Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What is traditional knowledge (TK)?
Knowledge, know-how, skills, and practices developed, sustained, and passed on within a local or indigenous community, often part of its cultural or spiritual identity.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
How is traditional knowledge transmitted?
Orally, from generation to generation.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What forms can traditional knowledge take?
Stories, songs, folklore, proverbs, cultural values, beliefs, rituals, community laws, local language, and agricultural practices.
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
In which fields is traditional knowledge mainly practical?
Agriculture, fisheries, health, horticulture, forestry, and environmental management.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
How did WIPO define traditional knowledge in July 2003?
As tradition-based literary, artistic, or scientific works; performances; inventions; scientific discoveries; designs; marks, names, symbols; undisclosed information; and other tradition-based innovations and creations.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What does 'tradition-based' refer to in the context of traditional knowledge?
Knowledge systems, creations, innovations, and cultural expressions that have been transmitted from generation to generation, generally regarded as pertaining to a particular people or territory, and constantly evolving.
Historical Impact of Social Change on Traditional Knowledge Systems
How do traditional knowledge systems evolve?
They evolve in response to a changing environment while integrating elements from other knowledge systems.
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
What kinds of knowledge does traditional knowledge encompass?
Agricultural, scientific, technical, ecological, medicinal, and biodiversity-related knowledge.
Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development
How does Traditional Knowledge contribute to environmental sustainability?
TK paves the way for low energy and resource use solutions that adapt to environmental variability.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
How do Traditional Values and Ethics influence natural resource practices?
They define acceptable practices in harvesting, conservation, and sharing resources.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
How can Traditional Knowledge impact local communities?
TK activities are sources of income, food, and healthcare for local/indigenous communities.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What are the kinds of Traditional Knowledge mentioned?
Cultural Knowledge, Artistic Knowledge, Medicinal Knowledge, Biodiversity/Natural Resources Knowledge, Agricultural Knowledge, Sacred Knowledge.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What are the key characteristics of traditional and indigenous knowledge?
They are unwritten, customary, pragmatic, experiential, and holistic.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What was the outcome of the turmeric patent filed by Indian researchers?
The USPTO revoked the patent in 1997 after objections from the Indian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What is Neem (Azadirachta indica) known for?
It is known as a natural medicine, pesticide, and fertilizer.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
What is a key characteristic of learning in traditional knowledge systems?
Learning by doing and experiencing.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What are the expected outcomes of protecting traditional knowledge?
Ensuring TK holders receive their due and preserving relevant practices.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What are some characteristics of traditional knowledge?
Generated within local communities, transmitted across generations, and learned through observation.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is the purpose of Community/People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs) in India?
To document the knowledge, skills, and techniques of local communities related to biological resources.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
How do PBRs help local communities?
They instill a greater sense of pride and act as a deterrent to bio-piracy.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
Why is it essential to encourage dialogue among various cultures on traditional knowledge?
To discover unknown knowledge and enhance existing knowledge for the larger good.
Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development
How is the traditional knowledge (TK) view described in handling ecological and social phenomena?
It is more holistic and better suited to handle uncertainty and unpredictability.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
Who are considered indigenous peoples?
Distinctive cultural groups that have inhabited all continents since time immemorial.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What equity consideration is important for TK holders?
They should receive fair compensation if the use of TK leads to commercial gain.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
Why is the protection of Traditional Knowledge (TK) vital for indigenous communities?
It is integral to their cultural identity and essential for their well-being and sustainable development.
Government Initiatives for Protecting Traditional Knowledge in India
What authority was established in 2003 to implement the Biodiversity Act?
The National Biodiversity Authority (NBA).
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
What is a potential benefit of combining Traditional Knowledge with modern science?
TK can help find useful solutions to contemporary problems.
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
What types of knowledge does traditional knowledge encompass?
Technical knowledge (agricultural, ecological, medical) and general cultural expressions (music, dance, weaving).
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
How does UNESCO recognition help in protecting traditional medicinal knowledge?
It prevents patenting of traditional medicinal knowledge by international pharmaceuticals.
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
What kind of information do PBRs contain?
Comprehensive information on local biological resources, their uses, and associated traditional knowledge.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
How is traditional knowledge characterized as adaptive?
It is based on historical experiences but adapts to social, economic, environmental, spiritual, and political changes.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What does it mean for traditional knowledge to be cumulative?
It is a body of knowledge and skills developed over centuries from living in close proximity to nature.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
Why is traditional knowledge considered dynamic?
