What is the focus of the lecture titled 'Introduction to Drug & Pharmacy'?
Pharmaceutical orientation.
What is the definition of a drug?
A substance used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease.
Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

What is the focus of the lecture titled 'Introduction to Drug & Pharmacy'?

Pharmaceutical orientation.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

What is the definition of a drug?

A substance used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

What is the definition of medicine?

A drug or other preparation used for the treatment or prevention of disease.

Sources of Drugs

What are the primary sources of drugs?

Natural sources (plants, animals), synthetic sources, and semi-synthetic sources.

Drug Discovery Process

What is the drug discovery process?

The process of identifying new candidate medications through various methods including screening and synthesis.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What characterized early drugs?

They were often derived from natural sources and used based on traditional knowledge.

Pharmacy as a Profession

What is the role of pharmacy?

To prepare, dispense, and provide clinical information about medications.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

What does pharmaceutical chemistry focus on?

The chemical aspects of drugs.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

What is the definition of a drug?

An agent intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or animals.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What does the number 13 signify in this context?

It could refer to a time (1 PM) or a specific identifier related to the date.

Pharmacopoeia and Drug Standards

What are organized sets of monographs or books of drug standards called?


Drug Discovery Process

What is the nature of the drug discovery and development process?

It is complex.

Sources of Drugs

Give an example of a drug obtained from animal sources.

Insulin, HCG, cod liver oil, thyroid.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

What is pharmaceutics?

The science of dosage form design.

Influential Figures in Pharmacy and Medicine

What transformation did Paracelsus bring to the field of pharmacy?

He shifted pharmacy from being based primarily on botanical science to being based on chemical science.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What does pharmacy practice include?

Compounding and dispensing medications, clinical services, reviewing medications for safety and efficacy, and providing drug information.

Pharmacopoeia and Drug Standards

What is a pharmacopoeia?

A legal and official book issued by recognized authorities and appointed by the government of each country.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What was the role of the first apothecary?

To attend to the sick or wounded and prepare remedies.

Drug Discovery Process

Name three types of chemists involved in drug discovery.

Organic chemists, physical chemists, and analytical chemists.

Pharmacy as a Profession

What are the two classifications of pharmacy?

Community and institutional pharmacy.

Drug Discovery Process

What must a drug's sponsor demonstrate to gain approval for marketing a new drug?

That the new drug is safe and effective for its proposed use through supporting scientific evidence.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What is the significance of the date 1/2/2024?

It represents the 2nd of January, 2024.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What does the number 28 signify in a pharmaceutical context?

It could refer to a quantity, dosage, or a specific measurement in a pharmaceutical setting.

Role of Excipients in Pharmaceuticals

What do medicines contain?

A specific mixture of active (drug) and inactive ingredients (excipients) in a particular form.

Drug Discovery Process

Who contributes to the drug discovery process?

Many scientific specialists including chemists, biochemists, molecular biologists, and more.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What is the significance of the scroll discovered by Georg Ebers?

It is a 60 ft long scroll from the 16th century BC containing over 800 formulas and more than 700 drugs.

Sources of Drugs

What is the primary method for obtaining most drugs?

Chemical synthesis.

Pharmacopoeia and Drug Standards

What did the need for uniform standards in drug production lead to?

The development and publication of monographs and reference books.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What does the number 21 signify in the context of the date?

It could refer to the hour of the day in a 24-hour format, indicating 9 PM.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What led to the discovery of early drug therapy?

Human disease and the instinct to survive.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

How did early humans determine effective therapies?

Through experience, learning that certain therapies were more effective than others.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What was a common belief about the cause of disease among early races?

That disease was caused by the entrance of evil spirits into the body.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

What is an example of a drug that is not classified as a medicine?

Recreational drugs like cocaine or marijuana, which may not have therapeutic uses.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What types of drugs are primarily mentioned in the Ebers scroll?

Chiefly botanical drugs, with some mineral and animal drugs noted.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

What is another branch of pharmaceutical sciences besides Pharmaceutics?


Influential Figures in Pharmacy and Medicine

Who is considered the 'Father of Medicine'?

Hippocrates (460 – 377 BC).

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What tools did the Egyptians commonly use in drug compounding?

Mortars and pestles, hand mills, sieves, and balances.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What is the significance of the date 1/2/2024?

It represents a specific date, which could be relevant for events or deadlines.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

Why are alternative terms used for 'drug'?

Because the word 'drug' has been hijacked as a common term for a substance of misuse.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

What are some alternatives to the term 'drug'?

Medicinal agent, pharmacological agent, active principle, active ingredient, therapeutic, or active pharmaceutical ingredient (API).

Pharmacopoeia and Drug Standards

What information does a pharmacopoeia contain?

A list of drugs and related substances, including their source, description, tests, formula for preparation, action, uses, doses, and storage conditions.

Role of Excipients in Pharmaceuticals

What is the purpose of excipients in pharmaceuticals?

To facilitate the manufacturing process and enhance the properties of drug substances.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

Name one of the branches of pharmaceutical sciences.


Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

In what context was the Ebers scroll discovered?

In the tomb of a mummy.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

What does pharmaceutics involve?

The design, development, and evaluation of pharmaceutical dosage forms.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What is significant about the Sumerian clay tablet from the third millennium BC?

