What is the many-to-one threading model?
A model that maps many user-level threads to a single kernel-level thread, with thread management done in user space.
What is a disadvantage of the many-to-one model?
When a thread makes a blocking system call, the entire process will be blocked.
Threads and Multithreading

What is the many-to-one threading model?

A model that maps many user-level threads to a single kernel-level thread, with thread management done in user space.

Threads and Multithreading

What is a disadvantage of the many-to-one model?

When a thread makes a blocking system call, the entire process will be blocked.

Definition and Concept of Process

What is the kernel in an operating system?

The heart and core of an operating system that interacts with hardware to execute processes.

Process Life Cycle

What are the five states a process can be in during its life cycle?

Start, Ready, Running, Waiting, Terminated (or Exit).

Scheduling Algorithms

What is the role of scheduling algorithms in process execution?

They determine the order and duration of process execution.

Definition and Concept of Process

What is an independent process in an operating system?

A process that does not affect or impact any other process and does not share data with them.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

Why is Round Robin considered a widely used method in CPU scheduling?

Because it is fair, allowing every process an equal share of CPU.

Threads and Multithreading

Why are threads preferred over processes in certain scenarios?

It takes less time to create, share common data, and terminate a thread compared to a process.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

How does the Round Robin method handle newly created processes?

It adds them to the end of the ready queue.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is the main characteristic of Priority Scheduling?

Schedules tasks based on priority.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What problem can arise with SJF scheduling?

Starvation, if shorter processes keep coming.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is one advantage of cooperating processes?

They allow data and information sharing, leading to faster execution.

Process Life Cycle

What happens when a process is in the 'Start' state?

The process is being created.

Resource Allocation

How does the dispatching operation allocate CPU time to processes?

Based on the scheduling algorithm and their priority.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What are cooperating processes?

Processes that can affect or get affected by other processes under execution.

Process Life Cycle

What occurs when a process enters the 'Running' state?

The OS scheduler assigns a processor to the process, and it executes instructions.

Threads and Multithreading

Can you give examples of user-level threads?

Java threads, POSIX threads, etc.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How do cooperating processes communicate through sharing?

By using shared resources like data, memory, variables, and files.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What are the characteristics of FCFS?

FCFS supports both non-preemptive and preemptive scheduling, tasks are executed on a first-come, first-serve basis, and it is easy to implement but not very efficient.

Resource Allocation

Why are blocking operations important for resource management?

They prevent processes from monopolizing system resources while waiting for external events.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What does IO status information include?

A list of the process’s I/O devices.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What can cause a process to enter a blocked state in inter-process communication?

Waiting for messages or data from other processes.

Process Life Cycle

What does the exit status of a process indicate?

It indicates the outcome of its execution, whether completed successfully or encountered an error.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is required for achieving computation speed in a system?

Multiple CPUs and input/output devices.

Process Life Cycle

What is the purpose of file cleanup during process termination?

To ensure that opened or temporary files are properly closed and removed, preventing data corruption.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is CPU scheduling?

The process of deciding which process will own the CPU while another process is suspended.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What does Interprocess Communication (IPC) provide?

A mechanism to exchange data and information across multiple processes.

Process Life Cycle

What is process starvation?

When a consumer process does not receive a message it needs to execute a task.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How do sockets facilitate inter-process communication?

They allow data to be sent between processes on the same computer or across different computers on the same network.

Threads and Multithreading

How does the scheduler benefit from kernel-level threads?

The scheduler may decide to spend more CPU time on processes with a large number of threads.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is the need for cooperating processes in an operating system?

To allow one process to write to a file while another reads from it, affecting each other.

Threads and Multithreading

Why are user-level threads considered faster and more efficient?

Because context switch time is shorter than that of kernel-level threads.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is a common disadvantage of Priority Scheduling?

The Starvation Problem, where a process waits too long to be scheduled.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What is a Process Control Block (PCB)?

