What emotional connection did tribals have with Gandhiji's name?
They related to an all-India agitation while chanting his name and demanding 'Swatantra Bharat'.
What was the primary response of various social groups to the call of Swaraj?
Each group had its own specific aspiration, interpreting Swaraj differently.
Nationalism in India

What emotional connection did tribals have with Gandhiji's name?

They related to an all-India agitation while chanting his name and demanding 'Swatantra Bharat'.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was the primary response of various social groups to the call of Swaraj?

Each group had its own specific aspiration, interpreting Swaraj differently.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was Mahatma Gandhi's response to the Chauri Chaura incident?

He called a halt to the Non-Cooperation Movement.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

What was Mahatma Gandhi's mode of struggle called?


Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

What is the concept of satyagraha as introduced by Mahatma Gandhi?

A method of mass agitation emphasizing the power of truth and non-violence against injustice.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

What did Mahatma Gandhi do to dignify the work of bhangi (sweepers)?

He cleaned toilets.

Nationalism in India

Who were the prominent leaders advocating for nationalism in India during this period?

Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What was the outcome of the Congress session at Nagpur in December 1920?

A compromise was reached, and the Non-Cooperation programme was adopted.

The Rowlatt Act and its Consequences

What was the Rowlatt Act and why did Gandhi oppose it?

A law that allowed the government to repress political activities and detain prisoners without trial; Gandhi opposed it as unjust.

Impact of World War I on India

What caused widespread anger in rural areas during and after World War I?

Forced recruitment of villagers to supply soldiers.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was Raju's stance on achieving swaraj?

He believed that India could only be liberated through the use of force, not non-violence.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What challenges did the Non-Cooperation Movement face in the cities?

Khadi cloth was often more expensive than mill cloth, making it hard for poor people to boycott.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

What did Mahatma Gandhi say about the relationship between swaraj and untouchability?

He declared that swaraj would not come for a hundred years if untouchability was not eliminated.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What event in 1928 highlighted the distrust between communities in India?

The All Parties Conference, where M.R. Jayakar opposed compromise efforts.

Role of Women in the National Movement

What actions did women take in the nationalist movement in India?

They picketed foreign cloth and liquor shops and many went to jail.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What does the term 'boycott' mean in the context of nationalism in India?

The refusal to deal with people, participate in activities, or buy/use things as a form of protest.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

What political solution did many dalit leaders advocate for?

Demanding reserved seats in educational institutions and a separate electorate for dalits.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What hymn did Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay write as a tribute to the motherland?

Vande Mataram.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What significant action did students take during the Non-Cooperation Movement?

Thousands left government-controlled schools and colleges.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the outcome of the Round Table Conference in London in December 1931?

The negotiations broke down, and Mahatma Gandhi returned disappointed.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What symbol did Mahatma Gandhi use to unite the nation during the Civil Disobedience Movement?


The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What symbolized Western economic and cultural domination in the context of the Non-Cooperation Movement?

Foreign cloth.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

Which social groups were active participants in the Civil Disobedience Movement?

Rich peasant communities like the Patidars of Gujarat and the Jats of Uttar Pradesh.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was the impact of the decline of the Non-Cooperation-Khilafat Movement on Muslims?

A large section of Muslims felt alienated from the Congress.

Role of Women in the National Movement

What was significant about women's participation in nationalist processions?

Many women moved out of their homes into the public arena for the first time.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the distance covered during Gandhi's salt march?

Over 240 miles.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

When did the Non-Cooperation-Khilafat Movement begin?

In January 1921.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

How did Mahatma Gandhi believe satyagraha could unite Indians?

Through the dharma of non-violence.

Impact of World War I on India

What economic changes occurred in India after World War I?

There was a huge increase in defense expenditure financed by war loans and increased taxes.

Nationalism in India

How did local movements relate to the Congress?

By identifying with a movement that went beyond their immediate locality.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

What was the outcome of the clash between Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi at the second Round Table Conference?

The Poona Pact of September 1932.

