What does PL/SQL stand for?
Procedural Language extensions to the Structured Query Language (SQL).
Who developed PL/SQL and when?
Oracle Corporation in the early 1990s.
Introduction to PL/SQL

What does PL/SQL stand for?

Procedural Language extensions to the Structured Query Language (SQL).

History of PL/SQL Development

Who developed PL/SQL and when?

Oracle Corporation in the early 1990s.

Integration of SQL and Procedural Features

What are the main features of PL/SQL?

Combines SQL capabilities with procedural features like loops, conditions, and variables.

Dynamic and Flexible Database Operations

How does PL/SQL enhance database operations?

By enabling more dynamic and flexible database operations.

Embedded Language Functionality

What is the role of PL/SQL as an embedded language?

It allows developers to run PL/SQL programs directly from within the database.

Code Maintainability in PL/SQL

Why is PL/SQL considered highly structured?

It is readable and accessible to developers, enhancing code maintainability.

Procedural Programming Characteristics

What characterizes procedural programming languages?

A sequence of well-structured steps and procedures aimed at solving problems efficiently.

Portability of PL/SQL across Oracle Databases

What makes PL/SQL a portable solution?

It can be utilized everywhere there is an Oracle database.

Enhancing Application Functionality with PL/SQL

How does PL/SQL facilitate application functionality?

By enabling execution from Oracle Developer forms, enhancing integration.

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