What is a common management strategy for morbid jealousy?
Geographical separation of the partners.
What is Munchausen syndrome?
A factitious disorder where a person intentionally fakes, simulates, worsens, or self-induces an injury or illness to be treated like a medical patient.
Morbid Jealousy

What is a common management strategy for morbid jealousy?

Geographical separation of the partners.

Munchausen Syndrome

What is Munchausen syndrome?

A factitious disorder where a person intentionally fakes, simulates, worsens, or self-induces an injury or illness to be treated like a medical patient.


What is the delusional belief associated with Lycanthropy?

A man believes that he has been transformed into a wolf.

Morbid Jealousy

What is the prognosis for morbid jealousy?

Poor prognosis.

Psychotic Conditions

What is Ganser’s syndrome characterized by?

Approximate answers, clouding of consciousness, and true or pseudohallucinations.

Munchausen Syndrome

What is a key management strategy for patients with Munchausen syndrome?

Limit behavior and maintain a hospital registry of such patients.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What is Charles Bonnet syndrome?

A condition characterized by vivid visual hallucinations in a partially sighted person who has insight into their unreality.

Child protection

Why is successful psychotherapy for perpetrators difficult?

The mother's denial is often strong, and it is hard to access the emotional life of patients who enact rather than verbalize their feelings.

Child protection

What should be done if there are concerns about a child's safety?

The case should be reported to a child protection social worker, such as Tusla Child and Family Agency.

Psychotic Conditions

In what context was Ganser’s syndrome first observed?

In prisoners, hence sometimes called 'prison psychosis'.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What is a common feature of Diogenes syndrome?

Extreme self-neglect and domestic squalor.

Folie à Deux

What is the primary feature of Folie à Deux?

A delusional belief is transmitted from one individual to another.

Child protection

What is the role of Tusla Child and Family Agency?

To improve wellbeing and outcomes for children and to assess reported concerns.

Morbid Jealousy

How does Morbid Jealousy differ from normal jealousy?

It differs in intensity and rationality.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What differentiates Charles Bonnet syndrome from psychotic conditions?

Individuals with Charles Bonnet syndrome have insight into the unreality of their hallucinations.

Child protection

What are medications prescribed for perpetrators typically used to treat?

Other mental disorders such as anxiety or depression.

Munchausen Syndrome

What type of medications may be prescribed to patients with Munchausen syndrome?

Medications for other mental disorders like anxiety or depression.

Child protection

How can concerns about a child be reported to Tusla?

In person, by telephone, or in writing to the local social work duty service.

Munchausen Syndrome

What common symptoms are associated with Munchausen syndrome?

Gastrointestinal symptoms or haemoptysis.

Morbid Jealousy

What might a morbidly jealous individual do if their partner arrives home late?

Assume that infidelity has taken place.

Munchausen Syndrome

What are the essential features of factitious disorder imposed on another?

Feigning or inducing medical symptoms in another person, associated with identified deception.

Delusional Misidentification Syndrome

What characterizes Fregoli Syndrome?

The delusional belief that familiar persons change their appearance and are actually a single person in disguise.

Morbid Jealousy

What risks are associated with morbid jealousy?

Homicide, domestic violence, and suicide.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What symptoms might a man with Couvade syndrome experience?

Nausea, abdominal swelling, food cravings, and hormonal changes.


What types of animals can individuals with Lycanthropy believe they have transformed into?

Wolf, dog, cat, horse, hyena, tiger, bird, frog, or bee.

Cotard’s Syndrome

Which demographic is more likely to suffer from Cotard’s syndrome?

Females and middle-aged or older individuals.

Munchausen Syndrome

What age range is typical for the identification of individuals with factitious disorder imposed on self?

30 to 40 years old.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What management strategies are recommended for Diogenes syndrome?

Day care, community care, and establishing a cleaning plan.

Munchausen Syndrome

What is a significant risk for the person presented as ill in cases of factitious disorder imposed on another?

They may be considered a victim of physical or psychological maltreatment.

Delusional Misidentification Syndrome

What is Intermetamorphosis?

The belief that people in the environment swap identities with each other while maintaining the same appearance.

Morbid Jealousy

What is Morbid Jealousy also known as?

Othello syndrome.

Munchausen Syndrome

Why is treating a patient with Munchausen syndrome challenging?

Most patients deny having the problem and are often uncooperative.

Folie à Deux

What is the most common type of delusion in Folie à Deux?

Persecutory delusions.

Ekbom’s Syndrome

What do individuals with Ekbom’s syndrome believe?

That their skin and/or eyes are infested with parasites.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What is a significant challenge in managing Diogenes syndrome?

The reluctance of affected individuals to seek help and their resistance to medical intervention.

Munchausen Syndrome

What is a common demographic feature of factitious disorder imposed on another?

The most common perpetrator is a mother fabricating symptoms in her children.

Folie à Deux

What is Folie à Deux?

A shared psychosis where two individuals share the same delusional beliefs.

Morbid Jealousy

What are common behaviors of a person experiencing Morbid Jealousy?

Accusing their partner of infidelity, scrutinizing communications, and interpreting innocent events as evidence of cheating.