It has developed, adapted, and grown over millennia, and is not rooted in a particular point in history.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
Why is traditional knowledge (TK) important for local and indigenous communities?
It is integral to their identity and attempts to exploit TK can harm their interests.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What did the US Patent 5,663,484 claim regarding Basmati Rice?
It claimed a rice plant with characteristics similar to traditional Indian Basmati Rice lines.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is the Group of Like-Minded Megadiverse Countries (LMMC) aiming to achieve?
They aim to negotiate the development of an international regime on access and benefit sharing for traditional knowledge.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What challenges exist in protecting traditional knowledge through IPR?
Determining the appropriate category of IPR and the limited duration of protection.
Government Initiatives for Protecting Traditional Knowledge in India
Which organization is responsible for carrying out research in traditional knowledge in India?
The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What makes Indigenous knowledge unique?
It is unique to a given culture or society and informed by the lived experience of each community.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What is Traditional Ecological Knowledge?
Knowledge gained over thousands of years through direct contact with the environment, including relationships between plants and animals.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What classification system does the TKRC use?
The International Patent Classification system (IPC).
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
How does the TKRC enhance traditional knowledge classification?
By expanding one IPC group into about 5000 sub-groups for better specificity.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What role has the TKDL played regarding patent applications?
It has contributed to the cancellation or withdrawal of many applications for traditional medicinal formulations.
Historical Impact of Social Change on Traditional Knowledge Systems
What significant change occurred for indigenous peoples in the second half of the twentieth century?
They were recognized in human rights documents during decolonization.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
How does protecting Traditional Knowledge benefit the national economy?
It enables developing countries to make greater commercial use of their biological wealth and increase exports of TK-related products.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is the purpose of making a list of existing traditional knowledge systems for patenting authorities?
To prevent third parties from exploiting community knowledge by providing a reference for patenting.
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
What is the focus of natural resource management in traditional knowledge?
Methods of management, weather forecasting, and sustainable practices used by communities.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is the purpose of the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL)?
To systematically and scientifically record traditional medicinal knowledge such as Ayurveda and Unani.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What did Indian researchers Suman K. Das and Harihar P. Kohli patent in 1995?
They filed a patent on the wound healing property of Turmeric (Curcuma longa).
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
How does the existence of multiple languages affect the protection of traditional knowledge in India?
The presence of many languages and dialects complicates the documentation and tracing of traditional knowledge.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What is the contention regarding the duration of protection for traditional knowledge?
The question is how long traditional knowledge systems can be protected, especially since they are evolving.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is one reason for protecting Traditional Knowledge related to the livelihoods of TK holders?
TK is a valuable asset for indigenous and local communities, and their livelihood and well-being depend on it.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is defensive protection in the context of traditional knowledge?
Defensive protection involves providing legal remedies to communities to prevent exploitation of their knowledge.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
What is the difference between technical knowledge and general traditional knowledge?
Technical knowledge relates to natural resources and technology, while general traditional knowledge involves cultural expressions.
Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development
How can a valuation mechanism benefit biodiversity conservation?
By increasing awareness and allocation of resources for the protection of TK.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
Why is the protection of traditional knowledge (TK) important?
To prevent unauthorized and commercial misuse, such as biopiracy.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is the purpose of the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library?
To contain information about traditional medicine and methods, and to check the genuineness of patent applications.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
What is the Indian concept of knowledge compared to the Western perspective?
In India, knowledge is a purifier, while in the West it is often seen as power.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What makes traditional knowledge dynamic?
It is based on innovation, adaptation, and experimentation.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
Does Indigenous knowledge require validation from Western science?
No, it does not require validation from Western science.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What is required for the use or distribution of information from PBRs?
The knowledge and consent of the local community.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
How is Indigenous knowledge passed down within a community?
Orally through language, stories, songs, ceremonies, legends, and proverbs.
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
Why is Indigenous knowledge considered invaluable?
It is seen as key to sustainable social and economic development.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What was the issue with the Basmati Rice case involving Rice Tec. Inc.?
Rice Tec. applied for a trademark for TEXMATI, which was opposed by the Agricultural and Processed Food Exports Authority (APEDA).
Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development
What conservation concern does Traditional Knowledge address?
It contributes to conserving the environment, biodiversity, and promotes sustainable agricultural practices.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
How does protection of Traditional Knowledge help preserve culture?
It raises the profile of the knowledge and the people entrusted with it both within and outside the communities.
Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development
In what way does Traditional Knowledge respond to emergencies?
TK provides flexible and multifunctional responses to emergencies and catastrophes.
