What are the contraindications for taking tympanic temperature?
Ear infection/excessive ear drainage, taking temperature on the side that the patient has been lying on.
What is the purpose of assessing body temperature?
To establish baseline data, identify if body temperature is within normal ranges or changes, and monitor patients at risk for abnormal body temperature (e.g., infection).
Contraindications for Tympanic Temperature Measurement

What are the contraindications for taking tympanic temperature?

Ear infection/excessive ear drainage, taking temperature on the side that the patient has been lying on.

Purpose,Implementation, and evaluation of Taking Body Temperature

What is the purpose of assessing body temperature?

To establish baseline data, identify if body temperature is within normal ranges or changes, and monitor patients at risk for abnormal body temperature (e.g., infection).

Purpose,Implementation, and evaluation of Taking Body Temperature

What are the surface temperature measurement sites?

Forehead and armpit.

Importance of Vital Signs

Why are vital signs important?

They monitor physiologic functions, allow early risk detection, and help identify changes by comparing with baseline data and acceptable normal standards.

Terminology Related to Body Temperature

What are the terms used to describe body temperature?

Hypothermia: below 36°C, Pyrexia: 38-40°C, Hyperpyrexia: 41°C or above, Fever: 'febrile', No fever: 'afebrile'.

Purpose,Implementation, and evaluation of Taking Body Temperature

When should you recheck a patient's body temperature for hypothermia?

Recheck in 15 minutes.

Contraindications for Rectal Temperature Measurement

How should you prepare the thermometer for taking rectal temperature?

Lubricate the tip for about 2.5 cm.

When to Assess Vital Signs

When should vital signs be assessed?

On admission, when there is a change in health condition, before/after surgery or invasive procedures, before/after activities that may increase risk, and before administering medications.

Factors Affecting Body Temperature

How does sex affect body temperature?

Women's body temperature can be higher during ovulation due to progesterone secretion.

Purpose,Implementation, and evaluation of Taking Body Temperature

What are the core temperature measurement sites?

Oral cavity, ear canal, and rectum.

Factors Affecting Body Temperature

How does circadian rhythm affect body temperature?

Body temperature is lower in the morning and peaks between 3 PM and 6 PM.

Equipment for Assessing Body Temperature

What types of thermometers are used to assess body temperature?

Electronic/Digital Thermometers, Tympanic Membrane Thermometer, Temporal Artery Thermometer, and Noncontact Infrared Thermometer.

Contraindications for Rectal Temperature Measurement

What position should a patient be in for taking rectal temperature?

Sim's position.

Purpose,Implementation, and evaluation of Taking Body Temperature

What should you do after taking a patient's body temperature?

Educate the patient.

Purpose,Implementation, and evaluation of Taking Body Temperature

When should you recheck a patient's body temperature after they have taken an antipyretic?

Recheck in an hour.

Contraindications for Oral Temperature Measurement

What should you do if a patient has smoked, chewed gum, engaged in activities, or taken hot/cold food/drinks before taking an oral temperature?

Wait for 30 minutes before taking the temperature.

Factors Affecting Body Temperature

LIST ALL THE FACTORS AFFECTING BODY TEMP. + How does age affect body temperature?

Elderly individuals have a higher risk of developing hypothermia.

Contraindications for Rectal Temperature Measurement

What are the contraindications for taking rectal temperature? + REMINDER?

<p>Diarrhea/impacted stool, colorectal disorders (e.g., hemorrhoids), bleeding tendencies, perineal or rectal surgery. ; sim’s position + lubricate tip for about 2.5 cm</p>

Contraindications for Oral Temperature Measurement

What are the contraindications for taking oral temperature? + REMINDER OF TAKING ORAL TEMP.?

<p>Under age of 5, recent oral/nasal surgery, mouth breathers, confused/agitated patients, at risk of seizures/history of it, suicidal intention. ; patients smoked, chewed gums, engaged in activities, drink/ eat hot/ cold stuff &gt; rest 30 mins</p>

Purpose,Implementation, and evaluation of Taking Body Temperature

Implementation of taking body temperature? ; Evaluation?

<p>Report and re-check if needed, and disinfect the thermometer. ; recheck in 15 mins for hypothermia, recheck in an hour after taking antipyretic</p>

Give Abbreviation and Units for the Vital Signs: temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, pain level, pulse oximetry.

<p>T, ‘C P, bpm/min RR, bpm/min BP, mmHg Pain, 0-10 SpO2, %</p>

Explain the abbreviation in doctors' prescription: Daily, BD, TDS, QID, Stat, prn, OM, Nocte


What is the normal temp. range of oral, rectal, axillary, and tympanic?

<p>35.8-37.5, 36.1-37.8, 35.5-37.2, 36.1-37.8</p>

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