What is the first item in the Table of Contents?
Cover Page.
What is the second item in the Table of Contents?
What Makes a Leader?
Concepts of Leadership and Followership

What is the first item in the Table of Contents?

Cover Page.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What is the second item in the Table of Contents?

What Makes a Leader?

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

How can self-awareness be developed in clinical practice?

Through tools like SWOT analysis and leadership-followership tools.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What is a key aspect of reflective practice mentioned in the chapter?

Being a reflective practitioner.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What does Gibbs's reflective model focus on?

A series of academic questions related to reflection.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What tool is mentioned for assessing problem-solving styles?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®).

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What is a key component of Gibbs's model?

A feedback loop for continuous reflection.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What are two important types of leaders mentioned?

Collaborative managers and compassionate leaders.

Professional Development and Mastery

What is essential for leaders in the context of health care?

Continuous learning.

Concepts of Leadership and Followership

What is the focus of the chapter contents?

Clinical leadership in health care and characteristics of leaders.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What role does empathy play in leadership?

It helps leaders understand and connect with their team members.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

How does vision contribute to effective leadership?

It provides direction and inspires others to follow.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Why is integrity important for a leader?

It builds trust and credibility among followers.

Experiences of Leaders in Clinical Settings

What is one of the key topics discussed in the chapter?

Experiences of leaders in clinical practice.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What is the benefit of enhancing self-awareness in health care?

It enhances the care offered and improves career prospects.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Why is it important for effective teams to have a variety of personality types?

To prevent conflict, complacency, and apathy.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What factors can affect a candidate's fit with a job description?

Age, gender, skills/experience, and time keeping.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Why is communication vital for leaders?

It enables sharing knowledge and ideas to achieve organizational goals.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What does Technical reflection focus on?

Scientific method and rationale.

Experiences of Leaders in Clinical Settings

How did Charge Nurse A contribute to team spirit?

By allowing individuals to contribute ideas and suggesting improvements.

Experiences of Leaders in Clinical Settings

What role do clinical leaders play in health care?

Clinical leaders are essential for navigating complex health care systems and ensuring effective patient care through collaboration and innovation.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Which quality indicates a leader's ability to make sound judgments?


Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What is the purpose of the authoritative leadership style?

To provide clear vision and long-term direction, justifying and taking responsibility for it.

Clinical Leadership in Health Care

How can SWOT analysis benefit organizational performance?

By identifying weaknesses that can be addressed to increase efficiency and economy.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What are the negative impacts of a Judging personality type?

They can be seen as compulsive neat freaks, uptight, and rule-bound.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What are the positive impacts of a Perceiving personality type?

They maintain a work-life balance and enjoy their work.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What is the primary focus of coaching in leadership?

Encourages the development of others and identifies strengths and weaknesses.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What is a potential downside of time efficiency in leadership?

It may lead to little flexibility for achieving targets.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

When does reflection-before-action typically occur?

When the practitioner has encountered a specific situation before and draws on past experiences.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What is the limitation of reflection-in-action?

It is limited due to the need to act quickly in complex situations.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What does reflection-on-action help practitioners achieve?

It assists in gaining insights and making necessary amendments after an incident.

The Role of Evidence-Based Practice

What are the four themes focused on in the NMC Code for revalidation?

Prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety, and promote professionalism and trust.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Name three qualities from Table 2.1 that are important for leaders.

Charisma, Communication, Competence.

Professional Development and Mastery

Which organizations provide standards for other health professions?


Professional Development and Mastery

What recent updates have been made to the Standards for All Specialist Community Practice?

Updated in NMC 2022a and NMC 2022b.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What does the coercive leadership style involve?

Using many sanctions and few rewards, giving directives rather than directions.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What are the negative impacts of feeling as a decision-making style?

It can be seen as soft-headed or a fuzzy thinker.

Clinical Leadership in Health Care

What is the significance of SWOT assessment in health care business planning?

It helps advanced health care practitioners in strategic planning.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What is a negative impact of sensing types?

They can be perceived as dull and unimaginative.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What are the key qualities that define a leader?