Child protection

What type of therapy should be considered if the perpetrator remains in therapy?

Cognitive behavioral therapy.

Munchausen Syndrome

What are the ICD-11 essential features for factitious disorder imposed on self?

Feigning, falsifying, or intentionally inducing medical signs and symptoms associated with identified deception.

Ekbom’s Syndrome

What is Ekbom’s syndrome also known as?

Delusional parasitosis or delusion of infestation.

Psychotic Conditions

What is the management approach for psychotic conditions?

Treating the underlying disorder, often with antipsychotics or antidepressants.

Munchausen Syndrome

What behavior do individuals with Munchausen syndrome often exhibit regarding medical care?

They frequently move from doctor to doctor or hospital to hospital to find new audiences for their claims.

Munchausen Syndrome

What ethical considerations arise when searching a patient's hospital room for evidence of Munchausen syndrome?

The search may violate patient privacy and trust.

Child protection

What is Munchausen syndrome by proxy classified as?

A factitious disorder, not a fictitious disorder.

Munchausen Syndrome

What is a common motivation for individuals with factitious disorder imposed on self?

Seeking attention, especially from healthcare providers.

Munchausen Syndrome

What gender is more commonly associated with factitious disorder imposed on self?

A substantial majority of individuals identified are female.

Munchausen Syndrome

What is a common behavior of individuals with factitious disorder imposed on another?

Manipulating laboratory tests to falsely indicate an abnormality.

Morbid Jealousy

What can trigger Morbid Jealousy in an individual?

Chronic alcohol dependence, substance addiction, organic brain disorders, schizophrenia, and mood disorders.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What common conditions can lead to Charles Bonnet syndrome?

Age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataract.

Morbid Jealousy

What psychological effects can partners of morbidly jealous individuals experience?

Feelings of helplessness, isolation, anxiety, and depression.

Morbid Jealousy

What is the estimated prevalence of Morbid Jealousy in the population?

Less than 1%.

Munchausen Syndrome

What is Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

A factitious disorder where a caregiver induces illness in another person, usually a child, to gain attention.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What is Couvade syndrome?

A condition where a man experiences symptoms resembling pregnancy when his partner is pregnant.

Cotard’s Syndrome

What is the main delusional belief in Cotard’s syndrome?

The person believes that they are dead or do not exist.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What is a key management strategy for Charles Bonnet syndrome?

Reassurance that the visions are benign and do not signify mental illness.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What age group is most affected by Diogenes syndrome?

Individuals aged 60-90 years.

Child protection

Is it necessary to prove that abuse has occurred to report a concern to Tusla?

No, you only need reasonable grounds for concern.


What is Lycanthropy?

A psychiatric syndrome where a person believes they can transform into a wolf or have wolf-like characteristics.

Morbid Jealousy

Which gender is more likely to experience Morbid Jealousy?

Males are more affected than females.

Munchausen Syndrome

What are common characteristics of a mother with Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

She may have a medical background, deny deception, and lack usual parental concern.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What type of medication may be considered for compulsive hoarding behaviors in Diogenes syndrome?

SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors).

Cotard’s Syndrome

What is Cotard’s Syndrome?

A condition where individuals believe they are dead or do not exist.

Munchausen Syndrome

What should a doctor do when Munchausen syndrome is suspected?

Review the patient's medical records for inconsistencies and contact family or friends to verify the patient's claims.

Child protection

What should you do if a child is in immediate danger and you cannot contact Tusla?

Contact the Gardaí on 112.

Ekbom’s Syndrome

What is Ekbom’s Syndrome?

Also known as delusional parasitosis, it is the belief that one is infested with parasites.

Psychotic Conditions

What typically triggers Ganser’s syndrome?

Stressful situations that provide an opportunity for personal gain or avoidance of responsibility.

Munchausen Syndrome

What therapy should be considered if a patient with Munchausen syndrome remains in treatment?

Cognitive behavioral therapy.

Non-Psychotic Conditions

What are common associated conditions with Diogenes syndrome?

Dementia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression.


What risk is associated with Erotomania when contact attempts are rejected?

There is a risk of violence towards the love object or perceived rivals.

Delusional Misidentification Syndrome

What is Delusional Misidentification Syndrome?

An umbrella term for a group of delusional disorders involving the belief that the identity of a person, object, or place has been altered.

Delusional Misidentification Syndrome

What is Capgras Syndrome?

A delusional disorder where a person believes that a close relative or spouse has been replaced by an exact double.


What is Erotomania?

A delusional belief that another person is in love with the individual.


What is the central belief in Erotomania?

The person believes that someone of higher social status is in love with them.

Child protection

What protections are provided to reporters under the ‘Protections for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998’?

Reporters are protected as long as they report what they believe to be true and do so in good faith.

Delusional Misidentification Syndrome

What does the Syndrome of Subjective Doubles entail?

A belief that there is a doppelganger or double of oneself carrying out independent actions.

Morbid Jealousy

What is Morbid Jealousy?

Also known as Othello syndrome, it involves an irrational belief that one's partner is unfaithful.

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