Who sponsors oral presentations of research in academic fields?
Professional associations.
Why is literature citation important in a research paper?
To avoid plagiarism and to assign proper authority to a statement.
Referencing Government Documents

Who sponsors oral presentations of research in academic fields?

Professional associations.

Importance of Citing Resources

Why is literature citation important in a research paper?

To avoid plagiarism and to assign proper authority to a statement.

Avoiding Plagiarism

What is one consequence of not citing sources?

Plagiarism, which is against the student code of conduct.

Importance of Citing Resources

What does citing literature add to a research paper?

Weight and credibility to the statements made.

Citing Books and Articles

What does it mean to cite literature?

Giving credit to the source of any information or ideas in the text.

Creating a Reference Section

What type of list is the reference section?

An alphabetical list of all the references cited in the text.

Creating a Reference Section

What is important when referencing resources?

Ensuring accuracy and consistency in citations.

Types of Publications

What are dissertations and theses considered in terms of information sources?

They are valuable sources of information.

Importance of Citing Resources

What is the purpose of citing resources?

To give credit to original authors and avoid plagiarism.

Citing Books and Articles

What is the first step after selecting materials for study?

Citing their sources.

Citing Books and Articles

What is an example of a long quote citation?

A citation that includes a block quote format for lengthy excerpts.

Citing Books and Articles

How should you cite an entry in an online reference work?

Follow the specific citation guidelines for online sources.

Ethical Writing Practices

What is a key principle when conducting research?

You must research in order to do research.

Creating a Reference Section

What aids in creating the reference list?

The sources within the text.

Citing Books and Articles

How do you cite articles from print periodicals?

By including the author's name, article title, publication name, and date.

Avoiding Plagiarism

When should you cite your sources?

Whenever you use a direct quote, paraphrase, summarize, or use less known facts or statistics related to your argument.

Types of Publications

What does the lesson provide regarding sources?

A list of varied sources and the standard style to be followed.

Citation Formats and Styles

Who dictates the citation style to be used?

The school.

Citation Formats and Styles

What citation style requires a reference section?

APA style.

Distinguishing Between Citation Types

Why is it important to distinguish among types of publications?

It is essential for mastering how different types of references are cited.

Types of Publications

Where can full text of e-journals be found?

On the internet.

Importance of Citing Resources

Why is referencing important in academic writing?

It demonstrates reading and understanding of relevant literature.

Referencing Government Documents

Where are government documents rarely found?

In the catalogue system.

Citation Formats and Styles

What is the most popular format for citing literature?

Using an author's last name and date of publication in parentheses.

Importance of Citing Resources

How does referencing help the reader?

It enables the reader to track down the original sources to check its quality.

Citation Formats and Styles

What may a school prescribe for its students?

A particular citation style.

Creating a Reference Section

What does a citation provide regarding a scholarly publication?

Details of its location, helping people find it quickly.

Importance of Citing Resources

What does proper referencing add to your work?

It adds authority by supporting it with previous research.

Types of Publications

What types of information do books communicate?

They provide information, provoke thought, and entertain.

Referencing Government Documents

Where can government documents be located?

On the internet, research institutes, and policy centers.

Ethical Writing Practices

How does referencing contribute to ethical writing?

It ensures that you give credit to the original authors.

Types of Publications

In what formats can researchers find reports of research studies?

Books, scholarly journal articles, dissertations, government documents, and policy reports.

Consulting Instructors for Citation Guidelines

What should you do when citing references?

Check with an instructor for the required form.

Referencing Government Documents

What types of materials can government documents include?

Sponsored studies and published reports from different government agencies.

Types of Publications

What features make it easier to identify quantitative studies?

They usually include a method or data section, charts, statistical formulas, and tables of numbers.

Referencing Government Documents

What other forms can government documents take?

Policy reports and presented papers.

Creating a Reference Section

What is essential to include in a report according to the text?

Citations in the text and full references at the end.

Creating a Reference Section

Where does a full citation appear?

In a separate bibliography or reference section.

Citing Books and Articles

What are the key components of a citation for a book?

Author's name, complete title, date of publication, and publisher.

Importance of Citing Resources

What is the importance of citing authorities in a report?

To ensure credibility and proper acknowledgment of sources.

Types of Publications

Where can specialized indexes be found?

At accredited universities.

Citation Formats and Styles

What is one method of citing electronic resources?

Using specific citation formats for websites and online articles.

Creating a Reference Section

Where should the reference section be placed in a report?

At the end of your report, before the appendix.

Citing Books and Articles

What does referencing your sources involve?

Systematically showing what information or ideas you are quoting or paraphrasing from another author's works.

Citation Formats and Styles

Why is it important to follow prescribed formats for writing?

To ensure proper citation and referencing.

Citation Formats and Styles

What is the difference between a reference section and a bibliography in APA style?

A reference section includes only the sources cited in the text, while a bibliography may include additional sources.

Ethical Writing Practices

What must you express alongside your original thoughts?

The thoughts and ideas of others.

Creating a Reference Section

What is involved in laying out a reference section?

Organizing citations in a specific format, such as alphabetical order.

Consulting Instructors for Citation Guidelines

What should you do to determine the format or writing style for citations?

Consult with your teacher.

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