What is the current price of HCL Tech?
1,556 Rs
What is the year-to-date outperformance of CLSA’s India portfolio?
The year-to-date outperformance stands at 7.3ppt.
CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the current price of HCL Tech?

1,556 Rs

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the year-to-date outperformance of CLSA’s India portfolio?

The year-to-date outperformance stands at 7.3ppt.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the current price of ITC?

524 Rs

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What is the CAGR for Apollo HS from FY24 to FY26?


Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What is the projected Return on Equity (ROE) for India in 2025?


Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does bullish sentiment indicate in the context of the Nifty index?

Bullish sentiment indicates a positive outlook where investors expect the Nifty index to rise.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the trend of USA's ROE?

USA ROE is inching towards its peak.

Government Borrowing and Discipline

What is the highest recorded Net Debt to EBITDA ratio in the provided data?

The highest recorded Net Debt to EBITDA ratio in the provided data is 3.0.

Demographics and Workforce Trends

What is the source of the demographic data presented?

International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Bloomberg, CLSA

Sector Performance Post-Elections

What trend was observed in the performance of Modi stocks compared to Nifty before the election?

Modi stocks outperformed Nifty before the election.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What was the performance of the CLSA India portfolio compared to the Nifty since inception?

The CLSA India portfolio achieved a performance of 219% compared to the Nifty's 86%.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

How did the performance of non-Modi stocks change after the election?

Non-Modi stocks joined the rally after the election.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What was India's leverage value on December 31, 2025, according to the data?

India's leverage value is projected to be 1.1 on December 31, 2025.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does the depth of the Indian market provide?

A plethora of large and liquid opportunities.

GDP Growth Comparisons

What does the y-axis of the chart represent?

Market Cap (in US$tn).

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What is the 2-year EPS CAGR for the USA?

The 2-year EPS CAGR for the USA is 9.1.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What is the leverage value for Brazil as of December 31, 2019?

Brazil's leverage value is 2.8 as of December 31, 2019.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the current percentile of India in the BY-EY relationship for equity returns?


Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What percentage of FII funds are O-WT India?

Only about 40% of the FII funds are O-WT India.

GDP Growth Comparisons

Which country had the highest GDP growth rate post-Covid in 2023?

India with 7.8%

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What does 'Dependability' indicate about India's economic stability?

Bond yields haven’t risen, and a focused approach to raise forex reserves has pulled down volatility in the currency to record lows.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What is the projected capacity utilisation for Steel in FY25?

The projected capacity utilisation for Steel in FY25 is 89%.

Seven 'D's Framework

How has Development impacted India's market attractiveness?

Notable improvement in ROEs has made India the second best market on ROE, with significant room for further increases and strong EPS growth projections.

Household Leverage and Dependability

Which country has the highest 10-year yield in 2024-TD?

Brazil has the highest 10-year yield in 2024-TD at 12.19.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

Which emerging market has the highest number of sectors with more than 5% weight?

Thailand has the highest number of sectors with more than 5% weight among the emerging markets.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What has been the trend of the volatility of USD-INR from January 2004 to January 2024?

The volatility of USD-INR has been at historic lows, with thirty-day volatility of daily movements remaining below 1.0%.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

How has India's ROE changed since 2019?

India's ROE is improving since 2019.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What source provided the data regarding India's economic development?

The data regarding India's economic development was sourced from the International Monetary Fund, Bloomberg, and CLSA.

GDP Growth Comparisons

What does the bubble area in the provided chart indicate?

The bubble area indicates the size of GDP.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does the India Bull-Bear Index indicate about market sentiment?

The India Bull-Bear Index indicates extreme bullish sentiment, suggesting a strong positive outlook among investors.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

What are the key sectors identified as U-WTs?

Industrials and consumer discretionary are the key U-WTs.

Dependability and Stable Earnings Growth

What is the trend of stable earnings growth for India from 2021 to 2025?

India shows a stable earnings growth trend with percentages of 36.0% in 2021, 67.2% in 2022, 50.5% in 2023, 45.1% in 2024F, and 24.2% in 2025F.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

Which source provides the data on U-WTs?