Vision, integrity, empathy, and decisiveness.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What weaknesses might affect job performance?

Insufficient appropriate skills, experience, and knowledge.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What is the purpose of using reflective models in health care?

To analyze and learn from significant experiences.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What is a key focus when exploring leadership qualities in health care?

Starting at a clinical level in health care practice.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

Why is it important for leaders to analyze their own abilities?

To understand their effectiveness as both leaders and followers.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What does the three-skill approach in leadership include?

Technical, human, and conceptual skills.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What should leaders balance according to the text?

Management theory and practice.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What is servanthood leadership?

An act of service or a desire to serve others, integral to health care.

Professional Development and Mastery

How often do HCPC registrants need to register?

Every two years.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What are the negative impacts of logical thinking?

It can be perceived as cold and heartless.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

How has the NHS's size influenced leadership in health care?

The NHS's status as the largest employer in the UK necessitates strong leadership to effectively manage a vast workforce and deliver quality care.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What questions should individuals ask themselves to promote self-mastery?

What do you want to learn today? What skills do you want to gain this week, month, or year?

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What is a negative impact of introverts?

They may be perceived as having nothing worth saying or being uneasy networkers.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What is a key characteristic of effective leaders according to the text?

They demonstrate emotional intelligence.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) used for?

Identifying ways individuals differ in gathering and evaluating information for problem solving and decision making.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What ethical behaviors are part of an effective leadership strategy?

Honesty, fairness, integrity, and respect.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What leadership style is perceived as the most effective?

Democratic leadership.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

How did Sister C's leadership style affect her team?

It was disorganized, leading to panic situations and lack of direction.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What is a key characteristic of Sister B's leadership style?

It reflects a militarization approach, linking nursing with military structure.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What are the three main leadership styles identified by Lewin et al.?

Laissez-faire, autocratic, and democratic.

Concepts of Leadership and Followership

What are the two aspects of leadership discussed in the text?

The art of leadership involves interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence, while the science of leadership relies on data-driven decision-making and evidence-based practices.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What is the focus of Practical reflection?

Interpretation, description, and explanation of human interaction.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What does Emancipatory reflection lead to?

Transformative action.

Clinical Leadership in Health Care

How can self-mastery impact patient health outcomes?

By empowering health professionals, which in turn empowers patients.

Professional Development and Mastery

What is essential for achieving mastery in professional practice?

Continuously focusing on improving skills and knowledge.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

How do extroverts gain energy?

By being around and interacting with others.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What is a positive impact of extroverts?

They spread energy and enthusiasm.

Experiences of Leaders in Clinical Settings

What can we learn from observing leaders in clinical practice?

We learn both what to replicate and what to avoid in our practice.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

How does Johns’s model differ from Gibbs's model?

It adds dimensions like Influencing Factors and Learning.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What personality types did the authors identify through the Myers-Briggs test?

One author is an SJTI and the other is an ENFJ.

Professional Development and Mastery

What opportunities can help rectify insufficient skills or experience?

Training, career development, new courses, and new experiences.

Professional Development and Mastery

What is the purpose of the revalidation process for nurses?

To ensure compliance with the NMC Code and maintain professional registration.

Professional Development and Mastery

How often must nurses undertake the revalidation process?

Every three years.

Professional Development and Mastery

What are the current standards for competence for registered midwives?

The Standards for Competence for Registered Midwives (NMC, 2009, 2014).

Reflective Practice in Health Care

Who adapted the reflective model based on Borton's work?

Driscoll in 2007.

Clinical Leadership in Health Care

What challenges did the COVID-19 pandemic present for health care leadership?

The pandemic created urgent demands for effective leadership, requiring a collaborative approach to manage health crises and ensure public safety.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What is the democratic leadership style?

Participative and encouraging collaborative teamwork.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis in professional development?

To identify individual strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What are the positive impacts of feeling as a decision-making style?

It is empathetic and understanding.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

Why is SWOT analysis useful during annual Development and Performance Reviews?

It highlights attributes that can be matched against position or course criteria.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Which personality types are commonly associated with leaders?

Leaders are often intuitive, feeling, and judging types (e.g., ENFJ or INFJ).

