What is the consequence of the build-up of microcracks in composite tanks?
It can create channels that allow gas to escape, leading to potential failure.
How do stitched materials compare to unstitched materials in terms of permeability?
Stitched materials exhibit higher permeability than unstitched materials.
Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

What is the consequence of the build-up of microcracks in composite tanks?

It can create channels that allow gas to escape, leading to potential failure.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

How do stitched materials compare to unstitched materials in terms of permeability?

Stitched materials exhibit higher permeability than unstitched materials.

Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

What were the weight and cost reductions achieved in the NASA and Boeing cryotank project?

Weight reduction of 25% and cost reduction of 30% compared to traditional aluminium-lithium tanks.

Future Directions in Composite Vessel Research

What is the significance of achieving decarbonisation targets related to hydrogen?

Hydrogen is identified as suitable for meeting climate objectives to prevent global warming greater than 1.5 °C.

Design Innovations for Composite Pressure Vessels

What is a limitation of the thickness profile in dome design?

It is coupled to the thickness in the cylinder region and vessel geometry.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What impact does the layup sequence have on permeability?

Laminates with plies of the same angle grouped together show increased leakage.

Engineering Challenges in High-Pressure Applications

What physical limitation poses a challenge for AFP in pressure vessel manufacturing?

The large size of current AFP heads can lead to collisions with the part or tooling.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What does tow steering enable in the AFP process?

It enables full coverage of a surface and optimized variable stiffness.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is variable angle tow (VAT) in the context of AFP?

A capability that allows for non-geodesic and steered paths to optimize fibre layup.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What challenge does the thermoset head face in terms of material placement?

It cannot place material tangent to the headstock without collision.

Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

What did Qu et al. present to evaluate AFP head accessibility?

A simulation method considering the roller's ability to access the part surface and place it normal to the surface.

Design Innovations for Composite Pressure Vessels

What was the theoretical reduction in composite material required when using doily reinforcement in a Type IV vessel?

Nearly 10%.

Permeation Control in Composite Materials

What defect is commonly encountered in AFP parts that leads to non-uniform thickness?

Gaps and overlaps between tows.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is the significance of the cut-and-add capability in AFP for pressure vessels?

It allows for selective reinforcement of dome areas without adding excess material to the cylinder.

Type V Composite Pressure Vessels

What is the main characteristic of Type V composite pressure vessels?

Type V vessels are linerless, meaning the composite acts as both the gas barrier and load-bearing structure.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What issue does AFP equipment face due to highly curved fibre paths?

Tow buckling.

Permeation Control in Composite Materials

How does mechanical strain affect gas permeability in composite laminates?

Gas leak rate increases with mechanical strain.

Modeling Techniques for Composite Vessels

What modeling methods are used for gas permeability in laminated composites?

Experimental/empirical methods and numerical methods.

Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

How does cryogenic cycling affect crack growth in composites?

X-ray scanning and microscopy are used to map crack growth.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What is the maximum layup rate achievable with AFP on simple geometries?

Up to 150 kg/h.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What technology merges physical processes with computer-based simulation for smart manufacturing?

Digital twins.

Comparison of Composite Pressure Vessel Types

What is the advantage of Type V pressure vessels over Type IV?

Type V eliminates the internal polymer gas barrier and relies on carbon fibre laminate for structural properties and gas leakage prevention.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is a disadvantage of ATL compared to AFP?

ATL performs poorly on complex contours or internal geometries due to wrinkles.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What innovative setup did Schakel et al. use to overcome challenges in small-scale tank manufacturing?

The Fraunhofer 'Multi-Material-Head' with a laser-assisted tape placement (LATP) setup.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) and how does it improve manufacturing?

AFP is an evolution of filament winding that provides high accuracy, quality, and low wastage.

Engineering Challenges in High-Pressure Applications

What challenges must be overcome for Type V vessels to be commercially viable?

Several engineering challenges related to design and manufacturing need to be addressed.

Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

How much did the burst pressure increase in a Type III pressure vessel with doily layers?

By 29%.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What effect does increased porosity have on AFP-made laminates?

It decreases the interlaminar shear strength.

Design Innovations for Composite Pressure Vessels

What is a key feature of Type IV vessels?

They have a plastic liner to prevent gas leakage.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is a key feature of the compaction roller in the LATP head?

It has a large diameter and is cantilevered, allowing tape to be placed close to the headstock without collision.

Engineering Challenges in High-Pressure Applications

What are the two main challenge areas for the mass adoption of Type V pressure vessels?

Manufacturing and permeation control.

Permeation Control in Composite Materials

What two phenomena dominate the permeation of gases in FRP laminates?

Diffusion and interconnected microcracking.

Engineering Challenges in High-Pressure Applications

What is a significant challenge of applying AFP compared to filament winding?

AFP is less mature and used on fewer commercial products.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What manufacturing technique is proposed to replace traditional filament winding for composite pressure vessels?

Automated fibre placement (AFP).

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is a key advantage of the AFP process?

It allows for tow steering to place fibres on non-geodesic trajectories.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is the typical tow width used in AFP?

3.175 – 12.7 mm.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What manufacturing technique is traditionally used for composite pressure vessels?

Filament winding (FW).

Engineering Challenges in High-Pressure Applications

What challenge does the bend-free design of pressure vessels face?

The need to install a polar boss disrupts the required fibre pattern.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is 'Continuous tow shearing' (CTS) in AFP?

A technique that allows fibres to be steered at tight radii, improving fibre placement.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is selective reinforcement in the context of AFP?

A key benefit of using AFP to construct pressure vessels that addresses specific structural shortfalls.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is required to achieve non-geodesic paths in fibre placement?

Friction is required to prevent the fibres from slipping.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is the primary function of the compaction roller in the AFP process?

To compact the incoming tow and promote adhesion to existing layers.

Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

What weight savings were achieved in the hybrid AFP/FW tank design compared to traditional methods?

A 32% weight saving over the entirely filament wound baseline tank.

Permeation Control in Composite Materials

What factors significantly affect permeability in composite materials?

Crack density and opening displacement.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is a significant limitation of AFP regarding robot joints?

Numerous areas where no coverage can be achieved due to limitations in the range of motion.

Type V Composite Pressure Vessels

What is the primary focus of the review article?

A review of Type V composite pressure vessels and automated fibre placement based manufacturing.

Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

What are the benefits of using carbon fibre in pressure vessels?

Carbon fibre allows for the construction of lightweight tanks with gravimetric storage densities more than four times that of steel vessels.

Permeation Control in Composite Materials

What is a significant challenge in using AFP for pressure vessels?

Increased permeability of AFP/ATL made laminates compared to hand layup.

Hydrogen Storage Solutions

What is the main challenge in using hydrogen as an energy carrier?

Storing hydrogen with high volumetric and gravimetric density, particularly in weight-critical environments.

Engineering Challenges in High-Pressure Applications

What is the significance of microcracking fracture toughness (MFT) in composites?

It determines when a new microcrack is formed based on energy release.

Comparison of Composite Pressure Vessel Types

Which hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles utilize Type IV vessels?

Toyota Mirai and Honda Clarity.

Design Innovations for Composite Pressure Vessels

What are the advantages of Type V vessels compared to traditional vessels?

They eliminate the need for strain compatibility between the liner and composite, leading to increased fatigue performance and potential weight reduction of 10-20%.

Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

How did VAT improve the bending-induced buckling load in a manufactured cylinder?

It resulted in a 28% increase in calculated buckling load compared to a quasi-isotropic layup.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is the width of the tape placed by the LATP head?

12 mm wide.

Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

What was a significant finding from the research on Type V vessels conducted by Mallick et al.?

One design achieved a 15% increase in storage volume and a 25% reduction in mass compared to an equivalent Type I tank.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What limitation does filament winding have regarding vessel design?

Filament winding can only wrap around convex surfaces, requiring polar bosses that complicate design and add mass.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

How do fibres behave when placed under tension?

They self-align to geodesic paths.

Engineering Challenges in High-Pressure Applications

What pressure range is required for storing hydrogen gas in composite pressure vessels?

350 – 700 bar.

Engineering Challenges in High-Pressure Applications

What limitations were identified in the design of bend-free composite pressure vessels?

Geometric and material-induced limitations that constrain possible super ellipsoid shapes.

Engineering Challenges in High-Pressure Applications

What was the outcome of Hély et al.'s simulation of the AFP layup of a complex y-shaped tube?

It was found that the geometry would be very difficult to cover with conventional AFP equipment.

Permeation Control in Composite Materials

What causes matrix microcracking in composite laminates?

Mechanical and thermal loading.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What are the two advanced robotic composites manufacturing techniques?

Automated fibre placement (AFP) and automated tape laying (ATL).

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

What is the typical width of tapes used in ATL?

75 – 300 mm.

Modeling Techniques for Composite Vessels

What did Bois et al. develop for predicting gas flow in damaged composites?

A multiscale model applicable to composite pressure vessels.

Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Technology

How does the LATP head differ from a regular thermoset placement head?

The LATP head supports the roller without side supports, while the thermoset head supports the roller on either side.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What type of mandrel must be removed to achieve a linerless design in Type V tanks?

A traditional soluble mandrel.

Performance Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessels

What is the significance of the burst pressure achieved by Type V vessels?

One design achieved a burst pressure of 620.5 bar, close to the automotive industry standard operating pressure of 700 bar.

Manufacturing Techniques for Composite Vessels

What may be necessary to address manufacturing challenges with AFP hardware?

Innovating the tooling and support structure used to hold the vessel.

Hydrogen Storage Solutions

What is the ultimate leakage target specified by the US Department of Energy for hydrogen gas?

0.05 (g/hr)/kg of stored hydrogen gas.

Future Directions in Composite Vessel Research

What is the current state of literature on Type V pressure vessels?

The existing peer-reviewed literature on Type V vessels is highly limited.

Permeation Control in Composite Materials

What has been shown to contribute significantly to total permeation in composite materials?

Leakage due to microcracking.

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