The data is sourced from Bloomberg and CLSA.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

Where can important disclosure information be found in the presentation?

On the last page of the presentation.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What has been the performance trend of the CLSA India Focus Portfolio compared to the Nifty index?

The CLSA India Focus Portfolio has been a consistent performer against the Nifty index on a quarterly basis.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

What is the sector with the highest concentration in India according to the MSCI country index?

Financials, with a concentration of 25.2%.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What does 'Discipline' refer to in the context of India's economic growth?

The rise in government debt has been among the lowest across large markets.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

How may operating leverage impact margin expansion in Indian industries?

Operating leverage may support further margin expansion.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

Which company had an O-PF/(U-PF) to Nifty of 17.6 in 3QCY24-TD?


Household Leverage and Dependability

What has been the trend of the Beta of Nifty with respect to Emerging Markets (EM) from January 2008 to September 2023?

The Beta of Nifty with respect to EM has been decreasing over the years.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

How does India's projected ROE in 2025 compare to other global markets?

India has the highest projected ROE at 19.5, outperforming countries like the USA, Mexico, and Brazil.

Household Leverage and Dependability

Which country has shown the highest increase in import cover in the last 5 years?

India has shown the highest increase in import cover in the last 5 years.

Demographics and Workforce Trends

Which countries are mentioned as having a decrease in working population?

South Korea, Germany, Thailand, and others

Seven 'D's Framework

What is the focus of Vikash Kumar Jain's presentation at the Investors' Forum?

The focus is on the story of seven 'D's in India equity strategy.

Household Leverage and Dependability

How does India's leverage compare to other global markets as of December 31, 2019?

India's leverage is lower compared to several global markets, with a value of 1.2, while countries like Korea and Japan have higher values.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Which country has the fourth highest number of stocks valued over US$5 billion?


GDP Growth Comparisons

What does the x-axis of the chart represent?

The GDP growth rate (nominal USD, %YoY).

India's Economic Growth Drivers

Which country has the highest 2-year EPS CAGR in the provided data?

Korea has the highest 2-year EPS CAGR at 42.0.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

How does the India Bull-Bear Index correlate with Nifty market tops and bottoms?

The India Bull-Bear Index shows significant correlation with Nifty market tops and bottoms, indicating investor sentiment at those points.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

How has India's Return on Equity (ROE) changed over the last five years?

India's ROE improved significantly, with values ranging from 4.2 to 19.5 over the period.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What is the trend in capacity utilisation of key industries in India?

Capacity utilisation is on the rise with room for further improvement.

Government Borrowing and Discipline

What was the change in general government borrowing for India post Covid?

The change in general government borrowing for India post Covid was 3.6 ppt.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What is India's current 10-year yield as of 2024-TD?

India's current 10-year yield as of 2024-TD is 6.97.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

How does India's concentration in Information Technology compare to other emerging markets?

India has a concentration of 11.0%, which is lower than Taiwan's 77.1% and higher than several other emerging markets.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

What was the performance of the FMCG sector since the election result?

The FMCG sector had a performance of 17.1% since the election result.

GDP Growth Comparisons

What was the GDP growth rate for Mexico pre-Covid in 2019?


GDP Growth Comparisons

What is the projected nominal GDP of India by FY30?

India is set to become the third-largest economy with a projected nominal GDP of 6,683 billion USD by FY30.

GDP Growth Comparisons

What year has GDP per capita been rebased to 100 for the top 15 countries by market capitalisation?


Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Which other market is mentioned as nearing multi-year highs in ROE?

Taiwan is also nearing multi-year highs in ROE.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Does India have room for ROE improvement compared to the USA?

Yes, India has more room for ROE improvement.

Government Borrowing and Discipline

Which year shows the lowest Net Debt to EBITDA ratio in the data?

January 2025 shows the lowest Net Debt to EBITDA ratio at 1.0.

Demographics and Workforce Trends

How does diversity contribute to economic development?

Diversity in the workforce fosters innovation, creativity, and a broader range of skills, enhancing productivity and economic resilience.