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What did Lesley find valuable about knowing her personality type in clinical practice?

It gave her greater insight into how she interacted with others.

Experiences of Leaders in Clinical Settings

What is the importance of clinical leaders in health care?

They serve as role models from whom others learn.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What are some strengths to consider in a professional context?

Skills, qualifications, life experiences, and being punctual and hardworking.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

How does decisiveness affect a leader's effectiveness?

It enables timely decision-making and instills confidence in the team.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What should effective reflective practice encompass?

A systematic approach using a model of reflection.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What dimensions does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® consider?

Four dimensions, each with two polar aspects.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

How can character influence leadership in clinical emergencies?

It can create either respect or distrust for future events.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What does charisma in leadership involve?

Making others feel good about themselves and seeing the best in them.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What is a potential threat in a professional setting?

Narrow or broad focus that may not align with job requirements.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What role does passion play in leadership?

It can inspire positive responses and make the impossible possible.

Experiences of Leaders in Clinical Settings

What was the management style of Sister B in the surgical ward?

Military style with precise task allocation.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What are the positive impacts of logical thinking?

It is logical, rational, and intellectual.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

How is the leadership approach in health care changing?

From an 'old style' management approach to one that values change, empowerment, and relationships.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Who developed the theory of structural power in organizations related to self-mastery?


Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

How can SWOT analysis assist in job searching or career planning?

By providing an analysis of internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What does the Perceiving (P) preference indicate about a person's decision-making?

They enjoy ambiguity, dislike deadlines, and gather a large amount of data before deciding.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What is Driscoll’s model used for?

To explore significant health care episodes or events.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What is the expectation of reflection on practice in all professions?

There is an expectation of reflection on practice as per GMC, NMC, and HCPC guidelines.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What did the author realize about emotional intelligence in leadership?

She was using her emotional intelligence before it became a recognized leadership construct.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What was the leadership style of Charge Nurse A?

Participative or democratic.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What is the purpose of using a reflective model?

To work through an experience, learn from it, and review it later.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What are the three main kinds of reflection according to Taylor (2010)?

Technical, Practical, and Emancipatory.

Professional Development and Mastery

What documentation is required for nurse revalidation?

Practice hours, evidence of continuing professional development, written reflective accounts, practice-related feedback, and a reflective discussion.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What behaviors are associated with servanthood in leadership?

Listening to others, empowering them, and developing their ideas.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What quality is associated with a leader's ability to maintain focus?


Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What does the Judging (J) preference indicate about a person's decision-making?

They like certainty and closure, making decisions quickly based on available data.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

How do sensing types gather information?

Through the five senses.

The Role of Evidence-Based Practice

Why is evidence-based practice important for developing mastery?

It ensures that care is current and based on reliable evidence.

Experiences of Leaders in Clinical Settings

What does the management of change relate to in effective leadership?

Enhancing the change process.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What did Northouse (2016) suggest about leadership characteristics?

They may be innate personality traits but should also consider situational aspects.

The Role of Evidence-Based Practice

What is emphasized as important for practice mastery?

Evidence-Based Practice.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What percentage of leadership is considered genetic according to Wolfe (2019)?


Experiences of Leaders in Clinical Settings

What are some key characteristics of exemplary nurse leadership identified by Anonson et al. (2014)?

Passion for nursing, optimism, personal connections, excellent role modeling, and crisis management guided by moral principles.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What is the difference between traits and skills according to Northouse?

Traits are what you are, while skills are what you can achieve.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

Why is it important to rank leadership qualities?

To justify their importance in effective leadership.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What quality reflects a leader's ability to inspire and motivate?


Professional Development and Mastery

What is the focus of the GMC's revalidation for medical doctors?

Appraisal across four domains: knowledge, skills, and performance.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What qualities are needed for effective leadership in health care?

Problem-solving skills, adaptability, and the ability to manage change.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What is a benefit of using a model of reflection?

It helps in improving practice and identifying areas for change.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What is the main focus of the Introvert (I) – Extrovert (E) dimension?

It focuses on where people gain interpersonal strength and mental energy.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What are the negative impacts of a Perceiving personality type?

