enhance the object-oriented paradigm used by C++?
Java refines and improves the object-oriented approach.
Java's Role in Internet Programming
What is a dynamic, self-executing program?
An active agent on the client computer initiated by the server.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What type of I/O subsystem was added in Java 2, version 1.4?
A channel-based I/O subsystem.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What framework was modified in Java 2, version 1.4?
The Collections Framework.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
How does Java 2, version 1.4 maintain compatibility with prior versions?
It maintains nearly 100 percent source-code compatibility.
The Creation and Purpose of Java
Who were some key contributors to the development of Java?
Bill Joy, Arthur van Hoff, Jonathan Payne, Frank Yellin, and Tim Lindholm.
The Birth and Impact of the C Language
What is the significance of the C language in the history of programming?
It fundamentally changed the way programming was approached and thought about.
The Birth and Impact of the C Language
What did the creation of C aim to replace?
Assembly code when creating systems programs.
Java's Lineage and Influences
How does prior experience with C++ affect learning Java?
Moving to Java will require very little effort for experienced C++ programmers.
Complexity Management in Programming
What are two main reasons for program failure that Java addresses?
Memory management mistakes and mishandled exceptional conditions.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What does the Just In Time (JIT) compiler do in Java?
It compiles bytecode into executable code in real time, on a piece-by-piece basis.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What does 'multithreaded' imply in the context of Java?
Java can handle multiple threads of execution simultaneously.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What does the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) do?
It interprets bytecode and allows Java programs to run on various platforms.
The Creation and Purpose of Java
What was a major limitation of C and C++ that Java aimed to address?
They are designed to be compiled for a specific target CPU.
Java's Lineage and Influences
What was the context in which C++ gained popularity?
Object-oriented programming in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
The Creation and Purpose of Java
What does understanding Java require?
Understanding the reasons for its creation, the forces that shaped it, and its legacy.
Complexity Management in Programming
How does Java help prevent common programming errors?
By being a strictly typed language that checks code at compile time and run time.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What does Java's design allow regarding object-oriented programming?
It strikes a balance between purist and pragmatic approaches.
The Creation and Purpose of Java
What was the initial focus of Java before the rise of the Internet?
Programming consumer electronics.
The Creation and Purpose of Java
What was the primary design goal of Java?
To solve a certain set of problems, particularly for platform-independent programs on the Internet.
The Creation and Purpose of Java
What was the primary motivation behind the creation of Java?
To develop a platform-independent language for consumer electronic devices.
Security and Portability in Java
What does Java confine a program to for security?
The Java execution environment.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
What was a significant drawback of FORTRAN?
It was not very good for systems code despite being efficient for scientific applications.
Java's Role in Internet Programming
How did the emergence of the Web impact Java?
It propelled Java to the forefront of computer language design due to the demand for portable programs.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
What influenced the development of the C language?
The older language BCPL and the language B.
Complexity Management in Programming
What are the key features of object-oriented programming?
Inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.
Java's Role in Internet Programming
What are the two broad categories of objects transmitted in a network?
Passive information and dynamic, active programs.
Java Applets vs. Applications
What are the two types of programs that Java can create?
Applications and applets.
Security and Portability in Java
What are the two fundamental problems associated with applets?
Security and portability.
Security and Portability in Java
How does Java address security concerns when downloading applets?
By providing a 'firewall' between the networked application and the computer.
Java's Role in Internet Programming
What is Java's primary association in the modern context?
The online environment of the Internet.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
What programming issue was caused by the reliance on GOTO in early languages?
It led to 'spaghetti code', making programs difficult to understand.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
What was a limitation of Pascal compared to other languages?
It was structured but not designed for efficiency and lacked features for systems-level code.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
How does Java reflect the quality of programming?
If you program well, your programs reflect it; if you program poorly, your programs reflect that too.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
What marked the significance of the creation of C?
It synthesized conflicting attributes of earlier languages, marking the beginning of the modern age of computer languages.
The Creation and Purpose of Java
What was revolutionary about the initial release of Java?
It marked the beginning of rapid innovation in programming languages.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What is one significant benefit of the JIT compilation approach?
It yields a significant performance boost.
Java Applets vs. Applications
What makes an applet an 'intelligent program'?
It can react to user input and dynamically change.
Java's Lineage and Influences
What fundamental reasons drive the innovation and development of computer languages?
