What type of events is the Poisson Distribution usually associated with?
Rare events.
What are the key characteristics of a Poisson distribution?
It describes events that occur independently and at a constant average rate.
Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What type of events is the Poisson Distribution usually associated with?

Rare events.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What are the key characteristics of a Poisson distribution?

It describes events that occur independently and at a constant average rate.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the formula for the standard deviation of a Binomial Distribution?

σ = √(np(1 - p)).

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability distribution for an area of 100 cm²?

X ~ Poisson(μ = 2) and Y ~ Poisson(μ = 4).

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the initial number of tagged fishes captured by the scientist?

250 fishes.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is a key property of the CDF?

F(x) is an increasing function from 0 to 1.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

How do the draws differ when sampling with replacement versus without replacement?

With replacement, the draws are independent; without replacement, the draws are not independent.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

What does the variable 'x' represent in the context of the problem?

The number of tagged fishes found in the recapture (16).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does the notation [n choose x] represent in the Binomial Distribution?

[n choose x] represents the number of ways to choose x successes in n trials, calculated as n! / [x!(n-x)!].

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What distribution does the number of heads in 5 tosses of a fair coin follow?

X ~ Binomial(5, 0.5).

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What is the relationship between the random variables Y and X when Y = aX + c?

Y is also a discrete random variable.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the binomial distribution used for in the given example?

To find the probability of obtaining 0, 1, and 2 heads when tossing a fair coin twice.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the sample variance represented by?


Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

If X ~ B(i, p), what does X approximate when the conditions are met?

X can be well-approximated by Y ~ P(μ), where μ = np.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability Pr(Y ≤ 3) based on the Poisson approximation?


Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the notation used for the number of chocolate drops in each cookie?

X ~ Poisson(μ).

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is the approximate value of e in the limit expression lim n→∞ (1 + 1/n)^n?

The approximate value is 2.718.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

How many items are in a lot?

25 items.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is one of the most widely used discrete distributions?

Poisson Distribution.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

When can the Poisson approximation be applied to the Binomial distribution?

When the number of trials is large and the probability of success is small.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What conclusion can the buyer draw from the probability calculation?

It can give him confidence in accepting the lot.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is an example of a discrete probability distribution involving coin flips?

Flipping a coin 50 times and observing the number of heads.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the alternative formula for calculating variance used in the example?

σ² = Σ [ (x - μ)² * Pr(X=x) ]

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is a key property of the CDF?

It is an increasing function from 0 to 1.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

How is the maximum probability value for Pr(X = k) determined?

By comparing Pr(X = w + 1) and Pr(X = w).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What happens to the proportion of neutrophils in patients with bacterial or acute viral infections?

It is much higher than 70%.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What does the CDF look like for a continuous random variable?

It is a smooth curve.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the mean of the Negative Binomial Distribution?

E(X) = V * p.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the goal regarding the probability of chocolate drops in cookies?

To ensure that the probability of each cookie containing at least 1 chocolate drop is greater than 99%.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What does the expression k! in the limit formula signify?

k! is the factorial of k, representing the number of ways to arrange k successes.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

If X is the number of colonies in 100 cm², how is X distributed?

X ~ Poisson(μ = 2).

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability Pr(Y ≤ 2) calculated in the example?


Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What does the random variable X represent in the context of weight?

X = weight of an individual.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability of obtaining 1 head when tossing a coin twice?

Pr(X = 1) = 1/2.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What kind of events does the Poisson Distribution describe?

Independent events occurring over a period of time or space.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the scenario described in the example?

A buyer checks a sample of machine parts from a lot to determine if he should accept it.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does the 47 Rule of Thumb state about the approximation of random variables?

Pr(X = x) ≈ Pr(Y = x) for all possible values of x.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What distribution does the number of defectives found in the sample follow?

Hypergeometric distribution.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

How does the shape of the Poisson distribution change with small μ?

It is heavily skewed to the right.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

How is the expected number of successes in n trials calculated?

It is calculated by multiplying the probability of success in one trial (p) by the number of trials (n).