Government Initiatives for Protecting Traditional Knowledge in India
What collaboration established the TKDL in India?
The Indian National Institute of Science Communication (NISCOM) and the Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM&H).
Government Initiatives for Protecting Traditional Knowledge in India
What role does the government play in the protection of traditional knowledge?
To establish policies that safeguard TK and support its rightful holders.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
Why is the protection of Traditional Knowledge considered inevitable?
Because TK plays a significant role even in modern days.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
Are there specific laws to protect traditional knowledge systems?
No, there are no specific laws; existing parts of laws can be used to protect community rights.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What evidence was used against claims 15-17 of the Rice Tec patent?
Evidence from the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) Bulletin and germplasm collection from the Directorate of Rice Research.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What happens to Indigenous knowledge as Indigenous languages decline?
The knowledge is lost along with the language and the collective memory of its speakers.
Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development
In what way can indigenous knowledge contribute to sustainable development?
It can provide the foundation for locally appropriate sustainable development.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
How do Indigenous communities view time and patterns in nature?
As non-linear and cyclical.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
How do companies benefit from indigenous knowledge?
By copying traditional techniques, they save on Research and Development costs and ensure income through exclusive commercial use.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What form of protection is considered best for traditional knowledge?
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What is one serious consequence of being trained in a foreign system ignoring India's traditional knowledge?
Loss of self-confidence due to the perception that Western knowledge is the only valid source.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
What is the relationship between traditional knowledge and indigenous knowledge?
All indigenous knowledge is a subset of traditional knowledge, but not all traditional knowledge is indigenous.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What are some losses associated with neglecting traditional knowledge?
Loss of creativity, aesthetics, appreciation of heritage, and cultural values.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
Who was Bhartrhari and what was his view on knowledge?
Bhartrhari was a philosopher who believed that critical acumen comes from interacting with other traditions.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What was patented by Rice Tec in 1997?
A novel rice plant and various rice lines, along with methods for selection and propagation.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What were claims 15-17 of the Rice Tec patent about?
A rice grain having characteristics similar to Indian Basmati rice lines.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
Why is the creator of traditional knowledge often unidentifiable?
Because it is generated collectively within communities.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What are the limitations of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) mechanisms in protecting TK?
They are inadequate for the whole spectrum of TK and may not prevent imitations.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
How does indigenous knowledge reflect humility?
It does not dictate how to control nature but emphasizes living in harmony with the gifts of the Creator.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is the purpose of creating Traditional Knowledge Registries?
To establish a legal claim over traditional knowledge by putting it into a database.
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
What are some examples of herbal remedies mentioned in the text?
Neem for fungal infection, Turmeric for wound healing, Basil leaves for cold and cough, Neem twigs as toothbrushes, Ginger for digestion issues.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
How is traditional knowledge typically transmitted?
Orally and through continuous observation and practice.
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
What cross-disciplinary skill did ancient India's learned men possess?
They were polymaths proficient in multiple disciplines, making connections easily.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What potential threat does globalization pose to Indian knowledge systems?
It may push back traditional knowledge further by imposing a Western outlook.
Government Initiatives for Protecting Traditional Knowledge in India
What has been done to strengthen intellectual property rights in relation to traditional knowledge in India?
IPR laws have been upgraded to include all types of property rights, including traditional knowledge.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
What method does traditional knowledge primarily use?
Intuitive and holistic methods.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What is a potential risk associated with biodiversity registers?
They may place knowledge in the public domain, inviting exploitation by corporate and research interests.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
What complicates the estimation of the value of Traditional Knowledge (TK) in the global economy?
The need to ascribe value to both physical resources and intangible local knowledge.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What does holistic knowledge entail?
It views all aspects of life as interconnected, considering them as part of a whole rather than in isolation.
Government Initiatives for Protecting Traditional Knowledge in India
What is the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) for indigenous peoples?
It recognized their rights and protections in the context of global human rights.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
Which sectors profit from bio-piracy?
Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and agri-food companies.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What does the patenting of biological materials deny?
The concept of common goods.
Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development
What is the People's Biodiversity Register (PBR)?
An initiative aimed at promoting sustainable use and equitable benefit sharing while conserving biological diversity.
Scope and Importance of Traditional Knowledge in Various Fields
What does Traditional Technical Knowledge encompass?
Design and development of tools for natural resource management, housing, water harvesting, agriculture, and more.
Historical Impact of Social Change on Traditional Knowledge Systems
What impact did British colonization have on Indian knowledge systems?
It replaced Indian systems with Western education and cultural systems, adversely affecting native knowledge.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
What is the significance of traditional knowledge in the global economy?