The Rowlatt Act and its Consequences

What actions did Gandhi organize in response to the Rowlatt Act?

A nationwide satyagraha starting with a hartal on 6 April, including rallies and strikes.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What led to the relaunch of the Civil Disobedience Movement by Mahatma Gandhi?

The new cycle of repression by the government and the imprisonment of key leaders.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

How did the dalit movement view the Congress-led national movement?

They were apprehensive of it.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

What was the aim of the satyagraha organized by the children of God?

To secure entry into temples and access to public wells, tanks, roads, and schools.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What event occurred at Chauri Chaura in 1922?

A peaceful demonstration turned into a violent clash with the police.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

How did tribal peasants in the Gudem Hills interpret Mahatma Gandhi's message?

They interpreted it as a call for militant resistance against colonial oppression.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

Who organized the dalits into the Depressed Classes Association in 1930?

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

Who toured extensively to mobilize support for the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1920?

Mahatma Gandhi and Shaukat Ali.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What was the impact of the boycott of foreign goods?

The import of foreign cloth halved between 1921 and 1922.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

Why did the Congress party initially ignore the dalits?

They feared offending the sanatanis, the conservative high-caste Hindus.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the purpose of Mahatma Gandhi's letter to Viceroy Irwin?

To state eleven demands, including the abolition of the salt tax.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

How did Gandhi describe satyagraha in terms of strength?

He stated that it is not passive resistance but requires intense activity and is a form of active resistance.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

Why did rich peasants support the Civil Disobedience Movement?

They were affected by trade depression and high revenue demands from the government.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What did the tricolour flag designed during the Swadeshi movement represent?

Eight provinces of British India and the unity of Hindus and Muslims.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

What does satyagraha suggest about the use of physical force?

Physical force is not necessary if the cause is true and the struggle is against injustice.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

Who created the image of Bharat Mata?

Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

What was the purpose of Gandhi's satyagraha in Champaran in 1917?

To inspire peasants to struggle against the oppressive plantation system.

Impact of World War I on India

What was the impact of World War I on prices in India?

Prices doubled between 1913 and 1918, leading to extreme hardship for the common people.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What is nationalism?

The belief that people are part of the same nation, united by common bonds.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

What did the Poona Pact provide for the Depressed Classes?

Reserved seats in provincial and central legislative councils, voted in by the general electorate.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What was the purpose of recording folk tales and songs in late-nineteenth-century India?

To preserve traditional culture and restore national identity.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What role did cultural processes play in nationalism?

They captured people's imagination through history, fiction, folklore, songs, and symbols.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What did Natesa Sastri believe about folklore?

He believed it was national literature and a trustworthy manifestation of people's real thoughts and characteristics.

The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

What significant event took place on 13 April 1919?

The Jallianwalla Bagh incident.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the atmosphere when the Civil Disobedience Movement started?

An atmosphere of suspicion and distrust between communities.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What powerful idea was associated with Bharat Mata in popular prints?

The idea of sacrifice for the mother.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was 'begar' in the context of the peasant movement?

Labour that villagers were forced to contribute without any payment.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

Why did Mahatma Gandhi withdraw the Non-Cooperation Movement in February 1922?

He felt the movement was turning violent and that satyagrahis needed proper training.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What happened in June 1920 related to the peasant movement?

Jawaharlal Nehru began visiting villages in Awadh to talk to villagers about their grievances.

Nationalism in India

How did different movements interpret the term 'swaraj'?

They imagined it as a time when all suffering and troubles would be over.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What figure symbolizes the identity of the nation in India?

Bharat Mata.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What was the proposed first step of the Non-Cooperation Movement by Gandhiji?

The surrender of titles awarded by the government and a boycott of civil services, army, police, courts, legislative councils, schools, and foreign goods.

Role of Women in the National Movement

What was Gandhiji's view on the role of women in society?

He believed it was their duty to look after home and hearth, and to be good mothers and wives.

Role of Women in the National Movement

How did the Congress party view women's participation in leadership roles?