A data structure managed by the OS that stores all information required to track a process.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How do message queues function in inter-process communication?

Multiple processes can read and write data to a message queue, with messages stored until retrieved by their recipient.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What does Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling select?

The waiting process with the smallest execution time to execute next.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

Why do we need cooperating processes in an operating system?

To ensure that different processes can communicate and run smoothly without interrupting each other.

Threads and Multithreading

Which operating systems use the one-to-one relationship model?

OS/2, Windows NT, and Windows 2000.

Threads and Multithreading

What happens when a user-level thread performs a blocking operation?

The whole process is blocked.

Components of a Process

What attributes are held by a process?

Hardware status, RAM, CPU, and other attributes.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

Why is swapping required in process scheduling?

To have a great blend of operations in the ready queue.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

Why is effective CPU scheduling important in multiprogramming?

To improve resource utilization and avoid CPU idleness.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What does memory management information include?

Information from the page table, memory limitations, and segment table.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What are the objectives of a process scheduling algorithm?

Maximize CPU utilization, ensure fair allocation, maximize throughput, minimize turnaround time, minimize waiting time, and minimize response time.

Threads and Multithreading

What is a lightweight process?

A thread is often referred to as a lightweight process.

Components of a Process

What are the main functions of the kernel?

Process management, file management, memory management, and I/O management.

Threads and Multithreading

What are the two types of threads in operating systems?

Kernel level thread and User-level thread.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is a socket in the context of inter-process communication?

A socket is the endpoint for sending or receiving data in a network.

Process Life Cycle

What are the two modes of process execution?

Serial mode and parallel mode.

Process Life Cycle

What happens in the 'Terminated' or 'Exit' state?

The process waits for removal from main memory after execution or termination.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is shared memory in the context of inter-process communication?

Shared memory is memory that can be accessed simultaneously by multiple processes for communication.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What are the advantages of FCFS?

FCFS is easy to implement and follows a first-come, first-serve method.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

How does Round Robin relate to First Come First Serve?

It is the preemptive version of the First Come First Serve CPU Scheduling algorithm.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What role does synchronization play in a distributed system?

To ensure messages are sent and received in the correct order.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What criteria may be used for process selection during dispatching?

Process priority, execution history, and the scheduling algorithm employed by the OS.

Process Life Cycle

What is the primary purpose of process operations in an operating system?

To ensure efficient utilization of system resources, multitasking, and a responsive computing environment.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is the role of the Short-Term scheduler?

To determine which work will be dispatched for execution.

Process Life Cycle

What happens to resources when a process terminates?

The OS releases the resources allocated to the process, preventing resource leaks.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What does the Medium-Term scheduler handle?

Switched-out processes.

Process Life Cycle

Why does the parent process need to be notified during termination?

To inform it of the termination and the exit status of the child process.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How does modularity benefit cooperating processes?

It breaks complex tasks into modules, improving efficiency and speed.

Process Life Cycle

What does the 'Ready' state indicate for a process?

The process is waiting for a processor to be assigned to it.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What must processes be stored in for execution in the running state?

Various CPU registers.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

Why is synchronization important in IPC?

To ensure that multiple processes are coordinated and do not interfere with each other.

Components of a Process

What are the four pieces a program is divided into when it becomes a process?

Stack, heap, text, and data.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is a benefit of SRTF regarding overhead?

It requires very little overhead since decisions are made only when a process completes or a new process is added.

Threads and Multithreading

How do threads enhance system throughput?

By splitting a process into many threads, increasing the number of jobs done in unit time.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is the purpose of semaphores in IPC?

To count the number of times a shared resource is being used and prevent overuse.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How do cooperating processes communicate through message passing?

The producer process sends a message to the kernel, which then sends it to the consumer process.

Process Life Cycle

What does the NEW state represent?

The creation of the process.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How does synchronization work in a web server?

To ensure that only one process handles a request at a time.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is the role of time sharing in preemption?