Negative Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does the Negative Binomial Distribution model?

The number of times a fixed number of successes occurs in a series of experiments.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

How many students are in the STAT1012 midterm exam?

100 students.

Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the formula for the variance of a binomial distribution?

σ² = np(1 - p)

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What happens to the CDF as the number of possible values increases?

The CDF will get smoother and smoother.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

How do you calculate the probability of no calls in the next minute?

Pr(X = 0).

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the expected number of bacterial colonies per cm²?


Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the mean (μ) for the Poisson approximation in this example?

μ = ip = 2.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What is an example of a random variable when tossing two dice?

X = Sum of the numbers on the two dice.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the average number of calls in 6 minutes?

Y ~ Poisson(5 * 2).

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the formula for E[X²] in a binomial distribution?

E[X²] = Σ (x² * P(X=x)) for x = 0 to n.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of no calls in the next 6 minutes?

Pr(Y = 0).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the shape of the binomial distribution when p = 0.5?

The distribution is symmetric.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

Give an example of a discrete random variable.

The number of heads in a series of coin flips.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

How can Poisson probability be calculated rapidly?

By using the recursion relation: Pr(X = x) = μ^x * Pr(X = x - 1), for x = 1, 2, ...

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What is a random variable (r.v.)?

A numeric quantity that takes different values with specified probabilities.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

What does the variable 'i' represent in the context of the problem?

The number of fishes recaptured (150).

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What distribution does the number of recaptured tagged fishes follow?

Hypergeometric distribution.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the CDF value for 0 ≤ x < 1?


Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the goal for the number of spare calculators to bring for the exam?

To ensure all students have calculators with at least a 90% chance.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

In the paper production example, what area is being considered?

An area of 1000m².

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What are the parameters of a Binomial distribution?

The number of trials (n) and the probability of success (p).

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the significance of the empty circle in the CDF?

It indicates that F(1) is excluded from the value 0.129.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

How is a random variable X defined in the context of Binomial distribution?

X is the total number of successes in n independent experiments.

Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions

What does Pr(X > k) represent in the context of the Geometric Distribution?

It represents the probability of needing more than k trials to achieve the first success.

Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions

When does the Negative Binomial Distribution reduce to the Geometric Distribution?

When V = 1.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What condition must be satisfied for Pr(X ≥ 1)?

Pr(X ≥ 1) ≥ 0.99.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the mean of a Binomial Distribution?

μ = E[X] = np, where p is the probability of success.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

Can discrete random variables take on any value within a range?

No, they can only take specific, distinct values.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is Euler's constant (w) approximately equal to?

Approximately 2.718.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What are the measures of location for a sample?

Sample Mean, Median, Mode.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the variance (σ²) of the random variable X in the example?


Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the distribution of the number of white balls drawn without replacement from the same box?

X follows a hypergeometric distribution with N = 30, N1 = 10, N2 = 20, i = 5.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

What formula is used to estimate the total number of fishes (N)?

N = (150 * 250) / 16.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the formula for the expected value (population mean)?

E(X) = μ.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

In the coin flip example, what are we calculating?

The probabilities of obtaining 0, 1, 2, ..., 50 heads.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is a Binomial Distribution?

A probability distribution that summarizes the likelihood of a value taking on two independent values under a given set of parameters.

Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions

What does the Memorylessness property imply about trials in an experiment?

The conditional probability distribution of additional trials does not depend on how many failures have been observed.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does the Binomial distribution represent?

The probability distribution on the number of successes in independent experiments.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What type of distribution is assumed for the number of chocolate drops in cookies?

Poisson distribution.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability Pr(Y ≤ 2) based on the Poisson approximation?


Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the distribution of Y, the number of pairs of twins born?

Y follows a Binomial distribution with parameters n = 120 and p = 0.016.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

How is the variance of a Binomial Distribution calculated?

σ² = np(1 - p), where n is the number of trials and p is the probability of success.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the standard deviation of the Poisson distribution?

σ = μ.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

What is the initial number of fishes captured and tagged by the scientist?

