What are some psychosocial stressors that may lead to self-harm?
Unemployment, relationship break-ups, or the death of a significant individual.
What factors determine the management of self-harm?
History, mental state examination, collateral history, and investigations.
Risk Factors for Self-Harm

What are some psychosocial stressors that may lead to self-harm?

Unemployment, relationship break-ups, or the death of a significant individual.

Management Strategies for Self-Harm

What factors determine the management of self-harm?

History, mental state examination, collateral history, and investigations.

Types of Self-Harm: Self-Poisoning vs. Self-Injury

What is the most common method of self-injury?


Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What past history should be assessed in individuals who self-harm?

Past psychiatric illness, history of self-harm, and previous psychiatric medications.

Demographics and Statistics of Self-Harm in Ireland

How does gender influence self-harm rates?

Females are more likely to self-harm than males, but the ratio is approximately 1:1 in individuals over 50.

Prognosis and Repetition Rates of Self-Harm

What percentage of people who engage in self-harm eventually die by suicide?


Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What should be evaluated after a self-harm act?

Help-seeking behavior, desire for further self-harm, and feelings of regret.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What should be evaluated regarding current medication?

Compliance with prescribed medication.

Factors Influencing Suicidal Intent

What factors after self-harm are associated with increased suicidal intent?

Not seeking help, regret that the episode did not result in death, continued desire to die, access to means for re-attempt, and mental illness.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What social factors are considered in the assessment of self-harm?

Collateral history and documentation from previous psychiatric services.

Demographics and Statistics of Self-Harm in Ireland

Which demographic has the peak rates of self-harm presentations in Ireland?

Young people, specifically 15-19 year old females and 25-29 year old males.

Prognosis and Repetition Rates of Self-Harm

What are the repetition rates of self-harm in the year after an episode?

Approximately 15-25%.

Mental Health Conditions Associated with Self-Harm

What is included in the cognitive-behavioral cluster of depressive symptoms?

Reduced concentration, feelings of low self-worth, hopelessness, and recurrent thoughts of death.

Factors Influencing Suicidal Intent

What factors during self-harm indicate increased suicidal intent?

Perceived lethality of the episode, use of dangerous methods, being alone, unlikely intervention, and precautions to avoid discovery.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What psychological assessments are used in self-harm evaluation?

Suicide risk rating scales and depression rating scales.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What past medical history is relevant in assessing self-harm?

History of significant medical illness and/or head injury.

Management Strategies for Self-Harm

What social interventions can assist individuals who self-harm?

Alcohol/substance misuse counseling, social work input for employment and housing, occupational therapy, social skills training, and support groups.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What biological investigations are recommended for self-harm assessment?

Blood tests, ECG, EEG, CT/MRI brain scan, and urine drug screen.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm

What personal history factors are considered in self-harm assessment?

Occupational history, relationship history, and psychosocial history.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm

What role does alcohol play in self-harm presentations?

Alcohol is involved in approximately one third of self-harm presentations.

Management Strategies for Self-Harm

What psychological therapies are used in the management of self-harm?

Risk management, psychoeducation, supportive therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and family and couples therapy.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm

What factors should be considered in risk assessment for self-harm?

Methods and frequency of self-harm, suicidal intent, depressive symptoms, and personal context.

Special Populations and Self-Harm

What is the most common method of self-harm among prisoners?

Cutting or scratching.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What features should be assessed during the self-harm act?

Quantity of substances consumed, associated use of alcohol or illicit substances, and expectations of self-harm.

Definition and Overview of Self-Harm

What is self-harm defined as?

Intentional self-poisoning or self-injury, irrespective of motivation, often associated with alcohol.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What is collateral history in the context of self-harm?

Information from others about the patient's self-harm episode and their state afterward.

Demographics and Statistics of Self-Harm in Ireland

What is the average number of tablets taken in overdose presentations?

28 tablets.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What does the presence of a suicide note indicate?

It may suggest a higher degree of planning and intent regarding self-harm.

Mental Health Conditions Associated with Self-Harm

What are the presenting symptoms suggestive of depression?

Depressed mood, diminished interest in activities, cognitive issues, and neurovegetative symptoms.

Factors Influencing Suicidal Intent

What factors before self-harm are associated with increased suicidal intent?

Planning in advance, writing a suicide note, giving away possessions, and recent discharge from a psychiatric unit.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What is assessed in the mental state examination?

Appearance, behavior, speech, mood, thought, perception, cognition, and insight.

Mental Health Conditions Associated with Self-Harm

What is a significant mental health condition associated with self-harm?

Mood disorders, including depression and bipolar disorder.

Management Strategies for Self-Harm

What are some biological management strategies for self-harm?

Inpatient or outpatient management and treating underlying mental illness, such as considering antidepressants.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm

What are the risk factors associated with self-harm?

Demographics, health conditions, personal factors, and life events.

Prognosis and Repetition Rates of Self-Harm

How much higher is the suicide rate in the year after an episode of self-harm compared to the general population?

100 times higher.

Types of Self-Harm: Self-Poisoning vs. Self-Injury

What is the most common form of self-harm found in emergency departments?

Overdoses, particularly of paracetamol.

Prognosis and Repetition Rates of Self-Harm

What are some factors associated with the risk of repetition of self-harm?

Previous self-harm, personality disorder, hopelessness, history of psychiatric treatment, schizophrenia, substance abuse, living alone, impulsivity, co-morbidity, poor problem-solving ability, sexual abuse, and stressful life events.

Prognosis and Repetition Rates of Self-Harm

What percentage of people who die by suicide had a past history of self-harm?


Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What should be assessed regarding the circumstances surrounding a self-harm episode?

Events prior to the self-harm, psychosocial stressors, mental illness, degree of preparation, and planning.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What does the degree of preparation in self-harm refer to?

Planning, such as whether the act was planned or impulsive, and actions like leaving a suicide note.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What is included in the family history assessment for self-harm?

Family history of psychiatric illness and self-harm/suicide.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm

What aspects of alcohol and substance misuse history are important?

Misuse of alcohol and drugs.

Assessment of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk

What physical examination aspects are relevant for self-harm?

Physical damage from self-harm and ruling out organic illness.

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