What is Traditional Medicine also known as?
Indigenous medicine or folk medicine.
What are the symptoms of riboflavin deficiency?
Glossitis, stomatitis, angular stomatitis, chelitis, skin rashes, itchy eyes, pallor, and fatigue.
Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

What is Traditional Medicine also known as?

Indigenous medicine or folk medicine.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are the symptoms of riboflavin deficiency?

Glossitis, stomatitis, angular stomatitis, chelitis, skin rashes, itchy eyes, pallor, and fatigue.

Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

What does a Manghihilot do?

Acts as a masseur or bone setter.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are the three distinct syndromes associated with thiamine deficiency?

Dry beriberi, wet beriberi, and Wernicke encephalopathy with Korsakoff psychosis.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are some central nervous system effects of vitamin D excess?

Headache, nausea, ataxia, and anorexia, associated with increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What is the focus of the Theory of Qi?

The light force of the human body that maintains homeostasis.

Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

What is the role of a Herbolario in traditional healing?

Uses plant materials to treat patients.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

An ancient and natural form of healing that recognizes the inseparable relationship of body, mind, spirit, and nature.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What does the Theory of Yin-Yang emphasize?

The need for balance and harmony.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What are the Five Elements in TCM?

Fire, Wood, Earth, Metal, and Water.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What dietary factors can lead to vitamin K deficiency?

Too little green leafy vegetables, high doses of vitamins A or E, and malabsorption.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What medicinal properties does Sambong (Blumea balsamifera) have?

Anti-edema, diuretic, and anti-urolithiasis.

Ethical Considerations in CAM

What should clinicians consider when evaluating interventions?

They should consider any intervention (CAM or Western) that has an acceptable risk–benefit balance.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What are dietary supplements?

Products taken by mouth that contain a 'dietary ingredient' intended to supplement the diet.

Definitions and Types of CAM

What does Traditional Medicine encompass?

Health practices, knowledge, and beliefs using plant, animal, and mineral-based medicines, spiritual therapies, and manual techniques.

Historical Development of CAM

What is the role of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)?

Established by the US Congress in 1999 to research and promote CAM practices.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What are the three pillars of the General Theory of Medicine in TCM?

Theory of Yin-Yang, Theory of Qi, and Theory of 5 Elements.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What is a common treatment for fever in traditional practices?

Decoction of tawa-tawa or plant roots of eskubang mayawis.

Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

What is the effectiveness of Tai Chi for the elderly?

It can help reduce their fear of falls.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What can cause hemolytic anemia in premature infants?

Inadequate reserves of vitamin E leading to fragile erythrocyte membranes.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

How can Bayabas/Guava (Psidium guajava L.) be used for toothache?

Freshly pounded leaves are used for toothache, and a warm decoction can be used as a gargle.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are the consequences of folate deficiency?

Megaloblastic anemia and neural tube defects.

Definitions and Types of CAM

What is Integrative Medicine?

A combination of mainstream medical therapies and CAM therapies with high-quality scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are the two types of vitamin deficiency?

Primary deficiency (decreased intake) and secondary deficiency (normal intake, decreased absorption).

Ethical Considerations in CAM

What are some health issues linked to endurance activities?

Myocardial infarctions, CVAs, seizures, and serious psychiatric illnesses.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What antioxidants are found in tea from the plant Camellia sinensis?

Catechins, which inhibit cancer growth and reduce tumor size.

Beliefs and Causes of the Disease

What is the traditional belief about the cause of measles?

It is brought by bad air.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is Acupuncture?

Stimulation of special points on the body using fine needles to alter the flow of vital energy.

Ethical Considerations in CAM

What should physicians consider when referring patients to CAM therapies?

The potential limited or no benefit of the therapies.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the active coenzyme form of vitamin B6?

Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are the signs of scurvy?

Skin changes, fragility of blood capillaries, gum decay, tooth loss, and bone fracture.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What are the major types of CAM?

Alternative Medical Systems, Mind-Body Interventions, Biologically Based Therapies, Manipulative and Body-Based Methods, Energy Therapies, and Body Movements/Exercise Therapy.

Myths and Facts on CAM

What does it mean if a herbal supplement is labeled 'natural'?

It does not guarantee safety or lack of harmful effects.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is vitamin deficiency?

A decrease in vitamin level in the blood.

Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

How does a Mananawal heal?

