Ergonomics is the application of scientific principles, methods, and data from various disciplines to develop engineering systems where people play a significant role.
What is the Ergonomics Knowledge Base?
The Ergonomics Knowledge Base focuses on understanding human dimensions, capabilities, and limitations.
Definition and Scope of Ergonomics


Ergonomics is the application of scientific principles, methods, and data from various disciplines to develop engineering systems where people play a significant role.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What is the Ergonomics Knowledge Base?

The Ergonomics Knowledge Base focuses on understanding human dimensions, capabilities, and limitations.

Design Principles in Ergonomics

What are Design Applications in ergonomics?

Design Applications refer to the design of tasks, equipment, and environments based on knowledge of human size, strengths, and weaknesses.

Design Principles in Ergonomics

What does 'designing-in' refer to in ergonomics?

'Designing-in' refers to creating a better interface to improve the interaction between users and machines.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics

What disciplines are involved in ERGONOMICS?

The basic disciplines involved in ergonomics include psychology, cognitive science, physiology, biomechanics, applied physical anthropometry, and industrial systems engineering.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics

What does MEDICINE focus on?

Medicine is concerned with illnesses and their prevention and healing.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics

What does SOCIOLOGY study?

Sociology is concerned with the development, structure, interaction, and behavior of individuals or groups.

Psychological and Social Aspects of Ergonomics

What is the significance of intelligence testing in ergonomics?

Intelligence testing was developed to screen military recruits during World War I and later used to assess industrial workers for jobs that matched their mental capabilities.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics

What is ANATOMY?

Anatomy describes the build of the human body.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics


Psychology is the science of mind and behavior.

Measurement and Analysis in Ergonomics

How is success measured in ergonomics?

Success in ergonomics is measured by improved productivity, efficiency, safety, acceptance of the resultant system design, and improved quality of human life.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

What followed the shaping of tools in the evolution of ergonomic practices?

Creating finished products from raw materials and manufacturing in quantity followed the shaping of tools.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

How did the 20th century advance industrial physiology and psychology?

By the 20th century, industrial physiology and psychology were well advanced and recognized for both theoretical research on human characteristics and practical applications for designing living and work environments.

Human-Machine Interaction

What is Human-Machine Interaction?

It is the study of interaction between people and machines and the factors that affect this interaction, aimed at improving system performance by enhancing human-machine interaction.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics

What does ORTHOPEDIC refer to?

Orthopedic is concerned with the skeletal system.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics


Physiology studies the functions and activities of the living body, including physical and chemical processes.

Human-Machine Interaction

What are undesirable aspects of system functioning in ergonomics?

Undesirable aspects include inefficiency, fatigue, accidents, injuries & errors, user difficulties, low morale, and apathy.

Psychological and Social Aspects of Ergonomics

What is psychotechnology?

Psychotechnology is the development of methods and tools to assess individuals' abilities to perform physical and mental work, including their vigilance, attention, mental workload capacity, driving behavior, and ability to interpret road signs.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

What was the focus of the 19th century in relation to human sciences?

The 19th century saw a shift towards theories aimed at understanding the complex human being, influenced by increasing industrialization and military needs, leading to applied aspects of previously pure sciences.

Impact of Ergonomics on Workplace Safety

What is the primary focus of industrial ergonomics?

The primary focus of industrial ergonomics within the workplace is on both the prevention of injuries and the improvement of worker efficiency.

Psychological and Social Aspects of Ergonomics

What ethical responsibility do employers have regarding ergonomics?

Employers have the ethical responsibility to minimize potential injuries to their workforce.

Design Principles in Ergonomics

What is the significance of analyzing the work system?

Analyzing the work system helps identify points of application for basic knowledge in the design and evaluation process, ensuring efficiency and safety.

Human-Machine Interaction

How can systems be improved according to ergonomics?

Systems can be improved by designing user interfaces for compatibility with tasks and users, changing the work environment for safety and appropriateness, adjusting tasks to fit user characteristics, and organizing work to meet psychological and social needs.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What is another term for ERGONOMICS?

Ergonomics is also called human factors or human engineering.

Measurement and Analysis in Ergonomics

How is energy consumption related to heart rate?

The relationship between energy consumption and heart rate indicates how the body's energy expenditure during various activities correlates with the physiological response of the heart, reflecting the intensity of physical exertion.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What is a work system?

A work system is a structured environment where human and machine components interact to achieve specific tasks or goals, defined by its boundaries.

Design Principles in Ergonomics

What does 'designing-out' mean in the context of ergonomics?

'Designing-out' involves eliminating factors in the work environment that negatively affect human-machine interaction.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

What is the significance of using objects found in the environment as tools in the development of ergonomics?

Using objects found in the environment as tools is an ancient activity that distinguishes humans from other primates, marking the beginning of ergonomic practices.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

What was the next step after the selection of tools in the development of ergonomics?

The next step was the purposeful shaping of these tools to better fit human use.

Human-Machine Interaction

What types of systems does ERGONOMICS apply to?

Ergonomics applies to systems ranging from the use of simple tools by consumers to multiperson sociotechnical systems.

Measurement and Analysis in Ergonomics

What was the focus of the Hawthorne Study?

The Hawthorne Study focused on assessing the relationship between lighting conditions and worker efficiency in workrooms producing electrical equipment.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What is work physiology?

Applying physiological knowledge and measuring techniques to the body at work.