The Congress was reluctant to allow women to hold positions of authority and was keen only on their symbolic presence.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

Who was Alluri Sitaram Raju?

A leader of the Gudem Hills guerrilla movement who claimed to have special powers and was inspired by Gandhi.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

How is Bharat Mata portrayed in Abanindranath Tagore's painting?

As an ascetic figure, calm, composed, divine, and spiritual.

The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

What was the outcome of the police firing on a peaceful procession in Amritsar?

It provoked widespread attacks on banks, post offices, and railway stations, leading to the imposition of martial law.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What did plantation workers in Assam associate with the concept of swaraj?

The right to move freely and retain links with their home villages.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What was the potential consequence of Indians refusing to cooperate with British rule?

British rule in India would collapse within a year, leading to swaraj.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

Who led the peasant movement in Awadh?

Baba Ramchandra.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was a significant consequence of worsening relations between Hindus and Muslims?

Communal clashes and riots in various cities.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

When did Mahatma Gandhi return to India?

In January 1915.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was the stance of the Congress regarding 'no rent' campaigns?

The Congress was unwilling to support these campaigns due to apprehension of upsetting rich peasants and landlords.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army (HSRA) and who were its notable leaders?

The HSRA was founded in 1928, with leaders like Bhagat Singh, Jatin Das, and Ajoy Ghosh.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What did some Congress leaders want to do instead of mass struggles?

They wanted to participate in elections to the provincial councils set up by the Government of India Act of 1919.

Role of Women in the National Movement

From which backgrounds did women participating in the nationalist movement primarily come?

In urban areas, they were from high-caste families; in rural areas, they came from rich peasant households.

Role of Women in the National Movement

How did Gandhiji influence women's perception of their role in the nation?

He encouraged them to see service to the nation as a sacred duty.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

Who primarily participated in the Non-Cooperation Movement in towns?

Middle-class individuals, including students, teachers, and lawyers.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What led to the revolt of the hill people in the Gudem Hills?

The colonial government's closure of large forest areas and forced contributions for road building.

Nationalism in India

What date was declared as Independence Day in 1930?

26 January 1930.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What were some concerns within the Congress regarding the Non-Cooperation Movement?

Reluctance to boycott council elections and fear that the movement might lead to popular violence.

Impact of World War I on India

What were the consequences of crop failures in India during 1918-21?

Acute shortages of food and an influenza epidemic, leading to the death of 12 to 13 million people.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was Jinnah's condition for giving up the demand for separate electorates?

Muslims were assured reserved seats in the Central Assembly and representation in proportion to population in Muslim-dominated provinces.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What was necessary for the success of the boycott of British institutions?

The establishment of alternative Indian institutions.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

Who is Bal Gangadhar Tilak?

An early-twentieth-century figure surrounded by symbols of unity in a print.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

What does Gandhi mean by 'satyagraha is pure soul-force'?

It emphasizes truth and love, and does not inflict pain or seek destruction of the adversary.

The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

What was the purpose of General Dyer's actions during the Jallianwalla Bagh incident?

To produce a moral effect and instill terror among satyagrahis.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What did Gandhi do on 6 April 1930 at Dandi?

He ceremonially violated the law by manufacturing salt.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What did Sir Muhammad Iqbal emphasize as important for Muslims in 1930?

The importance of separate electorates as a safeguard for their minority political interests.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What principle did Iqbal propose for a permanent communal settlement?

The Indian Muslim is entitled to full and free development on the lines of his own culture and tradition.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What was Bhagat Singh's view on revolution during his trial?

He believed revolution was the inalienable right of mankind and that freedom is the birthright of all.

Nationalism in India

What significant demand was formalized at the Lahore Congress in December 1929?

The demand for 'Purna Swaraj' or full independence for India.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

Which movement popularized the song 'Vande Mataram'?

The Swadeshi movement.

Dalit Participation and the Poona Pact

What term did the 'untouchables' begin to use for themselves in the 1930s?