By means of spittle and prayer.

Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

What is the significance of Orasyon in traditional healing?

It involves blessing prescribed medicines or directly blessing the patient.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What herbal medication is used for abdominal pain?

Concoction of Bila-bila and Eskubang mayawis.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

How does the catechin content differ between green tea and black tea?

Green tea has more catechins than black tea.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What part of the Bila-bila plant is used for treatment?


Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is Aromatherapy?

The practice of using essential oils to promote wellness and restore equilibrium of the mind and body.

Ethical Considerations in CAM

What factors should be considered when drawing ethical conclusions about CAM treatments?

Severity of illness, curability, invasiveness of conventional treatment, and patient understanding of risks.

Ethical Considerations in CAM

What is vital for physicians and patients to find common ground in decision making?

Elucidating patients' experiences of illness, their hopes and values, and what they see as their best interests.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the main function of vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)?

Involved in collagen synthesis and acts as a cofactor for hydroxylases.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the most important preventable cause of blindness related to vitamin A?

Vitamin A deficiency.

Myths and Facts on CAM

What is a common myth about acupuncture?

That it is a cure-all.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is hypervitaminosis?

An increase in vitamin level in the blood.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are the three D's associated with niacin deficiency?

Diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What can excessive intake of nicotinic acid cause?

Dilatation of blood vessels, flushing, skin irritation, and liver damage.

Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

How does the WHO define Traditional Medicine?

The sum total of knowledge, skills, and practices based on indigenous theories and beliefs used for health maintenance and treatment.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What characterizes acute diseases in TCM?

Rapid onset, heat, restlessness, and a red tongue with yellow coating.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What does the Theory of 5 Elements suggest about Water?

Water has a downward movement associated with the excretion of impure fluids.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What does Ayurvedic Medicine focus on?

Achieving a healthy lifestyle through the harmonious balance of one's doshas.

Ethical Considerations in CAM

What is a key approach for physicians when discussing CAM therapies with patients?

Engaging in shared decision-making and understanding the patient's core values.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the primary source of vitamin B12?

Food of animal origin.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

Where are probiotics most commonly found in the body?

In the gut, particularly the large intestines.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the definition of vitamins?

Group of organic nutrients required in small quantities for various biochemical functions that cannot generally be synthesized by the body.

Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

What is the purpose of Panubay/Tigi in healing practices?

To determine the causes of illnesses through supernatural guidance.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the role of pantothenic acid?

It plays a central role in acyl group metabolism as part of Coenzyme A.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is a major consequence of vitamin K deficiency?

It can lead to a secondary hemostasis defect, resulting in deep tissue bleeding.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What does the book Shang Shu say about the Five Elements?

They are processes rather than just fundamental matter.

Ethical Considerations in CAM

What is a central obligation of the physician–patient relationship when considering CAM therapies?

The commitment to joint problem solving over time.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

Why should one be cautious about herbal supplements labeled 'natural'?

It does not guarantee safety or the absence of harmful effects.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What percentage of medical schools in the USA offer elective courses in CAM?


Regulatory Issues and Patient Rights in CAM

What is the significance of the Philippine Institute for Traditional and Complementary Health Care (PITAHC)?

Established in 1997 to promote traditional and complementary health practices in the Philippines.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the most common cause of thiamine deficiency worldwide?

Eating only refined, white rice.

Beliefs and Causes of the Disease

What is a common belief about the cause of abdominal pain in traditional medicine?

It can be caused by supernatural beings or eating forbidden food.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the role of vitamin E in the body?

It acts as an antioxidant, protecting cell membranes from lipid peroxidation.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is Lagundi (Vitex negundo) used for?

Asthma, cough, fever, dysentery, colds, pain, skin diseases, headache, rheumatism, sprains, contusions, and insect bites.

Regulatory Issues and Patient Rights in CAM

What guidelines should be followed when choosing a CAM provider?

Ensure they are graduates of accredited colleges, licensed, and communicate with primary care physicians.

Ethical Considerations in CAM

In Case 1, what is the ethical stance of the physician regarding the patient's choice of CAM therapies?

It is ethical to allow the patient to try CAM therapies while continuing conventional monitoring.

Definitions and Types of CAM

What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)?

A group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products not considered part of conventional medicine.

Historical Development of CAM

What was the significance of the 1978 Alma Ata Declaration?