250 fishes.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

How many of the recaptured fishes were tagged?

16 tagged fishes.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What is a random variable (r.v.)?

A numeric quantity that takes different values with specified probabilities.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the condition for p in a Poisson distribution?

p should be small (< 0.11).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the conditional probability of getting 6 heads given that there are at least 4 heads when tossing a fair coin 5 times?

Pr(X = 5 | X ≥ 4) = Pr(X = 5) / (Pr(X = 4) + Pr(X = 5)) = 1/6.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability that a particular student forgot to bring a calculator in the STAT1012 midterm exam?


Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What does P(X = x) represent?

The probability that the random variable X takes the value x.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What indicates that the probability is monotonically increasing?

If Pr(X = t + 1) / Pr(X = t) ≥ 1.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

How is the expected value of Y calculated?

E(Y) = aE(X) + c.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is a key characteristic of the Binomial Distribution?

It has a finite number of trials.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the formula for the probability of getting exactly k successes in n trials in a Binomial distribution?

The formula is P(X = k) = (n choose k) * p^k * (1 - p)^(n - k).

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is a key characteristic of the Poisson Distribution?

The number of trials can be infinite.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What is the relationship between the random variables Y and X when Y = aX + c?

Y is also a discrete random variable.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability of obtaining 0 heads when tossing a coin twice?

Pr(X = 0) = 1/4.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability Pr(Y ≤ 3) calculated in the example?


Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What does the term 'n choose x' refer to in the pmf of the Binomial distribution?

It refers to the number of ways to choose x successes from n trials.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What are the possible values of x in a Binomial distribution?

x can take values from 0 to n.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the mean of the Poisson distribution?

E(X) = μ.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the variance of the Poisson distribution?

σ² = μ.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

In what scenarios is the Poisson distribution typically applied?

In scenarios like the number of phone calls received at a call center in an hour.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

How many fishes did the scientist recapture?

150 fishes.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the mean of a Binomial Distribution?

The mean (μ) is calculated as E(X) = np, where n is the number of trials and p is the probability of success.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

How many of the recaptured fishes were found to be tagged?

16 tagged fishes.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the CDF value for x < 0?


Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What defines a continuous random variable?

A random variable that can take a continuous range of values over an interval.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What distribution does the number of calls in each minute follow?

X ~ Poisson(5/3).

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is the primary difference between Binomial and Poisson distributions?

Binomial distribution is used for a fixed number of trials with two outcomes, while Poisson distribution is used for counting the number of events in a fixed interval of time or space.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability of rolling a 1 exactly twice when rolling an unbiased die 7 times?

Pr(X = 2) where X ~ Binomial(7, 1/6).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

In a Binomial distribution, what does 'p' represent?

'p' represents the probability of success in a single trial.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the conditional probability of the first 2 rolls being a 1 given that a 1 appears exactly twice in 7 rolls?

Pr(Y = 0 | X = 2) where Y ~ Binomial(5, 1/6).

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the probability mass function (pmf) for the number of neutrophils in a sample of 10?

Pr(X = x) = (10! / (x! (10 - x)!)) * (0.7^x) * (0.3^(10-x)), where x = 0, 1, ..., 10.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does the variable X represent in the context of tossing a fair coin?

The number of heads among 5 tosses.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability of observing 10 neutrophils in the sample?

Pr(X = 10) = 0.7^10 = 0.0282.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

How is the CDF graphically illustrated?

It looks like a series of steps, called the step function.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

How does a probability mass function relate to a frequency distribution?

PMF specifies the population, while frequency distribution summarizes the sample.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the shape of the binomial distribution when p > 0.5?

The distribution is left-skewed.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

How is the probability mass function (PMF) of a Poisson distribution defined?

P(X = k) = (λ^k * e^(-λ)) / k!, where k is the number of events.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is the Poisson approximation used for?

To approximate the Binomial distribution under certain conditions.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What happens to the probability of finding 0 defectives if the number of defectives in the lot increases?

The probability will be even lower.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

What is the estimated total number of fishes in the pond?