Dalit, meaning oppressed.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

How did people develop a sense of collective belonging?

Through united struggles and various cultural processes.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What qualities did foreign travelers in India admire in earlier times?

Courage, truthfulness, and modesty of the people of the Arya vamsa.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

Who emerged as a new leader in India after World War I?

Mahatma Gandhi.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the significance of the salt tax in Gandhi's campaign?

It was seen as a symbol of British oppression affecting both rich and poor.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What does the mala in Bharat Mata's hand symbolize?

Her ascetic quality.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What were the demands of the poorer peasantry during the Civil Disobedience Movement?

They wanted unpaid rent to landlords to be remitted.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What were the important differences between the Congress and the Muslim League in 1927?

Over the question of representation in future assemblies.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What law did thousands of Indians break during the movement?

The salt law.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was the effect of glorifying Hindu history in nationalist narratives?

It made people from other communities feel left out.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the response of the colonial government to the movement?

They began arresting Congress leaders one by one.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the reaction of younger leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose?

They pressed for more radical mass agitation and full independence.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the government's reaction to the violent clashes?

They responded with a policy of brutal repression.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What did Gandhi propose at the Calcutta session of Congress in September 1920?

To start a non-cooperation movement in support of Khilafat and for swaraj.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

How did industrial workers participate in the Civil Disobedience Movement?

They selectively adopted Gandhian ideas, such as boycotting foreign goods, and participated in strikes and protests.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

Who led the movement for collecting folk ballads and nursery rhymes in Bengal?

Rabindranath Tagore.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was the Inland Emigration Act of 1859?

It restricted plantation workers from leaving tea gardens without permission.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

How did the Non-Cooperation Movement spread from cities to the countryside?

It drew in the struggles of peasants and tribals.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What symbols frame Bal Gangadhar Tilak in the print?

Sacred institutions of different faiths: temple, church, and masjid.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What concern did many Muslim leaders express regarding their status in India?

They feared that the culture and identity of minorities would be submerged under the domination of a Hindu majority.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

How did Indians respond to British perceptions of them as backward?

By looking into their past to discover and write about India's great achievements.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What actions did peasants take against colonial taxes?

They refused to pay revenue and chaukidari taxes.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

How did Iqbal view communalism in the context of Indian society?

He viewed it as indispensable to the formation of a harmonious whole in a country like India.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What issue did Gandhi take up to unite Hindus and Muslims?

The Khilafat issue.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

How did Indian merchants and industrialists react to colonial policies during the Civil Disobedience Movement?

They reacted against policies that restricted business activities and sought protection against foreign imports.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What did the Gandhi-Irwin Pact entail?

Gandhi consented to participate in a Round Table Conference.

Role of Women in the National Movement

What significant role did women play in the Civil Disobedience Movement?

Thousands of women participated in protest marches, listened to Gandhi, and manufactured salt during the salt march.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What happened to plantation workers who tried to leave during the Non-Cooperation Movement?

They were caught by police and brutally beaten up.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What did Gandhiji's Swaraj flag symbolize?

The Gandhian ideal of self-help, represented by a spinning wheel.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Concept of Satyagraha

What was the context of Gandhi's earlier activism in South Africa?

He led workers in a satyagraha against racist laws that denied rights to non-whites.

The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

What brutal measures did the government employ in response to the unrest following the Jallianwalla Bagh incident?

Satyagrahis were humiliated, forced to crawl, and flogged; villages were bombed.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What does the figure of Bharat Mata symbolize?

Power and authority, represented by the trishul, lion, and elephant.

Cultural Processes in the Formation of National Identity

What did Iqbal argue about the application of European democracy to India?

It cannot be applied without recognizing the fact of communal groups.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What was the role of the Khilafat Committee formed in March 1919?

To defend the Khalifa's temporal powers after the defeat of Ottoman Turkey.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What slogan greeted the Simon Commission upon its arrival in India?

'Go back Simon'.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

Why did business groups become apprehensive after the Round Table Conference?