It emphasized the integration of Traditional Medicine in Primary Health Care.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the main function of vitamin D?

Regulation of calcium absorption and homeostasis.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What condition results from poor calcium absorption in children?


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

How do the Five Elements relate to natural phenomena?

They symbolize five different directions of movement and have important applications in medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What are the characteristics of chronic diseases in TCM?

Gradual onset, cold symptoms, and a pale tongue.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

How is Yerba Buena (Mentha cordifelia) prepared for headaches?

Boil chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes and divide the decoction into 2 parts, drinking one part every 3 hours.

Regulatory Issues and Patient Rights in CAM

What does the RA 8423 Act establish?

The Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITACH) to develop traditional and alternative health care.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the active form of folic acid?


Major Types of CAM Therapies

How does Bawang (Allium sativum) help with hypertension?

It can be fried, roasted, soaked in vinegar, or blanched, and taken 2 pieces 3 times a day after meals.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What are probiotics?

A combination of live beneficial bacteria and/or yeasts that naturally live in your body.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are the two types of vitamins?

Water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What is the effect of iced tea compared to hot tea in cancer prevention?

Iced tea is as good as hot tea in preventing cancers.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Principles

What is the basis of Acupuncture?

The Taoist belief in the balance of yin and yang and the flow of Chi or Qi through meridian pathways.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is Tsaang Gubat (Carmona retusa) primarily used for?

Diarrhea and stomach ache.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is Chiropractic Medicine?

A holistic approach using manipulative therapy to allow the body to heal itself without drugs or surgery.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What condition does Akapulko (Cassia alata L.) treat?

Anti-fungal conditions like tinea flava, ringworm, athlete’s foot, and scabies.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What types of ingredients can be found in dietary supplements?

Vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, enzymes, organ tissues, and metabolites.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What are some conditions that probiotics might help with?

Diarrhea, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast infections, and more.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

How does calcitriol maintain plasma calcium concentration?

By increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, reducing excretion of calcium, and mobilizing bone mineral.

Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

What does Traditional Medicine comprise?

Medical aspects of traditional knowledge developed over generations within folk beliefs.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What can happen when vitamin E is taken with warfarin?

It can lead to excessive bleeding due to their additive effects as inhibitors of vitamin K dependent carboxylation.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What is the recommended steeping time for tea to release catechins?

5 minutes.

Traditional and Folk Medicine Practices

What is the Chinese herbal remedy effective in resistant malaria?

Artemisia annua.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are the six compounds that have vitamin B6 activity?

Pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, and their 5'-phosphates.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is the primary use of Niyug-niiyogan (Quisqualis indica L.)?

Anthelmintic, used to expel parasitic worms.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the function of vitamin B7 (Biotin)?

Transfers carbon dioxide in several reactions and regulates the cell cycle.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is the effect of Ulasimang Bato (Peperonica pellucida) on uric acid?

It lowers uric acid levels, helping with rheumatism and gout.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is the primary benefit of Ampalaya (Mamordica Charantia)?

It lowers blood sugar levels and is used for mild non-insulin-dependent diabetes.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the primary function of vitamin A?

Vision, particularly night vision, and roles in cell division and growth.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is a significant risk of vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy?

It is teratogenic and can cause birth defects.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is Complementary Medicine?

Types of treatments received alongside traditional Western medicine, such as massage and meditation.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What is the antidote for warfarin overdose?

A high dose of vitamin K.

Major Types of CAM Therapies

What is Biofeedback?

A technique that elicits the relaxation response to allow individuals to control autonomic functions.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What condition arises from vitamin B12 deficiency?

Pernicious anemia.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What are the dietary sources of vitamin A?

Liver oil, egg yolk, butter, milk, carrots, and vegetables.

Ethical Considerations in CAM

What are some ethical considerations in CAM?

Patients have the right to quality-verified care and information about treatment options.

Vitamins and Minerals: Functions and Deficiencies

What role does pyridoxal 5'-phosphate play in amino acid metabolism?

It acts as a coenzyme for transamination and decarboxylation reactions.

Definitions and Types of CAM

What distinguishes Complementary Medicine from Alternative Medicine?

Complementary Medicine is used together with conventional medicine, while Alternative Medicine is used in place of it.

Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

What are some risks associated with herbal supplements?

They can be contaminated with metals, unlabeled drugs, and can cause serious health issues.

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