data source error

incorrect data provided by data source

transcription error

data is mistyped, misread, misheard


data source error

<p>incorrect data provided by data source</p>

transcription error

<p>data is mistyped, misread, misheard</p>

transposition error

<p>the placement of data is incorrect</p>

presence check

<p>ensure the data field is not empty</p>

fixed value check

<p>ensure the data only selected from a list of specific value</p>

range check

<p>ensure the data within a certain range</p>

type check

<p>ensure the data must be certain type</p>

length check

<p>ensure the length of the data match the certain citeria</p>

date picker

<p>type check, format check</p>


<p>fixed value check</p>

consistency check

<p>ensure the data is reasonable when comparing with other data in other field</p>

uniqueness check

<p>ensure the data must be unique for the field</p>

drop down list

<p>fixed value check</p>

radio button

<p>fixed value check</p>

format check

<p>ensure the data must be specific format</p>

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