Seven 'D's Framework

Who is the India strategist mentioned in the presentation?

Vikash Kumar Jain.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the trend in DMF ownership in the BSE 500 from March 2008 to September 2023?

DMF ownership has reached a lifetime high, indicating a significant increase over the years.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What does FII stand for in the context of the Indian market?

FII stands for Foreign Institutional Investor.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What has been the trend in India's cost of debt compared to its peers?

Unlike peers, India's cost of debt hasn’t risen significantly.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What role do 'Demographics & Diversity' play in India's economic growth?

India is among the top-3 nations on the rise in share of working age population and their diversity.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the number of stocks with a 3-month average daily trading volume greater than US$5 million in India?


Sector Performance Post-Elections

What was the performance of the healthcare sector post-election?

The healthcare sector had a performance of 24.4% post-election.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the percentage weighting of the IT sector in the portfolio?

The IT sector has a weighting of 20.9%.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What was the O-PF/(U-PF) to Nifty for HCL Tech in 3QCY24-TD?


Household Leverage and Dependability

What was the change in Indonesia's 10-year yield from pre-COVID to now?

Indonesia's 10-year yield changed from 0.87 to 6.62.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

Which emerging market has the highest concentration in the Financials sector?

South Africa, with a concentration of 35.8%.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What was the O-PF/(U-PF) to Nifty for SBI Life in 3QCY24-TD?


GDP Growth Comparisons

What was the GDP growth rate for the US post-Covid in 2023?


Household Leverage and Dependability

What does a decreasing Beta of Nifty suggest about its performance relative to EM?

A decreasing Beta suggests that Nifty is becoming less correlated with the performance of Emerging Markets.

GDP Growth Comparisons

How does India's GDP per capita in 2024 compare to that of the Philippines?

India's GDP per capita is 2,731 US$, while the Philippines' is 4,130 US$.

GDP Growth Comparisons

What is the projected GDP per capita for India in 2029?

4,281 US$

GDP Growth Comparisons

Which country has the highest GDP per capita in 2023?

Saudi Arabia with 32,530 US$.

GDP Growth Comparisons

What is the GDP per capita of the US in 2026?

90,903 US$

Government Borrowing and Discipline

What is the trend of Net Debt to EBITDA from January 2013 to January 2025?

The trend shows a decrease in Net Debt to EBITDA, reaching the lowest point of 1.0 in January 2025.

Demographics and Workforce Trends

What are the key aspects of development demographics?

Development demographics focus on population characteristics, including age, gender, and income levels, which influence economic growth and social policies.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does ROE stand for?

ROE stands for Return on Equity.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the rank of the Indian equity market in the world by market capitalization?

The Indian equity market is the fourth biggest in the world.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Which countries have a larger market capitalization than India?

The USA, China, and Japan have a larger market capitalization than India.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What is the trend of FII ownership in the Indian market as of the latest data?

FII ownership in the Indian market is at a record low.

Household Leverage and Dependability

Which country had the highest household debt as a percentage of GDP in 2022?


Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

How has individual ownership in the BSE 500 changed from March 2008 to September 2023?

Individual ownership has also reached a record high during this period.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What is the significance of the weight of India in the EM benchmark?

The weight of India in the EM benchmark indicates its relative importance in emerging markets.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

How many stocks in India have a market capitalization greater than US$5 billion?


Sector Performance Post-Elections

What was the performance percentage of the IT sector since the election result?

The IT sector had a performance of 28.6% since the election result.

GDP Growth Comparisons

What is India's GDP growth rate post-Covid in 2023?


India's Economic Growth Drivers

How does 'Domestic investors' impact India's economic landscape?

The rise in household leverage has been among the lowest across large markets.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What was the capacity utilisation percentage for Cement in FY24?

The capacity utilisation for Cement in FY24 is projected to be 70%.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What are the percentages of O-WT, U-WT, and Neutral FII funds?

O-WT 43%, U-WT 36%, Neutral 21%.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the percentage weighting of the Banks sector in the portfolio?