2343 fishes.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is the probability of drawing a white ball from the box?

1/3 (since there are 10 white balls out of 30 total).

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability that a particular student forgot to bring a calculator in the STAT1012 midterm exam?


Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the sample mean represented by?


Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the formula to calculate the probability of recapturing 16 tagged fishes?

Pr(X = 16) = (N1 choose 16) * ((N - N1) choose (n - 16)) / (N choose n).

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What are the three conditions for approximating a binomial distribution with a Poisson distribution?

i) n ≥ 2000, ii) p < 0.11, iii) np < 5.

Negative Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability formula for k successes in the Negative Binomial Distribution?

Pr(X = k) = (k - 1) choose (V - 1) * (1 - p)^(k - V) * p^V.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the probability notation for a range of values for a random variable?

P(a < X < b) represents the probability that X falls between a and b.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

How do you calculate the probability of at least 2 calls in the next minute?

Pr(X ≥ 2) = 1 - Pr(X = 0) - Pr(X = 1).

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the formula for the variance of Y?

V(Y) = a²V(X).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the distribution of the total number of heads (W = X + Y)?

W ~ B(5, 0.5)

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability we are calculating for the soccer match example?

The probability that the actual scores are 1:0.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability that the total number of heads (W) equals 0?

Pr(X + Y = 0) = Pr(X = 0) * Pr(Y = 0) = 0.5^5

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the mean of a Poisson distribution?

The mean of a Poisson distribution is equal to its parameter λ (lambda).

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

How do you compute Pr(μ - σ ≤ Y ≤ μ + σ)?

Use the normal approximation to the binomial distribution for large n.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What approximation can be used for a binomial distribution with large n and small p?

It can be approximated by a Poisson distribution.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 3 bacterial colonies in 100 cm²?


Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the parameter of the Poisson distribution?

The average number of events (λ) in the given interval.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the assumption about the number of defective items in the lot?

There are actually 6 defectives in the lot.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the measure of location for a population?

Expected Value.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What notation is commonly used for random variables?

Capital letters such as X, Y, Z.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What do x₁, x₂, ..., xᵢ represent in the variance formula?

They are the possible values of the random variable X.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What notation is commonly used for random variables?

Capital letters such as X, Y, Z.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What does E(X) = np < 5 indicate in the context of Poisson distribution?

'Rare events' means only a few events are expected to occur.

Negative Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

How is the Negative Binomial Distribution denoted?

X ~ N(B(V, p)).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the extension of the Binomial Distribution formula?

The extension involves calculating E(X) using the formula E(X) = np, where p is the probability of success.

Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions

What is the formula for the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a Geometric Distribution?

F_X(x) = Pr(X ≤ x) = 1 - (1 - p)^x.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

If 10 white blood cells are examined, what is the distribution of the number of neutrophils?

X ~ B(10, 0.7).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What are the parameters of the binomial distribution in this example?

i = 2 (number of trials), p = 0.5 (probability of heads).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What condition must be satisfied for the mode to be at i + 1p?

w + 1 ≤ i + 1p.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the value of F(0.99999) and F(1.00000)?

F(0.99999) = 0.129 and F(1.00000) = 0.393.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability Pr(Y ≤ 4) based on the Poisson approximation?


Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the expected value of a Binomial Distribution?

E(X) = n * p.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

How can the Poisson Distribution be conceptualized in relation to the Binomial Distribution?

As a Binomial distribution with an infinite number of experiments.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

When is the variance of a Binomial Distribution maximized?

When p = 0.5.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the binomial distribution with n = 10?

It refers to a binomial distribution with 10 trials.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

How is the expected value (μ) mathematically represented?

E(X) = μ = Σ (x_i * Pr(X = x_i)) for i = 1 to n.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability of finding 0 defectives in the sample?


Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the alternative formula for population variance?

σ² = E[X²] - (E[X])² = Σ (xᵢ² Pr(X = xᵢ)) - (Σ (xᵢ Pr(X = xᵢ)))²

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What are the probabilities associated with the outcomes for X?