It is believed to contain the world's oldest written prescriptions.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What ingredients are mentioned in the ancient prescriptions found on the Sumerian clay tablet?

Seed of carpenter plant, gum resin, and thyme, all pulverized and dissolved in beer.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What does the Sumerian clay tablet indicate about ancient medicine?

It shows that early civilizations practiced medicinal preparations.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What were the primary methods used to remove evil spirits from sick persons?

Spiritual incantations and the administration of specific herbs or plant materials.

Drug Discovery Process

What role do clinical pharmacists play in drug discovery?

They contribute to the development and application of drugs in clinical settings.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

What are drug standards?

Regulations and guidelines that ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of drugs.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What is the significance of the date 1/2/2024?

It represents the first day of February in the year 2024.

Influential Figures in Pharmacy and Medicine

Who is considered to have had a revolutionary influence on pharmacy and medicine?

Paracelsus (1493 – 1541), a Swiss physician and chemist.

Sources of Drugs

What parts of plants are used to derive drugs?

Leaves, stem, bark, fruits, and roots.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

What is the primary difference between a drug and a medicine?

A drug is any substance that causes a physiological change in the body, while a medicine is a drug specifically formulated and used for therapeutic purposes.

Sources of Drugs

How were most drugs in ancient times derived?

From plants.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

What are the pharmaceutical sciences concerned with?

The design, action, delivery, and disposition of drugs.

Sources of Drugs

Name a few drugs obtained from microbial sources.

Penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What does the existence of drugs in the Ebers scroll imply?

Drugs, in the form of vegetation and minerals, have existed as long as humans.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

What is pharmacognosy?

The study of medicinal drugs derived from plants and other natural sources.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

How are drugs regarded in the context of human achievements?

As one of the greatest human scientific accomplishments.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What types of preparations did the Egyptians compound?

Suppositories, gargles, pills, inhalations, troches, lotions, ointments, and enemas.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What does the number 27 signify in a general context?

It could represent a quantity, age, or a specific identifier depending on the context.

Influential Figures in Pharmacy and Medicine

Who was the first apothecary?

The wise man or woman of the tribe with knowledge of healing plants.

Pharmacy as a Profession

How did the art of the apothecary originate?

Through the preparation of medicinal materials.

Drug Discovery Process

Which specialists study the effects of drugs on living organisms?

Pharmacologists and toxicologists.

Sources of Drugs

What technology is used in biotechnology for drug production?

Recombinant DNA technology.

Influential Figures in Pharmacy and Medicine

What impact did Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Galen have on health sciences?

They had a revolutionary influence on the development of pharmacy and medicine.

Sources of Drugs

What is the oldest source of drugs?


Role of Excipients in Pharmaceuticals

What are medicines in terms of dosage forms?

They are a drug delivery system for administering drugs safely, effectively, accurately, reproducibly, and conveniently.

Sources of Drugs

What are animal sources of drugs?

Drugs obtained from different parts of animals like pancreas, stomach, liver, blood, and urine.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

Can all drugs be considered medicines?

No, not all drugs are medicines; only those that are used to treat, prevent, or diagnose diseases are classified as medicines.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What knowledge did the first apothecary rely on?

Experience with the healing qualities of plants.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What is the length and width of the Ebers scroll?

About 60 ft long and a foot wide.

Influential Figures in Pharmacy and Medicine

Which ancient figure is known for his work in pharmacology and herbal medicine?

Dioscorides (first century AD).

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What is the significance of the date 1/2/2024?

It represents a specific date, potentially indicating an event or deadline.

Drug Discovery Process

How long can the process from drug discovery to approval take?

Around 15 years.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

What is the primary role of pharmacists?

To optimize the use of medications for the benefit of patients.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

What are drugs defined as?

Chemical substances used in the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Sources of Drugs

Can you name an example of a drug derived from plant sources?

Digoxin, atropine, or thyme.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

What is the origin of the term 'pharmacy'?

Derived from 'Pharmakone' in the Homeric epics.

Pharmacy Practice and Responsibilities

Who are the primary health professionals that focus on drug therapy?


Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

What does pharmacy encompass?

The science and art of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines.

Role of Excipients in Pharmaceuticals

What are excipients?

Inactive pharmaceutical ingredients used to facilitate manufacturing, stabilize, solubilize, enhance dissolution, and flavor drug substances.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

How were pharmacy and medicine related in early history?

They were indistinguishable.

Historical Perspective on Early Drugs

When was pharmacy officially separated from medicine?

In 1240 by King Frederick II.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Overview

Which sciences contribute knowledge to pharmaceutical sciences?

Chemistry, biology, mathematics, statistics, physics, and others.

Pharmacopoeia and Drug Standards

What is the purpose of pharmacopoeia?

To provide uniform standards for drugs and drug products.

Pharmacopoeia and Drug Standards

Who uses the standards provided by pharmacopoeia?

Those involved in the production of drugs and pharmaceutical products.

Sources of Drugs

What are mineral sources of drugs?

Drugs obtained from various minerals such as zinc, iron, silver, and borax.

Definition of Drug and Medicine

What role do medicines play in healthcare?

Medicines are used to treat, prevent, or diagnose illnesses and improve health outcomes.

Influential Figures in Pharmacy and Medicine

Who was a prominent physician and philosopher in ancient Rome known for his medical writings?

Galen (ca. 130 – 200 AD).

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