What is the opening for waste elimination?
What is peristalsis?
Wave-like muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract.
Anatomy of the Digestive System

What is the opening for waste elimination?


Mechanism of Digestion

What is peristalsis?

Wave-like muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract.

Digestive Enzymes

What enzyme initiates protein digestion in the stomach?


Mechanism of Digestion

What is the role of secretion in digestion?

Release of digestive juices and enzymes from glands.

Summary of Digestive Organs and Functions

What is the function of the mouth in digestion?

Mechanical and chemical digestion.

Water Absorption

Where does water absorption mainly occur?

In the large intestine.

Summary of Digestive Organs and Functions

What is the function of the small intestine?

Nutrient absorption.

Anatomy of the Digestive System

Which part of the digestive system is primarily responsible for nutrient absorption?

Small Intestine

Digestive Enzymes

Which enzyme breaks down carbohydrates and is found in saliva?


Mechanism of Digestion

What is defecation?

Elimination of indigestible substances as feces.

Summary of Digestive Organs and Functions

How does the esophagus function in digestion?

Transports food to the stomach.

Anatomy of the Digestive System

What connects the mouth to the stomach?


Anatomy of the Digestive System

What is the function of the large intestine?

Absorbs water and electrolytes; compacts waste into feces.

Digestive Enzymes

Which enzyme breaks down fats in the small intestine?


Anatomy of the Digestive System

What organ initiates protein digestion?


Anatomy of the Digestive System

What stores feces before excretion?


Chemical Digestion

What is chemical digestion?

Enzymatic breakdown of food into smaller molecules.

Summary of Digestive Organs and Functions

What does the anus do?

Excretes waste.

Anatomy of the Digestive System

What is the entry point for food in the digestive system?


Mechanical Digestion

What is mechanical digestion?

Physical breakdown of food, such as chewing and churning in the stomach.

Summary of Digestive Organs and Functions

What is the function of the rectum?

Stores feces.

Nutrient Absorption

Where does nutrient absorption primarily occur?

In the small intestine through villi and microvilli.

Mechanism of Digestion

What is the process of moving food through the digestive tract called?


Summary of Digestive Organs and Functions

What does the large intestine do?

Water absorption and waste compaction.

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