Pr(X=0) = 1/4, Pr(X=1) = 1/2, Pr(X=2) = 1/4.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

How does the mean of the Poisson distribution relate to the Binomial distribution?

The mean of the Poisson distribution is equal to np, where n is the number of trials and p is the probability of success.

Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions

Which discrete distribution has the Memorylessness property?

Geometric Distribution.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What distribution does the number of students without a calculator follow?

Binomial distribution, specifically B(100, 0.02).

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

How is the expected value (E[X]) of a binomial distribution calculated?

E[X] = np

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the distribution of the number of heads among 1 HKD coins (X)?

X ~ B(2, 0.5)

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What are we calculating in the paper production example?

The probabilities of obtaining 0, 1, 2,... holes.

Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions

How is the probability of X being greater than k + j expressed?

Pr(X > k + j) = (1 - p)^(k+j).

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the variance of the Negative Binomial Distribution?

σ² = V * (1 - p) / p².

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the formula for calculating the probability of obtaining x heads?

Pr(X = x) = i! / (x! (i - x)!) * p^x * (1 - p)^(i - x).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What notation is used to denote a Binomial distribution?

X ~ B(n, p).

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 0 bacterial colonies in 100 cm²?


Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

How do you calculate the probability of at least 2 calls in the next 6 minutes?

Pr(Y ≥ 2) = 1 - Pr(Y = 0) - Pr(Y = 1).

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

In the example of tossing two fair coins, what does the random variable X represent?

The number of heads observed.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 5 or more colonies in 200 cm²?

Pr(Y ≥ 5) = 1 - Pr(Y ≤ 4) = 0.3711.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the Poisson distribution used for?

To model the number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What happens to the variance when p = 0 or p = 1?

Variance σ² = 0 due to no uncertainty on X.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the expected number of bacterial colonies per cm²?

0.02 per cm².

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the expected value (E[X]) of the random variable X in the example?


Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is the distribution of the number of white balls drawn with replacement from a box of 10 white and 20 black balls?

X follows a Binomial distribution: X ∼ B(5, 1/3).

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the intuition behind the expected value of 1 when tossing 2 fair coins?

We expect to obtain 1.0 head.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the requirement for the number of experiments to observe 'rare events' in a Poisson distribution?

A large n (≥ 2000) is needed.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the formula for the expected value E(X) in a Binomial Distribution?

E(X) = Σ (from x=0 to n) [n choose x] p^x (1-p)^(n-x).

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the average number of calls a telephone operator handles in 3 minutes?

Five calls.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the average number of holes in paper production over 100m²?

An average of 2 holes.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What are the two outcomes in a Binomial Distribution?

Success and failure.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

How many students are there in the STAT1012 midterm exam?

100 students.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What parameters define a Binomial Distribution?

The number of trials (n) and the probability of success (p).

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is the significance of the parameter μ in the context of the Poisson distribution?

μ represents the mean number of occurrences in a fixed interval for the Poisson distribution.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the relationship between E[X²] and variance in a binomial distribution?

Var(X) = E[X²] - (E[X])².

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the distribution of the number of neutrophils in a sample of 10 white blood cells?

X ~ Binomial(10, 0.7).

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

In the Poisson Distribution, what happens to the probability as the number of events increases?

The probability becomes very small when the number of events gets larger.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the probability mass function (pmf) of the Binomial distribution?

Pr(X = x) = (n choose x) * p^x * (1 - p)^(n - x), for x = 0, 1, 2, ..., n.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability of observing 10 neutrophils in the sample?

Pr(X = 10) = 0.0282.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability formula for a Poisson random variable?

Pr(X = k) = (w^(-μ) * μ^k) / k!, where k = 0, 1, 2, ...

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What does the parameter μ represent in the Poisson Distribution?

The expected number of events to occur.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

How is the Poisson Distribution denoted?

X ~ Poisson(μ).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the condition for X2 ~ Binomial(20, 0.1)?

It has marginal n and p, making it an okay approximation.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the condition for X3 ~ Binomial(1000, 0.002)?

n is large and p is small, making it a good approximation.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

How many fishes did the scientist recapture?