Processes are allocated small time slices of CPU time, and when a time slice expires, the currently running process is preempted.

Threads and Multithreading

What happens when a thread in the many-to-many model performs a blocking system call?

The kernel can schedule another thread for execution.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is throughput in CPU scheduling?

Throughput is the total number of processes completed per unit of time, representing the total work done by the CPU.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What does turnaround time refer to?

Turnaround time is the total time taken for a process to arrive in the ready queue and complete.

Definition and Concept of Process

What is a process in an operating system?

A process is a running program that serves as the foundation for all computation.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is the operation called when a Medium-Term scheduler stops a process?


Threads and Multithreading

What is one advantage of user-level threads?

They can be more easily implemented than kernel threads.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How do processes A and B communicate in the given example?

Process A sends a message to the kernel, which then sends it to Process B.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What are the two methods of communication for cooperating processes in OS?

Cooperation by Sharing and Cooperation by Message Passing.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is the First Come First Serve (FCFS) scheduling algorithm?

FCFS is the simplest scheduling algorithm where the process that requests the CPU first is allocated the CPU first, implemented using a FIFO queue.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What are signals in inter-process communication?

Signals are system messages sent from one process to another, typically used for remote commands rather than data transfer.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is process starvation in the context of cooperating processes?

It occurs when a process has to wait for a message from a previous process.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is a critical section in the context of shared communication?

A section that provides data integrity and avoids data inconsistency.

Components of a Process

What does the text section of a process contain?

The contents present in the processor’s registers and the current activity reflected by the value of the program counter.

Threads and Multithreading

What happens if a user-level thread causes a page fault?

The entire process is blocked.

Components of a Process

What is included in the data section of a process?

Global and static variables.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What does the program counter in a PCB refer to?

It points to the address of the process’s next instruction.

Types of Process Schedulers

What is the main goal of the Long-Term Scheduler?

To select the best mix of IO and CPU bound processes from the pool of jobs.

Process Life Cycle

What does the READY state indicate?

The process is waiting to be assigned to any processor.

Process Life Cycle

What state is a new process typically in after setup?

'Ready' or 'waiting' state, indicating it is prepared for execution but hasn't started running yet.

Process Life Cycle

What does the TERMINATED state signify?

A process has completed execution.

Threads and Multithreading

What is a thread in the context of operating systems?

A single sequential flow of execution of tasks of a process, also known as a thread of execution or thread of control.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What can happen if the Short-Term scheduler selects a job with a long CPU burst time?

Subsequent jobs will have to wait in a ready queue for a long period, leading to hunger.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What happens when a timer interrupt occurs during process execution?

The currently running process is preempted, and control is returned to the operating system.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What happens when running state processes require IO time?

The state must be changed from running to waiting.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What is updated in the Process Control Block (PCB) when a process terminates?

The PCB is marked as 'terminated' and removed from the list of active processes.

Definition and Concept of Process

What is a computer program?

A set of instructions that perform a certain purpose when executed by a computer.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is a disadvantage of the SRTF scheduling method?

It has the potential for process starvation, as long processes may be held off indefinitely.

Definition and Concept of Process

What is an algorithm in the context of a computer program?

An element of a computer program that performs a certain task.

Components of a Process

What is stored in the stack of a process?

Temporary data like method or function parameters, return address, and local variables.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How do cooperating processes share data?

By directly sharing a logical space or through files or messages.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is turnaround time?

The time difference between completion time and arrival time of a process.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What is the purpose of the process ID (PID) in a PCB?

To uniquely identify each process in the operating system.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is the significance of CPU utilization in scheduling?

It ensures that the CPU is utilized to its maximum, ideally 100% of the time.

Types of Process Schedulers

What is a Long-Term Scheduler?

It selects processes from the pool and maintains them in the primary memory's ready queue.

Threads and Multithreading

How does communication between threads differ from communication between processes?