The Banks sector has a weighting of 32.9%.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

Which company has a CAGR of +14%?

IndusInd Bank

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the BY-EY current reading for India?


GDP Growth Comparisons

What was the GDP growth rate for Germany post-Covid in 2023?


GDP Growth Comparisons

Which country had the lowest GDP growth rate post-Covid in 2023?

Saudi Arabia with -0.8%

GDP Growth Comparisons

What is the GDP per capita of Brazil in 2025?

11,809 US$

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the average holding period for stocks in CLSA’s India portfolio?

The average holding period is 13 months.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the target price for SBI Life?

1,885 Rs

Demographics and Workforce Trends

Which country has the highest increase in workforce as a percentage of total population?


GDP Growth Comparisons

Which countries are compared to India's nominal GDP in the provided data?

The countries compared to India's nominal GDP include Canada, Italy, Brazil, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan.

GDP Growth Comparisons

Which country is noted as a leader in the rate of change in per capita GDP?


Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the significance of different levels of the Nifty index?

Different levels of the Nifty index reflect varying investor sentiments and market expectations.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

How can sentiment analysis impact investment decisions in the Nifty index?

Sentiment analysis can guide investors in making informed decisions based on market trends and investor behavior.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the year-to-date (YTD) outperformance of the CLSA India Focus Portfolio in 2024?

7.3 percentage points (ppts)

Household Leverage and Dependability

What was the household debt as a percentage of GDP in India in 2012?


CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

Which portfolio has outperformed the Nifty YTD in 2024?

CLSA India Focus Portfolio

Seven 'D's Framework

What is the date range for the Investors' Forum mentioned in the presentation?

9-12 September 2024.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

What was the performance trend of Modi stocks during the specified period?

Modi stocks did not fall while other stocks joined the rally.

Household Leverage and Dependability

Which country had the highest leverage value as of December 31, 2019?

Korea had the highest leverage value at 3.5 as of December 31, 2019.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does the 19Y average represent in the context of bond yields?

It serves as a benchmark to evaluate current bond yields against historical performance.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What does FPI ownership in BSE 500 represent?

FPI ownership in BSE 500 represents the percentage of shares held by Foreign Portfolio Investors in the top 500 companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

Which sector has the lowest concentration in India?

Real Estate, with a concentration of 1.2%.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What is the 2-year EPS CAGR for Brazil?

The 2-year EPS CAGR for Brazil is 6.8.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Which country has the highest current percentile in the BY-EY relationship?

Taiwan with 95.5

Household Leverage and Dependability

What was the Beta of Nifty in January 2008?

The Beta of Nifty in January 2008 was approximately 0.60.

GDP Growth Comparisons

Which country experienced a GDP growth rate of 5.0% post-Covid in 2023?


Household Leverage and Dependability

What is the significance of a Beta value less than 1?

A Beta value less than 1 indicates that the asset is less volatile than the market.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Which country has the lowest current percentile in the BY-EY relationship?

Hong Kong with 3.9

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the current valuation status of the Indian market?

India is the most expensive market in the world on absolute valuation and relative to history on PE multiples.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What has historically led to depressed 1-2 year absolute returns on equity in India?

Equity valuation versus bonds is at levels which have historically led to depressed 1-2 year absolute returns on equity.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What has been the most material rise in size of forex reserves according to the International Monetary Fund?

The most material rise in size of forex reserves has been observed in India.

Demographics and Workforce Trends

What is the increase in working population for India as a percentage of total population?

1.7 percentage points

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does India's 12-month forward PE indicate in relation to its historical average?

India’s 12-month forward PE is way above +1 standard deviation from its 19-year average.

GDP Growth Comparisons

Which countries are included in the top 15 by market capitalisation alongside India?

Philippines, Indonesia, China, Thailand, Brazil, UK, Mexico, Malaysia, Taiwan, South Korea, US, Japan, Canada, Germany

GDP Growth Comparisons

Which countries are mentioned as having large GDP with leading GDP growth?

Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, and USA.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What are the sentiment levels represented in the India Bull-Bear Index?