They were worried about militant activities, prolonged disruption of business, and the growing influence of socialism among younger Congress members.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What were the main demands of the peasant movement in Awadh?

Reduction of revenue, abolition of begar, and social boycott of oppressive landlords.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What did the plantation workers believe would happen with Gandhi Raj?

They believed everyone would be given land in their own villages.

Nationalism in India

What was the essence of the Independence Day Pledge taken on 26 January 1930?

The belief in the right to freedom and the necessity to abolish oppressive governments.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What dramatic actions did the HSRA undertake in 1929?

They threw a bomb in the Legislative Assembly and attempted to blow up a train carrying Lord Irwin.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

Who formed the Swaraj Party within the Congress?

C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the outcome of Mahatma Gandhi's arrest in Sholapur?

Industrial workers attacked police posts and structures symbolizing British rule.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the reaction of Jawaharlal Nehru during the police firing incident near Rae Bareli?

He felt agitated but ultimately spoke to the peasants about non-violence.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What vague offer did Lord Irwin announce in October 1929?

An offer of 'dominion status' for India in an unspecified future.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was the Congress's stance on including workers' demands in its struggle?

The Congress was reluctant to include workers' demands, fearing it would alienate industrialists and divide anti-imperial forces.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What is a 'picket' in the context of the Non-Cooperation Movement?

A form of demonstration or protest blocking the entrance to a shop, factory, or office.

The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

What was the immediate public reaction to the Jallianwalla Bagh incident?

Crowds took to the streets, leading to strikes, clashes with police, and attacks on government buildings.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What role did Jawaharlal Nehru play in the Awadh peasant movement?

He traveled around villages to understand grievances and helped establish the Oudh Kisan Sabha.

The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

What did Mahatma Gandhi decide after the violence spread following the Jallianwalla Bagh incident?

He called off the movement.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What happened when Abdul Ghaffar Khan was arrested?

Angry crowds demonstrated in the streets of Peshawar, facing police firing.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

How did local leaders misinterpret Gandhiji's message during the peasant movement?

They told peasants that Gandhiji declared no taxes were to be paid and land was to be redistributed.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What organizations did Indian industrialists form to organize their business interests?

The Indian Industrial and Commercial Congress in 1920 and the Federation of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FICCI) in 1927.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What happened to Lala Lajpat Rai during the protests against the Simon Commission?

He was assaulted by British police and succumbed to his injuries.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What was the outcome of the peasant movement in 1921?

Houses of talukdars and merchants were attacked, and grain hoards were taken over.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

What economic issues did Iqbal highlight concerning Muslims in India?

The general economic inferiority of Muslims, their enormous debt, and insufficient majorities in some provinces.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

Who were the young Muslim leaders that discussed the Khilafat issue with Gandhi?

Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

How many volunteers accompanied Mahatma Gandhi during the Dandi march?

78 volunteers.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What notable events occurred in 1930 related to workers and the Civil Disobedience Movement?

Strikes by railway workers and dockworkers, and thousands of workers in Chotanagpur tin mines participated in protests wearing Gandhi caps.

The Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement

What was Mahatma Gandhi's vision for a broader movement in India after the Jallianwalla Bagh incident?

To bring Hindus and Muslims closer together.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What economic event affected Indian politics in the late 1920s?

The worldwide economic depression.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What did Mahatma Gandhi decide to do on 5 March 1931?

He called off the movement and entered into the Gandhi-Irwin Pact.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the industrialists' view of swaraj?

They saw it as a time when colonial restrictions on business would no longer exist, allowing trade and industry to flourish.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the Bardoli Satyagraha?

A successful peasant movement led by Vallabhbhai Patel against enhancement of land revenue in 1928.

Civil Disobedience Movement and the Salt March

What was the Simon Commission and why was it controversial?

It was a commission set up to suggest changes to the constitutional system in India but had no Indian members.

Social Groups Involved in the National Movement

Who were some prominent industrialists that supported the Civil Disobedience Movement?

Purshottamdas Thakurdas and G. D. Birla.

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