Multiple-thread communication is simpler because threads share the same address space.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is context switching in the dispatching operation?

Saving the state of the currently running process into its process control block (PCB) before executing the selected process.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What operation involves managing the execution order of processes?

Process Scheduling.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What does process priority management involve?

Determining the order in which processes are scheduled based on their priority levels.

Threads and Multithreading

What is the many-to-many threading model?

A model where multiple user-level threads are multiplexed with multiple kernel-level threads, allowing parallel execution on multiprocessor machines.

Threads and Multithreading

How many threads can exist within a single process?

More than one thread can exist inside a process.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What type of scheduling is Round Robin classified as?

Preemptive, as processes are given limited time on the CPU.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How can two-way communication be achieved using pipes?

By using two pipes to create a two-way data channel.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is the main function of CPU scheduling?

To ensure that whenever the CPU remains idle, the OS has selected one of the processes available in the ready-to-use line.

Threads and Multithreading

What is a key advantage of kernel-level threads?

The kernel-level thread is fully aware of all threads.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is required for cooperating processes in an operating system?

A communication method to exchange data and information.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What are the two main types of CPU scheduling methods?

Preemptive Scheduling and Non-Preemptive Scheduling.

Process Life Cycle

When does a process enter the 'Waiting' state?

When it needs to wait for a resource, such as user input or a file.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What happens to a blocked process in the operating system?

It is removed from the CPU's execution queue and placed in a waiting queue.

Threads and Multithreading

What does user-level thread representation include?

Registers, PC, stack, and mini thread control blocks stored in the user-level process's address space.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is the role of process scheduling in an operating system?

To select a processor process based on a scheduling method and remove a processor process.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How does communication occur between processes A and B in shared memory?

Process A writes information to the shared region, and Process B reads it.

Threads and Multithreading

What is the benefit of effective utilization of a multiprocessor system with threads?

More than one thread can be scheduled on multiple processors.

Threads and Multithreading

What is a key feature of kernel-level threads?

The kernel recognizes and manages all threads.

Process vs Program

What is the difference between a program and a process?

A program is a piece of code, while a process is the representation of that code currently running.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is priority-based preemption?

Processes with higher priorities are given preference in execution, allowing the OS to preempt lower-priority processes.

Process Life Cycle

What does process synchronization ensure?

That multiple processes can operate without interfering with each other.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is a key characteristic of the Round Robin scheduling method?

It is simple, easy to use, and starvation-free as all processes get balanced CPU allocation.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is a significant advantage of SJF?

It has the minimum average waiting time among all operating system scheduling algorithms.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is a pipe in inter-process communication?

A pipe is a unidirectional data channel used for communication between processes.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

How can the starvation problem in SJF be addressed?

Using the concept of aging.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

How can a scheduling algorithm affect waiting time?

A scheduling algorithm can minimize the waiting time of a process, although it cannot change the execution time required by the process.

Definition and Concept of Process

How does a process differ from a program?

A process is an 'active' entity, while a program is often regarded as a 'passive' entity.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is a key advantage of the SRTF algorithm?

It processes jobs faster than the Shortest Job First (SJF) algorithm.

Definition and Concept of Process

How is a process defined in relation to a computer program?

A process is a dynamic instance of a computer program.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What state does a process enter when it initiates a blocking operation?

Blocked or waiting.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What happens when a higher priority process arrives in Priority Scheduling?

It takes the place of the less priority process, which is then suspended.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What are condition variables used for in IPC?

To wait for a certain condition to be met before proceeding.

Components of a Process

What is the purpose of the heap in a process?

It is the memory that is dynamically allocated to a process during its execution.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

Why is process scheduling crucial in a multiprogramming operating system?

It allows multiple processes to share the CPU using temporal multiplexing.

Process Life Cycle

What initiates the process creation in an operating system?

A request from a user or a system component.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How is synchronization used in a database?

To ensure that only one process can write to the data at a time.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What does fair allocation of CPU mean?