The sentiment levels include Extreme Bearish, Bearish, Neutral, Bullish, and Extreme Bullish.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What is the 2-year EPS CAGR for India according to the data?

The 2-year EPS CAGR for India is 14.3.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the market capitalization of the Indian equity market?

The market capitalization of the Indian equity market is 5.0 trillion USD.

Government Borrowing and Discipline

What has been the trend in government borrowing in India pre and post Covid period?

Government borrowing has been kept under check, with a change in general government borrowing/lending showing a gradual increase post Covid.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What source provided the data for the CLSA India Focus Portfolio performance?

Bloomberg, CLSA

Sector Performance Post-Elections

Which sectors outperformed the Nifty post-election according to the source?

IT, healthcare, and FMCG sectors outperformed the Nifty post-election.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does the phrase 'Domestic investors: From boys to men' imply?

It suggests that domestic investors have matured and become more significant players in the market.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

Which country has the lowest 2-year EPS CAGR in the provided data?

France has the lowest 2-year EPS CAGR at 0.7.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

Which sectors have the highest weightings in the portfolio according to CLSA?

Banks, IT, and Energy have the highest weightings in the portfolio.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What is the projected ROE for India by 31 Dec 2025?

The projected ROE for India by 31 Dec 2025 is 19.5.

Household Leverage and Dependability

How does India's 10-year yield compare to that of China in 2024-TD?

In 2024-TD, India's 10-year yield is 6.97, while China's is 2.15.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

How did the Smallcap index perform post-election?

The Smallcap index had a performance of 12.7% post-election.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What was the capacity utilisation for Refineries based on Indian demand in FY26?

The capacity utilisation for Refineries based on Indian demand in FY26 is projected to be 90%.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What is the CAGR for Tata Steel from FY24 to FY26?


GDP Growth Comparisons

What was the GDP growth rate for China post-Covid in 2023?


Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What is the CAGR for TechM from FY24 to FY26?


Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

Which company has a CAGR of -5%?


CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the significance of the numbers listed in the text?

The numbers represent performance metrics for different stocks within the CLSA India Focus Portfolio, indicating their respective values and changes.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What was the holding period for Tata Steel?

22 months

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the 3M ADTO for Oil & Natural Gas?

96 US$m

Government Borrowing and Discipline

What was the Net Debt to EBITDA ratio in January 2023?

The Net Debt to EBITDA ratio in January 2023 was 2.3.

Government Borrowing and Discipline

How does discipline play a role in economic development?

Discipline in economic policies ensures sustainable growth by maintaining fiscal responsibility and effective governance.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What was the household debt as a percentage of GDP in India as of 2022?


GDP Growth Comparisons

What is the source of the data presented in the chart?

International Monetary Fund, Bloomberg, CLSA.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What is the significance of 'Depth' in the context of India's economic growth?

India has the highest GDP growth among the top equity markets.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does a reading of 90% on the India Bull-Bear Index signify?

A reading of 90% signifies extreme bullish sentiment in the market.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

How does 'Development' contribute to India's economic growth?

India ranks among the most improved on GDP growth versus pre-Covid and is set to become the third biggest economy soon, creating large opportunities due to the fastest rate of change in GDP per capita.

Dependability and Stable Earnings Growth

How does India's earnings growth compare to other countries like Korea, South Africa, and Taiwan from 2021 to 2025?

India's earnings growth is projected to be higher than South Africa and Taiwan in 2021 and 2022, but shows a decline in 2025F compared to its earlier years.

Government Borrowing and Discipline

Which countries showed a notable change in government borrowing post Covid according to the data?

Countries like Taiwan, Japan, Germany, and India showed notable changes in government borrowing post Covid.

GDP Growth Comparisons

What was India's GDP growth rate pre-Covid in 2019?


India's Economic Growth Drivers

What was India's ROE on 31 Dec 2019?

On 31 Dec 2019, India's ROE was 15.3.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Does the BY-EY relationship work for India?


Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What is the share of active FII funds that are not O-WT India?

A major share of active FII funds are not O-WT India.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

What percentage of the Consumer Staples sector is represented in India?


CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

Which company had the lowest O-PF/(U-PF) to Nifty at (12.2) in 3QCY24-TD?


Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What was the exit price for Larsen & Toubro?


Seven 'D's Framework

What is meant by Depth in the Indian market?

India is the fourth biggest market by size and has a significant number of large and liquid stocks.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What was the trend in the number of demat accounts in India according to NSDL, CSDL, and CLSA?

The number of demat accounts in India touched a new high.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does the proprietary India bull-bear index indicate?

The index is at an extended bullish reading, which has historically led to some kind of a pullback and/or a period of low return.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the target price for Reliance Industries according to the current portfolio holdings?

3,300 Rs

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the PE ratio for HDFC Bank for FY25?


CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

Which stock has the highest upside percentage in the current portfolio?

ICICI Bank with 24.1%

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the market cap of Infosys?

1,902.2 US$bn

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the strike rate of CLSA’s India portfolio?

The strike rate is 72%.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

Which sectors are key overweight (O-WT) in CLSA’s India portfolio?

The key O-WT sectors are financials, energy, and IT.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the trend of ROE in Mexico according to Bloomberg and CLSA?

ROE in Mexico is nearing its peak.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does bearish sentiment signify regarding the Nifty index?

Bearish sentiment signifies a negative outlook where investors expect the Nifty index to decline.

Household Leverage and Dependability

How does India's increase in import cover compare to other countries over the last 10 years?

India has experienced a significant increase in import cover compared to countries like the Philippines, South Africa, and others over the last 10 years.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What is the significance of dependability in economic contexts?

Dependability refers to the reliability of economic indicators and policies, which is crucial for investor confidence and long-term planning.

Household Leverage and Dependability

How does India's household debt compare to other countries as of 2022?

India's household debt is lower than countries like Australia, South Korea, and the US, but higher than countries like Brazil and South Africa.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Which country is identified as the most expensive market according to Bloomberg and CLSA?


Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does it indicate when the earning yield is above the danger zone?

It suggests that the market is potentially undervalued or that there is a favorable investment opportunity.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What does the 12-month forward PE indicate in the context of market valuation?

It reflects the price-to-earnings ratio expected over the next 12 months.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the significance of the 10-year Gsec bond yield in relation to Nifty 12M forward earnings yield?

The comparison helps assess the attractiveness of equity investments relative to fixed income securities.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What is the significance of comparing India's market valuation with other countries like the USA, Taiwan, and Germany?

It helps to assess India's relative market valuation and investment attractiveness.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What was India's 10-year yield in 2019?

India's 10-year yield in 2019 was 0.05.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What was the O-PF/(U-PF) to Nifty for CLSA India Focus Portfolio in 3QCY24-TD?


Household Leverage and Dependability

Which country had a leverage value of 0.4 on December 31, 2019?

South Africa had a leverage value of 0.4 on December 31, 2019.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Which country has the highest number of stocks with a market capitalization greater than US$5 billion?


India's Economic Growth Drivers

Which countries are compared in the ROE data?

The countries compared include Korea, Taiwan, UK, India, France, Brazil, USA, Indonesia, Mexico, Germany, Singapore, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, HK, Thailand, South Africa, and China.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What percentage of the portfolio is allocated to the Energy sector?

The Energy sector has a weighting of 18.2%.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What is the average holding period for the stocks listed?

13 months

GDP Growth Comparisons

What is India's GDP per capita in 2023?

2,500 US$

Household Leverage and Dependability

How does Indian household wealth in equities compare to other countries?

Indian household wealth in equities is low compared to other countries.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

How is the narrative expected to change in the second half of CY2024?

The leadership has changed materially as Modi stocks have become laggards from leaders.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

Which sectors have dominated after the election results?

Defensive sectors have dominated after the underwhelming election results.

India's Economic Growth Drivers

What are the key near-term events to watch in India?

Upcoming state elections and potential US rate cuts are the key near-term events.

Household Leverage and Dependability

How much was the dividend for Gail?


CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the ROE for Axis Bank for FY26?