It holds value that can benefit TK holders and contribute to sustainable practices.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What is one major challenge in protecting traditional knowledge?
Traditional knowledge is often passed down orally, making it difficult to trace its origin.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What critical issues does traditional knowledge concern?
Decision making and survival strategies.
Government Initiatives for Protecting Traditional Knowledge in India
What is the significance of the over 32,000 Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) established in India?
They support the implementation of biodiversity governance at the local level.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
How is Western science characterized?
By analytical and reductionist methods.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
How does traditional knowledge differ in terms of transmission?
It relies on oral transmission.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What critical connection is often overlooked in Indigenous knowledge?
The connection between Indigenous knowledge and language.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What should be considered when protecting traditional knowledge?
The interests of its rightful custodians.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What cases have the TKDL helped prevent in terms of patenting?
The turmeric and neem cases.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What is a major concern of TK holders regarding their traditional lifestyles?
The loss of traditional lifestyles and the reluctance of younger members to carry forward traditional practices.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What role does Prior Informed Consent play in the protection of traditional knowledge?
It ensures that communities consent before their traditional knowledge is used, helping to protect their rights.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What happened to the European Patent granted for Neem oil?
The patent was revoked by the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2000 after opposition from NGOs and Indian farmers.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What is the definition of Bio-piracy according to the Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration?
The appropriation of the knowledge and genetic resources of farming and indigenous communities by individuals and institutions seeking exclusive monopoly control over these resources and knowledge.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What role does the World Intellectual Property Organisation play in traditional knowledge?
The organisation emphasizes the need for protection of traditional knowledge systems through intellectual property rights.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
What focus does traditional knowledge have compared to Western science?
Focus on practical application versus understanding.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What is the impact of bio-piracy on indigenous communities?
It damages community knowledge, traditional knowledge, and national heritage.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What do Megadiverse countries agree upon regarding Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)?
To ensure prior informed consent and mutually agreed upon terms between the country of origin and user country.
Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development
What moral responsibility do Indigenous Peoples feel towards nature?
They feel a responsibility to respect the natural world as given by the Creator.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
Why is it difficult to trace the origin of traditional knowledge systems?
Because TK is passed down orally, making documentation challenging and opening it to exploitation.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
What is the public reaction in India regarding bio-piracy?
There is strong opposition because it threatens the livelihoods of many rural people dependent on agriculture and indigenous knowledge.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
What opportunities could arise from the valuation of TK?
Opening new markets and improving existing markets based on TK.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
What is the role of observation in Indigenous knowledge?
Indigenous leaders have observed their environment to make decisions for the well-being of their community.
Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development
What belief do Indigenous Peoples hold regarding their responsibility towards the environment?
They generally believe they are responsible for the well-being of the natural environment around them.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
What are some traditional systems of medicine practiced in the developing world?
Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Chinese, Tibetan, Homeopathy, Yoga, Meditation, Acupuncture, Acupressure.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
How is wisdom valued in traditional knowledge?
There is trust in inherited wisdom.
Comparison of Traditional Knowledge with Indigenous and Western Knowledge
How does Western science generally approach knowledge?
With skepticism and a focus on evidence and theory.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
How are knowledge holders empowered under positive protection laws?
They can seek remedies against misuse of traditional knowledge and benefit from commercial windfall.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is equitable benefit sharing?
An agreement that allows two parties, including indigenous communities, to utilize knowledge for commercial purposes.
Significance of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy
What is a common reason for reliance on traditional medicine in developing countries?
Affordability issues related to modern medicines.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What legislative tool could support indigenous and local communities' rights over traditional knowledge?
A declaration of rights of indigenous and local communities, including ownership of their traditional knowledge.
Challenges in Protecting Traditional Knowledge
What issue arises from the lack of respect for Traditional Knowledge?
It leads to misappropriation of TK, including its use without benefit sharing or in a derogatory manner.
Bio-piracy and Case Studies of Traditional Knowledge Misappropriation
Why is India a target for bio-piracy?
Because it has a diverse range of biological resources and is one of the world's mega biodiversity hotspots.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge and the Need for Safeguards
What is the significance of recognizing customary laws in national legislation?
It allows customary laws governing traditional knowledge to have legal effect beyond the communities.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
Who typically carries more Indigenous knowledge within a community?
Elders carry more knowledge than younger community members.
Definition and Characteristics of Traditional Knowledge
How is Indigenous knowledge perceived in terms of social and spiritual relations?
It is rooted in a context that sees all life forms as interconnected and infused with spirit.