Ensuring that all processes get a fair share of CPU time without starvation.

Types of Process Schedulers

What is a Short-Term Scheduler?

It chooses one job from the ready queue and sends it to the CPU for processing.

Process Life Cycle

What is performed during the initialization stage of a process?

Initializations required for the process, such as initializing variables and setting default values.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

Why is preemption crucial in real-time systems?

Because it ensures that higher-priority tasks meet strict timing requirements by preempting lower-priority tasks.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is the benefit of dividing a task into several subtasks?

It improves computation speed by allowing parallel execution.

Threads and Multithreading

What is the one-to-one threading model?

A model where each user-level thread corresponds to a single kernel-level thread, allowing more concurrency.

Threads and Multithreading

What is a key advantage of the one-to-one model?

It allows another thread to run when a thread makes a blocking system call.

Process Life Cycle

What problem can occur if a consumer process waits for a message from another process?


CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is the Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) scheduling method?

It is the preemptive version of Shortest Job First, allocating the processor to the job closest to completion.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What are some essential tasks of IPC?

Sharing data, coordinating activities, managing resources, and achieving modularity.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What is a blocking operation in an operating system?

A situation where a process is temporarily suspended until a specific event or condition occurs.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What role do files play in inter-process communication?

Files serve as data records that can be accessed by multiple processes as needed.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is mutual exclusion in IPC?

A mechanism that ensures only one process can access a shared resource at a time.

Process Life Cycle

How does serial mode differ from parallel mode in process execution?

In serial mode, processes execute one after the other; in parallel mode, multiple processes execute simultaneously.

Definition and Concept of Process

What is a software package?

A collection of computer programs, libraries, and related data.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What does accounting information in a PCB comprise?

CPU use for process execution, time constraints, and execution ID.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What are barriers in IPC?

Synchronization points that all processes must reach before they can proceed.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

How is waiting time calculated?

Waiting Time = Turnaround Time - Burst Time.

Threads and Multithreading

How does the context switch time of kernel threads compare to user threads?

Context switch time is longer in kernel threads.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What happens after the context switch is complete?

The OS loads the saved state of the selected process from its PCB and restores the program counter and CPU registers.

Process Life Cycle

What does process execution refer to?

The actual running of a process on the CPU.

Threads and Multithreading

What is a disadvantage of the one-to-one threading model?

Creating a user thread requires the corresponding kernel thread.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is the effect of the Medium-Term scheduler on the degree of multiprogramming?

It reduces the degree of multiprogramming.

Threads and Multithreading

In what type of operating systems can user-level threads be applied?

Operating systems that do not support threads at the kernel level.

Threads and Multithreading

What is a disadvantage of kernel-level threads?

The implementation of kernel threads is more difficult than user threads.

Definition and Concept of Process

What are the four types of needs for cooperating processes in an OS?

Information Sharing, Computation Speed, Convenience, and Modularity.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What risk is associated with data sharing among cooperating processes?

It may lead to data damage or unintended sharing of sensitive information.

Process Life Cycle

What are the different states a process can be in?


Threads and Multithreading

What is a benefit of multithreading in terms of responsiveness?

Processes can respond as soon as a thread completes its execution.

Threads and Multithreading

What are the three types of multithreading models?

Many to many, many to one, and one to one relationships.

Threads and Multithreading

What does the many-to-many model do?

It multiplexes any number of user threads onto an equal or smaller number of kernel threads.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is response time in the context of CPU scheduling?

Response time is the time taken from the submission of a process until its first response is produced, important for interactive systems.

Threads and Multithreading

How does the kernel-level thread manage user-level threads?

It manages user-level threads as if they are single-threaded processes.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What type of information is required for process scheduling?

Process priority and additional scheduling information.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is a disadvantage of cooperating processes related to communication?

Deadlock can occur if a consumer process waits for a message that is not received.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

How does SRTF handle context switching compared to SJF?