150 fishes.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the parameter of the Poisson distribution?

The average rate (λ) of occurrence.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What defines a discrete random variable?

A random variable for which there exists a discrete set of numeric values.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What happens if ip is an integer in the context of the mode?

Then E[X] = ip is the mode.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the measure of spread in a population called?

Population Variance.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the CDF value for 1 ≤ x < 2?


Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability Pr(Y ≤ 1) based on the Poisson approximation?


Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the CDF value for x ≥ 2?


Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What does a probability mass function (PMF) assign to each possible value of a discrete random variable?

A probability.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the expected score between teams A and B in soccer matches?


Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the expected number of bacterial colonies per 100 cm²?

4 (calculated as 0.02 * 100).

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What type of events does the Poisson distribution model?

It models the number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does the variable Y represent in the context of rolling a die?

The number of times a 1 appears among the last 5 rolls.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

How does the Poisson distribution relate to the Binomial distribution when n is large and p is small?

The Poisson distribution serves as an approximation for the Binomial distribution under these conditions.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

When is it appropriate to use a Poisson distribution instead of a Binomial distribution?

When the number of trials is large and the probability of success is small.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

If a ≤ w1(x) ≤ b for all x, what can be inferred about E(w1(X))?

a ≤ E(w1(X)) ≤ b.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What does Pr(1.4 < X < 3.1) represent?

The probability that the random variable X falls between 1.4 and 3.1.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the binomial distribution with n = 4?

It refers to a binomial distribution with 4 trials.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What is the significance of discrete random variables in probability?

They are used to model scenarios where outcomes are distinct and countable.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What shape does the Poisson distribution have?

It is a right-skewed distribution.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What does PMF stand for in probability?

Probability Mass Function.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What happens to the Poisson distribution as μ increases?

It becomes more symmetric, though still slightly right-skewed.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

In the example of tossing two fair coins, what does the random variable X represent?

The number of heads observed.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the definition of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) for a discrete random variable X at value x?

The probability that X is less than or equal to the value x (Notation: Pr(X ≤ x)).

Negative Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What are the parameters of the Negative Binomial Distribution?

The number of successes (V) and the probability of success (p).

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is the relationship between Binomial and Poisson distributions as n approaches infinity?

As n approaches infinity, the Binomial distribution can be approximated by the Poisson distribution under certain conditions.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the goal in estimating the total number of fishes (N)?

To choose N such that Pr(X = 16) is largest.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What is the rule of thumb for approximating a Binomial distribution with a Poisson distribution?

i ≥ 20, p < 0.1, and ip = 2 < 5.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does the term 'p' represent in the binomial distribution?

The probability of success in a single trial.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the distribution of the number of heads among 5 HKD coins (Y)?

Y ~ B(3, 0.5)

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the proportion of neutrophils in a healthy person's white blood cell count?


Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

How is the standard deviation of Y related to X?

σ_Y = aσ_X.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What distribution does the number of colonies in 200 cm² follow?

Y ~ Poisson(μ = 4).

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

How is the expected value of Y calculated?

E(Y) = aE(X) + c.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

If w1(x) ≥ 0 for all x, what can be said about E(w1(X))?

E(w1(X)) ≥ 0.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the cumulative probability of observing 4 neutrophils?

Pr(X ≤ 4) = 0.0473490.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 4 colonies in 200 cm²?

Pr(Y = 4) = e^(-4) * (4^4 / 4!) = 0.1954.

Introduction to Discrete Probability Distributions

What is the focus of Chapter 3 in STAT 1012?

Discrete Probability Distributions.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What happens to the binomial distribution when p < 0.5?

The distribution is right-skewed.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the expected value (population mean) of a random variable X?

The sum of the product of all possible values with their corresponding probabilities.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the condition for X1 ~ Binomial(10, 0.2)?

n is too small and p is too large, making it a bad approximation.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of a discrete random variable X at value x?

The probability that X is less than or equal to the value x (Notation: Pr(X ≤ x)).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What are the parameters of the Binomial distribution?