They may be perceived as lazy, messy, aimless, and unreliable.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What is a characteristic of thinking types in decision-making?

They rely more on logic and are very objective.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What are the three types of reflection identified by Schön?

Reflection-in-action, reflection-on-action, and reflection-before-action.

Concepts of Leadership and Followership

What did Kim and Beehr (2020) find regarding leadership empowerment strategies?

They found positive work cultures when integrating these strategies with self-determination theory.

Clinical Leadership in Health Care

What is the significance of changing contexts in health care?

Changing contexts in health care highlight the need for adaptive leadership to address complex global issues and evolving health care demands.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

How do leadership and management differ in health care?

Leadership focuses on inspiring and guiding teams towards a vision, while management emphasizes organizing and coordinating resources to achieve specific goals.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What is the autocratic leadership style?

Directive and controlling.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What is a key aspect of successful leadership according to Daft?

Leaders must be aware of their rationality and emotion-driven impulses.

The Role of Evidence-Based Practice

What is the importance of evidence-based practice in health care leadership?

Evidence-based practice is crucial for making informed decisions that enhance patient outcomes and improve overall health service quality.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

Who is attributed with the strategic technique of SWOT analysis?

Ansoff (1987), but it originated from Albert Humphrey's work in the 1960s.

Clinical Leadership in Health Care

What is the potential impact of nationalism on global health care leadership?

Nationalism may hinder collaborative efforts in health care, as governments focus on their own agendas amidst public frustration during crises like the pandemic.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What are the positive impacts of a Judging personality type?

They have a high work ethic, are focused, and reliable.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What does Owen (2009) suggest about leader types?

There is no single 'leader type'; leaders are often divided between extrovert and introvert types.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What is a positive impact of intuitive types?

They are creative and imaginative.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What does the term 'Influencing Factors' refer to in Johns’s model?

Elements that impact the reflective process and outcomes.

Concepts of Leadership and Followership

What will you be able to discuss by the end of the chapter?

The notions of leadership and followership.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What is one of the learning outcomes of the chapter?

Define leadership.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What is the laissez-faire leadership style?

Little direction, passive leadership, and a facilitation approach.

Self-Assessment Tools for Leadership Skills

What is the purpose of taking a Leadership and Followership Test?

To understand personal leadership style and improve effectiveness.

Professional Development and Mastery

What does 'self-mastery' empower individuals to do?

Reach their own goals and dreams.

Clinical Leadership in Health Care

What are the emerging themes in global health care leadership?

Emerging themes include managing change, empowerment, competency development, and ensuring patient and workforce safety.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact

What is the focus of the pacesetting leadership style?

Task accomplishment to an elevated level of excellence.

The Role of Evidence-Based Practice

What is the relationship between new skills and patient benefits?

Understanding how new skills benefit patients and how they can be improved is crucial.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What does the Sensing (S) – Intuition (N) dimension identify?

How a person absorbs information.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

What does the Thinking (T) – Feeling (F) dimension relate to?

How much consideration a person gives to emotions in decision-making.

Problem-Solving Styles: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

How do feeling types make decisions?

They rely on their values and consider how decisions affect others' feelings.

Clinical Leadership in Health Care

What are the seven platforms defined by the NMC for nursing graduates?

1. Being an accountable professional 2. Promoting health and preventing ill health 3. Assessing needs and planning care 4. Providing and evaluating care 5. Leading and managing nursing care and working in teams 6. Improving safety and quality of care 7. Coordinating care.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What are the three questions proposed by Driscoll's reflective model?

1. What? 2. So what? 3. Now what?

The Role of Evidence-Based Practice

What is the primary need for evidence-based practice in health care?

To base health care practice on effective research rather than rituals, traditions, and whims.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

How can reflection contribute to becoming an effective leader?

By critically analyzing situations and discovering areas for improvement.

Reflective Practice in Health Care

What models of reflection does the author typically use?

A mixture of Gibbs’s and Johns’s models.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

What did Bennis et al. (1994) identify about potential in the workplace?

That we all have a large amount of untapped potential for personal growth and mastery.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder