What type of cell is shown in the TEM cross section in Fig 6.19?
Plant cell.
What organelles are visible in a TEM cross section of a human liver cell?
Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER), and Nucleus.
Comparison of Animal and Plant Cells

What type of cell is shown in the TEM cross section in Fig 6.19?

Plant cell.

Testable Content on Organelles

What organelles are visible in a TEM cross section of a human liver cell?

Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER), and Nucleus.

Mitochondria and Endoplasmic Reticulum

Which organelle is involved in protein and lipid synthesis in the human liver cell?

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER).

Cell Density

What is a common misconception about the density of cells?

Cells are often drawn with empty space, but in reality, they are densely packed with organelles and other components.

Mitochondria and Endoplasmic Reticulum

Which organelle is involved in energy production and is found in both animal and plant cells?


Cell Movement

What structure do sperm cells have for movement?


Misconceptions about Eukaryotic Cells

What is a common misconception about the complexity of eukaryotic cells?

A common misconception is that all eukaryotic cells are highly complex, but some can be relatively simple.

Golgi Apparatus and Transport Vesicles

How do transport vesicles interact with the Golgi apparatus?

Transport vesicles carry proteins and lipids from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus for further modification and sorting.

Organelle Size and Number

How are organelles often inaccurately represented in diagrams?

They are often drawn too large and too few.

Testable Content on Organelles

What does 'TEM' stand for in the context of cell imaging?

Transmission Electron Microscopy.

Testable Content on Organelles

What is the function of the nucleus in a human liver cell?

The nucleus houses the cell's genetic material and controls cellular activities.

Cell Specialization

Where can Elodea typically be found?

In freshwater environments.

Comparison of Animal and Plant Cells

Which organelles are unique to plant cells?

Central vacuole and Plastids.

Misconceptions about Eukaryotic Cells

Is it accurate to say that eukaryotic cells are always larger than prokaryotic cells?

No, while eukaryotic cells are generally larger, there are exceptions where some eukaryotic cells can be smaller than some prokaryotic cells.

Cell Specialization

What structure do intestinal epithelial cells have to increase surface area?


Comparison of Animal and Plant Cells

What are Plastids and in which type of cells are they found?

Plastids are organelles involved in photosynthesis and storage, found in plant cells.

Golgi Apparatus and Transport Vesicles

What happens to proteins and lipids after they are processed in the Golgi apparatus?

They are packaged into vesicles and transported to their final destinations, such as the cell membrane or lysosomes.

Comparison of Animal and Plant Cells

Which organelles do animal cells have that plant cells do not?

Animal cells have lysosomes and centrioles, which are not found in plant cells.

Misconceptions about Eukaryotic Cells

Do eukaryotic cells always have a fixed shape?

No, eukaryotic cells can change shape, especially those involved in movement or engulfing particles.

Golgi Apparatus and Transport Vesicles

What are the cis and trans faces of the Golgi apparatus?

The cis face is the receiving side where vesicles from the ER fuse, and the trans face is the shipping side where vesicles bud off to transport materials to other locations.

Cell Specialization

What type of plant is Elodea?

A freshwater plant.

Comparison of Animal and Plant Cells

Which organelles are present in both animal and plant cells?

Nucleus, Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Peroxisomes, and Mitochondria.

Golgi Apparatus and Transport Vesicles

What is the primary function of the Golgi apparatus?

The Golgi apparatus modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids for secretion or delivery to other organelles.

Golgi Apparatus and Transport Vesicles

What role do transport vesicles play in cellular communication?

Transport vesicles facilitate the movement of signaling molecules and other substances between different parts of the cell, aiding in cellular communication.

Organelle Size and Number

What is a common misconception about the size and number of organelles in eukaryotic cells?

A common misconception is that all eukaryotic cells have the same size and number of organelles, but in reality, these can vary greatly depending on the cell type and its function.

Cell Movement

What is a misconception about the movement of eukaryotic cells?

A misconception is that all eukaryotic cells move in the same way, but different cells can have various mechanisms and structures for movement.

Organelle Size and Number

What is a common issue with the representation of organelles in a stylized animal cell diagram?

The organelles are often depicted as being too large and too few in number.

Misconceptions about Eukaryotic Cells

Is it true that all eukaryotic cells have the same organelles?

No, not all eukaryotic cells have the same organelles; some may lack certain organelles depending on their function and type.

Cell Specialization

What is a common misconception about cell specialization in eukaryotic cells?

A common misconception is that all eukaryotic cells are the same, but in reality, they can be highly specialized to perform specific functions.

Comparison of Animal and Plant Cells

Which organelles do plant cells have that animal cells do not?

Plant cells have chloroplasts, a central vacuole, and a cell wall, which are not found in animal cells.

Mitochondria and Endoplasmic Reticulum

Which organelle is responsible for energy production in the human liver cell?


Cell Uniformity

What is a common misconception about the uniformity of eukaryotic cells?

A common misconception is that all eukaryotic cells are uniform in structure and function, but they can actually be quite diverse.

Testable Content on Organelles

What does TEM stand for in the context of cell imaging?

Transmission Electron Microscopy.

Comparison of Animal and Plant Cells

Which organelle is responsible for storing nutrients and waste products in plant cells?

Central vacuole.

Cell Density

What is a misconception about the density of eukaryotic cells?

A misconception is that all eukaryotic cells have the same density, but in fact, cell density can vary based on the cell's contents and its environment.

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