Number of trials (n) and probability of success (p).

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the expected value also known as?

Population Mean.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the mode of a Binomial distribution?

The mode (k) is the largest integer less than or equal to i + 1p.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

What are the parameters for the hypergeometric distribution in this example?

N = 30 (total), N1 = 10 (white), N2 = 20 (black), i = 5 (draws).

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

How is a random variable defined mathematically?

As a function from a sample space S into the real numbers.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability of an expectant mother giving birth to twins?


Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the formula for population variance?

V(X) = σ².

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What symbol indicates that the distribution of X can be approximated by the Poisson distribution?

The symbol '≈'.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What indicates that the probability is monotonically decreasing?

If Pr(X = t + 1) / Pr(X = t) ≤ 1.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the formula for the probability mass function (PMF) of a Binomial Distribution?

P(X = k) = (n choose k) * p^k * (1-p)^(n-k).

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

How is the probability Pr(X ≤ 1) calculated using the Poisson approximation?

Pr(Y ≤ 1) = e^(-2) * (2^0 / 0!) + e^(-2) * (2^1 / 1!) = 3e^(-2).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does 'n choose k' represent in the Binomial Distribution formula?

The number of ways to choose k successes in n trials.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the probability mass function (pmf) formula for the number of neutrophils?

Pr(X = x) = (10! / (x! (10 - x)!)) * (0.7^x) * (0.3^(10-x)), where x = 0, 1, ..., 10.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the variance of a Binomial Distribution?

Var(X) = n * p * (1 - p).

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What does Pr(X = 0) represent in this context?

The probability that there are no chocolate drops in a cookie.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does it mean when p = 0.5 in a binomial distribution?

The distribution is symmetric.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the derived condition for μ from the inequality?

μ ≥ ln(100) ≈ 4.6.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What is a discrete random variable?

A variable that can take on a countable number of distinct values.

Hypergeometric Distribution: Definition and Examples

How many items can the buyer check from the lot?

10 items.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the formula for population variance (σ²)?

σ² = E[X - μ²] = Σ (xᵢ - μ)² Pr(X = xᵢ)

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What does the variance measure in a population?

The sum of squares of all possible values of X minus the mean (μ) with their corresponding probabilities.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What is the relationship between a sample space S and a random variable X?

A random variable is a function from a sample space S into the real numbers.

Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions

What is the property of Memorylessness in probability?

Pr(X > k + j | X > k) = Pr(X > j), where k and j are non-negative integers.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability that at most 1 student would not bring a calculator in the STAT1012 midterm exam?

Approximately 0.4060.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the typical proportion of neutrophils in a healthy person's white blood cell count?


Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What are the two types of quantitative variables?

Discrete and continuous variables.

Comparison of Binomial and Poisson Distributions

What does the limit expression lim n→∞ (k/n) represent in the context of the Binomial distribution?

It represents the probability p in the Binomial distribution as n approaches infinity.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

In the example, how many expectant mothers are in the delivery room?

120 expectant mothers.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the minimum number of spare calculators needed to ensure at least a 90% chance that all students have calculators?

4 calculators.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the expected number of bacterial colonies in an area of 100 cm²?


Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the notation used for the probability mass function?

Pr(X = x).

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What is an example of a random variable when tossing a coin 25 times?

X = Number of heads in 25 tosses.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is another name for the probability mass function?

Probability distribution.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the expectation of a linear combination of functions of X?

E(a w1(X) + b w2(X) + c) = aE(w1(X)) + bE(w2(X)) + c.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 1 bacterial colony in 100 cm²?


Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 2 bacterial colonies in 100 cm²?


Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the PMF of the new random variable W = X²?

It is derived from the probability distribution of X by squaring its values.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability Pr(Y ≤ 1) calculated in the example?


Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the expected value (μ) of Y?

μ = E(Y) = n * p = 120 * 0.016 = 1.92.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the exact calculation for Pr(X ≤ 1) using the Binomial distribution?