Human-Machine Interaction

What is the focus of ergonomics regarding human-machine interaction?

The focus is on the interaction between the person and the machine and the design of the interface between the two.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What are 'acceptable' conditions in ergonomics?

Acceptable conditions in ergonomics are those upon which the people involved can voluntarily agree, based on current scientific knowledge and under given sociological, technological, and organizational circumstances.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics

What are the two distinct aspects of ergonomics?

The two distinct aspects of ergonomics are study, research, and experimentation to determine specific human traits for engineering design, and application and engineering to design tools and environments that fit human needs.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

What is the significance of the 18th century in the development of psychology?

The 18th century marked the diversification of the sciences of anatomy and physiology, leading to the accumulation of specific detailed knowledge, and the beginning of psychology as a separate science.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

What early activities can be considered 'ergonomic' in nature?

Fitting clothes and making shelters were early activities that can be considered 'ergonomic'.

Impact of Ergonomics on Workplace Safety

What is the fundamental aim of ERGONOMICS?

The fundamental aim of ergonomics is to ensure that all human-made tools, devices, equipment, machines, and environments enhance the safety, well-being, and performance of human beings.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

What was the initial approach to tool selection in early ergonomics?

Initially, pieces of stone, bones, and wood were not shaped but rather selected for their fit to the human hand.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What are the roots of the term ergonomics?

The term ergonomics is derived from the Greek words 'ergon' meaning 'work' and 'nomos' meaning 'laws', and it involves analyzing work to design jobs and tools that fit workers' capabilities.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics

What is management in the context of ergonomics?

Dealing with and coordinating the intentions of the employer and the employees.

Human-Machine Interaction

What is a Simple Work System?

A Simple Work System refers to the interaction between users and machines, emphasizing the need for better task design to enhance productivity.

Impact of Ergonomics on Workplace Safety

What are the economic benefits of ergonomics in the workplace?

Ergonomics can reduce costs associated with work-related injuries and increase profits through improvements in overall worker productivity.

Human-Machine Interaction

What are the components of a work system?

The components of a work system include human elements, machine elements, and the local environment that influences their interaction.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What is the goal of ergonomics?

The goal of ergonomics is the 'humanization' of work, which involves making work safe, efficient, and satisfying.

Impact of Ergonomics on Workplace Safety

How does ergonomics view absenteeism and human error?

In ergonomics, absenteeism, injury, poor quality, and high levels of human error are seen as system problems rather than 'people' problems, suggesting that solutions lie in better system design.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What is anthropometry?

The measuring and description of the physical dimensions of the human body.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics

What practical concerns are addressed in ergonomics?

Practical concerns in ergonomics include sending and receiving Morse Code, measuring perception and attention at work, using psychology in advertising, and promoting industrial efficiency.

Human-Machine Interaction

What do ergonomists call for when faced with productivity problems?

Ergonomists call for a better interface and better interaction between the user and the machine, focusing on improved task design.

Human-Machine Interaction

What is the role of task design in productivity?

Task design plays a crucial role in productivity by ensuring effective interaction between users and machines, which can lead to improved performance.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics adapts the human-made world to the people involved, focusing on the human as the most important component of our technological system, with the goal of humanizing work to make it safe, efficient, and satisfying.

Measurement and Analysis in Ergonomics

What is minimal nutrition in the context of performing activities?

The minimal nutrition required to perform certain activities refers to the essential dietary intake necessary to sustain energy levels and physical capabilities during tasks such as agricultural, industrial, military, and household work.

Impact of Ergonomics on Workplace Safety

What is the Hawthorne Effect?

The Hawthorne Effect refers to the phenomenon where workers' productivity increases due to the awareness of being observed, regardless of changes in environmental factors like lighting.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What is biomechanics?

Describing the physical behavior of the body in mechanical terms.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Ergonomics

What were the two approaches to studying human characteristics that developed in the 20th century?

One approach focused on physiological and physical properties of humans (Europe), while the other concentrated on psychological and social traits (North America).

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What does ergonomics aim to generate in terms of working conditions?

Ergonomics aims to generate tolerable working conditions that do not pose known dangers to human life or health.

Definition and Scope of Ergonomics

What are 'optimal' conditions in ergonomics?

Optimal conditions in ergonomics are those that are well adapted to human characteristics, capabilities, and desires, achieving physical, mental, and social well-being.

Design Principles in Ergonomics

What does suitable body posture at work entail?

Suitable body posture at work involves positioning the body in a way that minimizes strain and maximizes efficiency, thereby reducing the risk of injury and enhancing productivity.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

Who were some key researchers in the 18th century studying energy capabilities of the working human body?

In France, researchers such as Lavoisier, Duchehhe, Amar, and Dunod focused on the energy capabilities of the working human body.

Psychological and Social Aspects of Ergonomics

What is industrial psychology?

The study of people’s attitude and behavior at work.

Design Principles in Ergonomics

What is the significance of designing equipment to fit the human body?

Designing equipment to fit the human body is crucial for ensuring comfort, safety, and efficiency in the workplace, as it helps to accommodate human physical characteristics and capabilities.

Historical Development of Ergonomics

What contributions did Marey and Bedaux make in the 19th century?

Marey developed methods to describe human motions at work, while Bedaux conducted studies to determine work payment systems.

Impact of Ergonomics on Workplace Safety

What is industrial hygiene?

Concerned with the control of occupational health hazards that arise as a result of doing work.

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