What is the significance of the dwellings at Ostia during the late Roman period?
They reflect the emphasis on interior design in less pretentious Roman architecture.
Who built the Pantheon in Rome and when?
Emperor Hadrian in A.D. 120.
Interior Design in Roman Architecture

What is the significance of the dwellings at Ostia during the late Roman period?

They reflect the emphasis on interior design in less pretentious Roman architecture.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

Who built the Pantheon in Rome and when?

Emperor Hadrian in A.D. 120.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What notable feature decorates the Pantheon?

Rows of colored marble columns and arches.

Development of Classical Chairs

What fixed form was established for classical chairs in the early 5th century B.C.?

A broad horizontal back with a list at the top.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What time period does the Gordon House date back to?

117-138 AD.

Roman Columnar Orders

What is the Composite Order?

It is a classical order that combines elements of the Corinthian Order with Ionic volutes.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What type of structures are represented in the plans from Ostia?

Houses and apartment houses.

Comparison of Greek and Roman Architectural Styles

How did Roman architecture differ from Greek architecture in terms of columns?

Romans often used columns in a decorative and non-structural manner, unlike the Greeks.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

When was the bathing establishment of Emperor Caracalla built?

In A.D. 216.

Roman Columnar Orders

Which columnar order did the Romans prefer and adopt?

The Corinthian order.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What is the approximate date of the House of Diana?

Circa 150 AD.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What type of space does the Pantheon's dome create?

A dramatic top-lit space.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What was the purpose of the vast bathing establishments like that of Emperor Caracalla?

To house large numbers of bathers, specifically 1600.

Roman Architectural Influence

What did the Romans adopt from Greek architecture after their conquest?

The technical and stylistic traditions of ancient Greece and the Hellenistic period.

Roman Columnar Orders

What is the Composite Order characterized by?

Its capital design featuring two rows of acanthus leaves.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What is the diameter of the Pantheon's dome?

Nearly 150 feet (43.3 m).

Use of Concrete in Roman Architecture

What material did the Romans develop by the end of the first century B.C.?

A natural concrete made from volcanic sand mixed with lime.

Evolution of Roman Furniture

What was the general characteristic of Roman furniture?

It was sparse and limited to essentials.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What types of structures were erected during the final period of the Western Empire?

Massive edifices for entertainment, palaces, theatres, temples, oval amphitheatres, and grand basilicas.

Roman Columnar Orders

Which classical order does the Composite Order elaborate on?

The Corinthian Order.

Greek Furniture Design

What is depicted in Figure 1.26?

A Greek couch with cut-out legs and a table painted on a vase depicting a reclining male (530 to 510 B.C.).

Greek Furniture Design

What design feature is highlighted in the chair from Figure 1.27b?

An unusual chair back with a palmette finial.

Evolution of Roman Furniture

How did the development of concrete affect Roman architecture?

It revolutionized building construction and transformed classical architecture.

Roman Columnar Orders

What is the Tuscan order based on?

A simplified Doric form developed from the Etruscan style with no flutings.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What is the significance of the House of Fortuna Annonaria?

It is a late Roman house from the late 2nd century, remodeled in the 4th century.

Use of Concrete in Roman Architecture

What architectural innovation allowed Rome's architectural genius to shine?

The introduction of concrete.

Greek Furniture Design

What characteristic is noted about the throne in Figure 1.27a?

It has cut-out legs and volute capitals, which lessen the strength of the legs.

Evolution of Roman Furniture

What type of furniture did Romans rely on for inspiration?

Greek furniture prototypes of the Hellenistic period.

Roman Architectural Influence

What architectural system did Roman architects extend to accommodate concrete?

The architectural system of arches.

Roman Columnar Orders

What are the key features of the Composite Order?

It has acanthus leaves in its capital combined with Ionic volutes.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

When was the House of Cupid and Psyche built?

Around 300 AD.

Monumentality in Roman Structures

What influenced the architectural styles that followed the Romans?

The enormous energy, spirit, and spatial imagination of the Romans, particularly their monumental architecture.

Interior Design in Roman Architecture

What aspect of architecture did Romans emphasize more than the Greeks?

The design of the interior.

Public Buildings in Ancient Rome

What architectural requirement did vast public buildings in Rome have?

Large roofed halls.

Comparison of Greek and Roman Architectural Styles

How did Roman theatres and temples compare to their Hellenistic equivalents?

They were loftier and grander, generally following the Corinthian style.

Monumentality in Roman Structures

What significant change occurred at the end of the Republican era in Rome?

Great generals like Sulla, Pompey, and Julius Caesar provided Rome with monuments worthy of a world capital.

Development of Classical Chairs

How did chair design evolve during the Classical period?

Chair legs developed a more pronounced outward curve, and the back swept upward in a continuous line.

Monumentality in Roman Structures

What is a notable example of Roman architecture that reflects their emphasis on interior space?

The imperial palaces and edifices of Rome.

Development of Classical Chairs

What new forms of architecture were introduced by the Romans?

Oval amphitheatres, grand basilicas, and multi-storied residential and commercial blocks.

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