Pr(X ≤ 1) = (0.98)^100 + 100(0.98)^99(0.02) = 0.4032.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does 'n' represent in the context of a binomial distribution?

The number of trials.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the equivalent condition for Pr(X < 1)?

Pr(X < 1) ≤ 0.01.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the probability of obtaining 2 heads when tossing a coin twice?

Pr(X = 2) = 1/4.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

In astronomy, what does the Poisson Distribution model?

The number of photons arriving at a telescope.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 4 bacterial colonies in 100 cm²?


Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the variance (σ²) of Y?

σ² = V(Y) = n * p * (1 - p) = 120 * 0.016 * (1 - 0.016) ≈ 1.89.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 0 colonies in 200 cm²?

Pr(Y = 0) = e^(-4) = 0.0183.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

Give an example of a real-life application of the Poisson Distribution in electrical systems.

The number of telephone calls arriving.

Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and Properties

What are the possible outcomes when tossing two fair coins?

{HH, HT, TH, TT}.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 3 colonies in 200 cm²?

Pr(Y = 3) = e^(-4) * (4^3 / 3!) = 0.1954.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

How do you compute the variance of Y if Y = 1 - 4X?

Use the formula V(Y) = 16V(X).

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

What could be the implications of observing all neutrophils in the sample?

The person is either healthy but unlucky or has a viral/bacterial infection (p >> 0.7).

Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the significance of the term '1 - p' in the variance formula?

It represents the probability of failure in a single trial.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

What could it indicate if a person has a high proportion of neutrophils?

The person may have a viral or bacterial infection.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What inequality must hold for Pr(X = 0)?

Pr(X = 0) = e^(-μ) ≤ 0.01.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the probability of getting 0 heads when tossing two fair coins?

Pr(X = 0) = 1/4.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

How do you calculate the probability that W equals 1?

Pr(X + Y = 1) = Pr(X = 0, Y = 1) + Pr(X = 1, Y = 0) = 5 * 0.5^5

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability Pr(Y ≤ 4) calculated in the example?


Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

How does the probability change as the number of trials increases?

The probabilities for k successes become more spread out and can be calculated using the binomial formula.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of X?

It is a function that shows the probability that X will take a value less than or equal to x.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the formula for the variance of Y?

V(Y) = a²V(X).

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

How is the standard deviation of Y related to X?

σ_Y = aσ_X.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

What is the first step in computing the expected value E(X)?

Identify the probability distribution of X.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What does a probability of Pr(X = 0) = 0.0000059 suggest?

It suggests that having no neutrophils is extremely unlikely.

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the property of the sum of two independent binomial random variables?

If X ~ B(n1, p) and Y ~ B(n2, p), then X + Y ~ B(n1 + n2, p).

Binomial Distribution: Definition and Examples

What is the question regarding the difference of the two random variables (X - Y)?

The distribution of X - Y is not straightforward and requires further analysis.

Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the probability of getting 2 heads when tossing two fair coins?

Pr(X = 2) = 1/4.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

How can the Binomial Distribution be applied in a coin flipping scenario?

By flipping a coin n times.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 1 colony in 200 cm²?

Pr(Y = 1) = e^(-4) * (4^1 / 1!) = 0.0733.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 2 colonies in 200 cm²?

Pr(Y = 2) = e^(-4) * (4^2 / 2!) = 0.1465.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

How is the Poisson Distribution used in biology?

To model the number of mutations on DNA per unit time.

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

In biology, how is the Poisson Distribution relevant to white blood cells?

It models the number of neutrophils out of n white blood cells.

Expected Value and Variance of Discrete Random Variables

If w1(x) ≥ w2(x) for all x, what can be concluded about their expectations?

E(w1(X)) ≥ E(w2(X)).

Applications of Discrete Probability Distributions in Real Life

What is a financial application of the Poisson Distribution?

The number of losses or claims occurring in a given period of time.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

What is the cumulative probability of observing 6 neutrophils?

Pr(X ≤ 6) = 0.3503893.

Poisson Distribution: Definition and Applications

What is the probability of finding 5 or more bacterial colonies in 100 cm²?


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