SRTF performs context switches more frequently, consuming valuable CPU time.

Threads and Multithreading

What are the components of a thread?

Program counter, register set, and stack space.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What is the main feature of the Round Robin scheduling algorithm?

Each process is cyclically assigned a fixed time slot.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is a common example of a blocking operation?

I/O operations, where a process waits for data from an I/O device.

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

What are the disadvantages of FCFS?

FCFS suffers from the Convoy effect, has a higher average waiting time compared to other algorithms, and is not very efficient.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is the purpose of a process scheduler?

To implement the virtual machine so that each process appears to be running on its own computer.

Process Life Cycle

What happens during the loading program code stage?

The program code and data associated with the process are loaded into the allocated memory space.

Threads and Multithreading

What is an example of an operating system that uses kernel threads?

Window Solaris.

Process Life Cycle

What happens in the RUNNING state?

Execution of the instructions.

Process Life Cycle

What occurs during the execution phase of a process?

The CPU executes the instructions of the selected process, utilizing system resources.

Process Life Cycle

What is the first operation in the lifecycle of a process?

Process Creation.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What can trigger interrupt-driven preemption?

Hardware or software interrupts, such as those generated by a hardware device or a system call request.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

How does information sharing benefit cooperating processes?

It allows different processes to access the same file concurrently, making execution more efficient.

Threads and Multithreading

What is a disadvantage of user-level threads?

They lack coordination between the thread and the kernel.

Process Control Block (PCB)

What information does a PCB store about a process?

Process state, process privileges, process ID, pointer to parent process, and program counter.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What do processes wait for in synchronization operations?

Synchronization primitives like semaphores or mutexes.

Threads and Multithreading

Why is context switching faster between threads than between processes?

The context switching period between threads is less than that for processes, which incurs more overhead.

Components of a Process

What resources does the operating system allocate for a new process?

Memory space, a unique process identifier (PID), a process control block (PCB), and other essential data structures.

Threads and Multithreading

What happens if a kernel thread performs a blocking operation?

The execution of other kernel threads can continue.

Process Life Cycle

What does the OS do to set up the execution environment for a process?

The OS sets up the initial execution environment for the process.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is the purpose of dispatching/scheduling in an operating system?

To select the next process to execute on the CPU, essential for efficient multitasking and resource allocation.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What triggers preemption in an operating system?

A higher-priority process becoming available or the expiration of a time slice.

Process Life Cycle

What is the final operation in the lifecycle of a process?

Process Termination.

Process Life Cycle

When does process termination occur?

When a process has completed its task, is no longer needed, or when an error or exception occurs.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What are the two types of processes in a system?

Independent processes and cooperating processes.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is the role of the kernel in message passing?

To receive messages from the producer process and send them to the consumer process.

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What is burst time?

The time required by a process for CPU execution.

Process Life Cycle

What does the WAITING state mean?

The process is waiting for some event to occur.

Process vs Program

What is an example of a simple program in C?

#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf(“Hi, Subhadip! ”); return 0; }

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

What does preemption in an operating system refer to?

The act of temporarily interrupting the execution of a currently running process to allocate the CPU to another process.

Process Life Cycle

What is context switching in process operations?

The process of storing and restoring the state of a CPU so that multiple processes can share a single CPU resource.

Process Life Cycle

What does the termination of a process involve?

The orderly and controlled cessation of a running process's execution, including cleanup and resource reclamation.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

What is Inter-Process Communication (IPC)?

A mechanism that allows processes to communicate and synchronize their actions.

Process Life Cycle

What is the purpose of process state management?

To keep track of the current state of each process (e.g., running, waiting, terminated).

Process Scheduling in Operating Systems

How does preemption ensure fairness and responsiveness?

It prevents any process from being unfairly blocked from accessing CPU time, allowing even low-priority processes to execute.

Process Life Cycle

What is process accounting and monitoring?

Tracking resource usage and performance metrics of processes.

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