To adapt to changing environments and to implement refinements in programming.
Security and Portability in Java
What risks are associated with downloading normal programs?
Viral infections and malicious programs that can gather private information.
Complexity Management in Programming
What are some trade-offs often made in programming language design?
Ease-of-use versus power, safety versus efficiency, rigidity versus extensibility.
Security and Portability in Java
What is the goal of Java's architecture regarding code longevity and portability?
The goal is 'write once; run anywhere, any time, forever.'
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What does 'dynamic' mean in relation to Java?
Java can adapt to changing conditions at runtime.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
What unique aspect did C have compared to previous programming languages?
It was designed by real programmers rather than as academic exercises or by bureaucratic committees.
Security and Portability in Java
What common problems arise from manual memory management in C/C++?
Programmers may forget to free allocated memory or try to free memory still in use.
Security and Portability in Java
What priority was given in the design of Java to ensure program reliability?
The ability to create robust programs.
Java's Lineage and Influences
What was a key driving force behind the creation of Java?
The need to solve fundamental problems that preceding languages could not.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
What was a common issue with programming languages prior to C?
They optimized one set of traits but not others, leading to limitations.
Security and Portability in Java
What memory management feature does Java provide that traditional programming environments like C/C++ do not?
Java provides automatic garbage collection for unused objects.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What feature allows Java to maintain high performance while being platform-independent?
The use of a just-in-time compiler for Java bytecode.
Security and Portability in Java
What is considered the most important aspect of Java?
The ability to download applets with confidence that no harm will be done and that no security will be breached.
Java Applets vs. Applications
What is the main difference between an application and an applet?
An application runs on your computer, while an applet is designed to be transmitted over the Internet and executed by a Java-compatible Web browser.
Security and Portability in Java
How does Java ensure security during program execution?
The execution of every Java program is controlled by the JVM, which prevents side effects outside of the system.
The Development and Features of C++
What is a key characteristic of Java's object model?
It is simple and easy to extend.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
Why was BASIC considered limited?
It was easy to learn but not very powerful and lacked structure for large programs.
Java's Role in Internet Programming
What problem did Java aim to solve that became urgent with the advent of the Internet?
The need for portable (platform-independent) programs.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What is a key characteristic of Java as a programming language?
It is cohesive and logically consistent.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What performance advantage does Java offer compared to other interpreted languages?
Java was designed to perform well on low-power CPUs and can be translated into native machine code for high performance.
Java's Role in Internet Programming
Why is bytecode important for Java's portability?
Because only the JVM needs to be implemented for each platform, allowing any Java program to run on it.
Complexity Management in Programming
What is a downside of interpreted languages like Java?
They generally run slower than compiled languages.
Complexity Management in Programming
How does Java mitigate the performance issues of interpretation?
The use of bytecode enables the Java run-time system to execute programs much faster than expected.
Java's Role in Internet Programming
What is the relationship between Java's bytecode and different CPU types?
If Java were compiled to native code, different versions would be needed for each CPU type, which is not feasible.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What feature of Java helps reduce confusion for programmers?
Java has a small number of clearly defined ways to accomplish tasks.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
What was a major challenge with assembly language?
It produced highly efficient programs but was difficult to learn and debug.
The Creation and Purpose of Java
What type of programmers is Java designed for?
Professional programmers.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
How does Java handle exceptional conditions compared to traditional programming environments?
Java provides object-oriented exception handling, making it easier to manage run-time errors.
Java's Key Features and Buzzwords
What programming capability does Java support to create interactive, networked programs?
Java supports multithreaded programming.
Security and Portability in Java
How does Java achieve cross-platform compatibility?
By compiling into an intermediate representation called Java bytecode, which can be interpreted on any system with a Java Virtual Machine.
The Creation and Purpose of Java
What was Java designed to be for professional programmers?
Easy to learn and use effectively.
Java's Lineage and Influences
How does Java inherit characteristics from C and C++?
Java derives its syntax from C and many object-oriented features from C++.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
What was the context leading to the creation of C in the early 1970s?
The demand for software was rapidly outpacing programmers' ability to produce it.
Java's Lineage and Influences
Why did the Java designers choose to echo the syntax of C and C++?
To make Java appealing to experienced C/C++ programmers.
History and Evolution of Programming Languages
When was C formally standardized?
In December 1989 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).