Seven 'D's Framework

What is the significance of Discipline in the Indian market?

The decline in balance sheet leverage of Indian companies is one of the highest in the world, leading to multi-year lows in the leverage of Nifty.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What is the CAGR for Bharti from FY24 to FY26?


Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

How many months did Sun Pharma have a holding period?

11 months

Seven 'D's Framework

Why is Diversity important for the Indian market?

India has nearly the lowest stock and sector concentration risk among emerging markets (EMs).

Seven 'D's Framework

How do Domestic investors and Demographics contribute to market stability?

Steady inflow from domestic investors provides stability, even as FIIs may increase their investments and reverse the decline in their ownership while keeping household leverage low.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What potential do domestic investors have in the long run?

Domestic investors could further gain muscle in the long run.

Household Leverage and Dependability

What percentage of household wealth is invested in equities in India?

The percentage of household wealth invested in equities in India is low compared to countries like the United States, UK, and others.

GDP Growth Comparisons

How does India's GDP per capita in 2028 compare to that of China?

India's GDP per capita is 3,911 US$, while China's is 16,782 US$.

Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

Which countries are indicated as good indicators of equity returns by BY-EY?

USA, Mexico, UK, France, India, Germany, Japan, South Africa, Thailand, Philippines, China

Seven 'D's Framework

What does Dependability refer to in the context of the Indian market?

EPS growth has been stable and consistent post-Covid, while the beta of the Indian market continues to fall compared to the EM benchmark.

GDP Growth Comparisons

Which country had a negative GDP growth rate pre-Covid in 2019?

Thailand with -0.2%

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What was the total shareholder return (TSR) for ICICI Pru Life?


Market Valuation and Sentiment Analysis

What was the Nifty return for the same period as BPCL?


Sector Performance Post-Elections

What was the outperformance in ppts for DLF?


Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What was the exit price for HCL Tech?


Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What was the TSR for Infosys?


GDP Growth Comparisons

What is the GDP per capita of Australia in 2029?

78,151 US$

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

Which sectors are key underweight (U-WT) in CLSA’s India portfolio?

Industrials and consumer discretionary sectors remain the key U-WT.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

How does India's sector concentration compare to other emerging markets (EMs)?

India's sector concentration is the lowest compared to other EMs, indicating that the Indian index is not highly skewed toward a particular sector.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

What does the data suggest about the diversity of sectors in the Indian market?

The data suggests that the diversity in terms of sector and stock concentration is the lowest in emerging markets.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

Which company has a negative CAGR of -26%?


CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the CLSA India Focus Portfolio?

The CLSA India Focus Portfolio includes various stocks such as ONGC, ICICI Bank, and Infosys, among others, and tracks performance against the Nifty index.

Investment Opportunities in Indian Markets

What is the CAGR for M&M from FY24 to FY26?


CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What does the data in the provided text represent?

The data represents various performance metrics and values associated with the CLSA India Focus Portfolio and its constituents.

GDP Growth Comparisons

What is the GDP per capita of Germany in 2027?

60,264 US$

GDP Growth Comparisons

What is the GDP per capita of South Africa in 2026?

6,182 US$

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What strategy has CLSA adopted regarding portfolio beta?

Given extended sentiment, they have kept portfolio beta low at this time.

Sector Performance Post-Elections

What percentage weight do the top 2 sectors hold in the Indian market compared to other EMs?

The weight of the top 2 sectors in India is lower than in many other emerging markets, indicating a more balanced sector distribution.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

Which companies are included in the CLSA India Focus Portfolio?

The portfolio includes companies like ONGC, ICICI Bank, Hindalco, HCL Tech, SBI Life, Infosys, ITC, Reliance, and many others.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What was the performance of CLSA’s India portfolio over 3.5 years?

The portfolio is up 219% compared to Nifty's 86% in the same period.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

How many quarters has CLSA’s India portfolio outperformed Nifty since inception?

The portfolio has outperformed Nifty in 14 of 15 quarters since inception.

CLSA India Focus Portfolio Performance

What is the PB ratio for Hindalco for FY25?


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