What is an international organization (IO)?
A formal institution made up of three or more states working together on common goals, especially on global issues like peace, security, and development.
What are some examples of international organizations?
ASEAN, IMF, WTO, World Bank, and the UN.
Definition and Creation of International Organizations

What is an international organization (IO)?

A formal institution made up of three or more states working together on common goals, especially on global issues like peace, security, and development.

Definition and Creation of International Organizations

What are some examples of international organizations?

ASEAN, IMF, WTO, World Bank, and the UN.

Definition and Creation of International Organizations

What roles do international organizations serve?

As instruments for states to pursue interests, arenas for debate, and actors that can influence decisions.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

What is necessary for the UN to meet modern challenges?

It needs to be improved.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the UN's comparative advantage in global politics?

Identifying and resolving global concerns.

Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty

How does globalization affect state sovereignty?

Despite globalization, state sovereignty remains important.

Definition and Creation of International Organizations

Why were International Organizations created?

To help countries cooperate on common global challenges.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What are some global problems that require international cooperation?

Terrorism, climate change, maritime conflict, and nuclear proliferation.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

How does the UN help manage global inequalities and risks?

By setting norms, gathering knowledge, and offering recommendations.

Definition and Creation of International Organizations

How many member states does the UN currently have?

193 members.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What are the four basic principles of international relations outlined in the UN Charter?

1. Maintain international peace and security; 2. Develop friendly relations among nations; 3. Cooperate in solving international problems and promoting respect for human rights; 4. Harmonize the actions of nations.

Historical Context of International Organizations

What was the predecessor of the United Nations?

The League of Nations.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What role does the UN play in global governance?

It serves as a platform for countries to collaborate on global challenges.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What role do civil societies play in the UN's recommendations?

They have become key actors, voicing positions on various issues and participating in the UN processes.

Definition and Creation of International Organizations

What are international organizations (IOs)?

Formal, multilateral institutions created by states to address common concerns, such as the UN, IMF, and WTO.

Historical Context of International Organizations

Why were international organizations created?

To maintain peace and cooperation after major conflicts and to address issues that couldn't be handled by any single country.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What countries are involved in the West Philippine Sea dispute?

The Philippines and China.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What are the four key roles of the UN in global politics?

Managing knowledge, developing norms, formulating recommendations, and institutionalizing ideas.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

What challenges does the UN face in its operations?

Limited ability to prevent conflicts, enforce decisions, and the rise of powerful nations challenging its authority.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What global problems does the UN assist states in addressing?

Human rights, security, and economic disparities.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the United Nations considered as?

The world's leading international organization.

Globalization and Its Effects on International Relations

What is global governance?

The collective effort to address global issues that transcend national borders, involving cooperation among various actors.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What challenges does the world face today according to the text?

Increasing and complicated problems attributed to the impacts of globalization.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is the primary purpose of global governance?

To find collective solutions to problems that affect the entire world.

Historical Context of International Organizations

What historical organization was established in 1863 to facilitate global communication?

The Universal Postal Union.

Definition and Creation of International Organizations

How is global governance often confused?

With international organizations like the European Union.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What happens after the UN formulates recommendations?

The responsibility for implementation lies with the member states.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the significance of institutionalizing ideas within the UN framework?

It allows for the implementation and monitoring of policies through existing institutions.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What role do international organizations play?

They set rules for international relations, manage crises, and foster development.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What major drawback did the League of Nations face?

Key states, including the USA, did not join, and it lacked effective power.

The Role of Non-State Actors in Global Governance

What role do non-state actors play in global governance?

They shape norms, laws, and policies in the global system.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What action did the Philippine government take in response to the Scarborough shoal standoff?

Filed an arbitration case in 2013 before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS).

Historical Context of International Organizations

What was the first major international organization?

The Concert of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars.

Historical Context of International Organizations

What was the earliest considered international organization?

The Concert of Europe after the Napoleonic war.

Historical Context of International Organizations

What was the primary intention behind the structure of the UN?

To prevent problems encountered by the League of Nations.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

How has globalization affected movement between countries?

Movement is heavily regulated, especially after events like 9/11.

The Role of Non-State Actors in Global Governance

How many international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) are there?

Approximately 7,600 INGOs, along with many less-established networks.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What factors contributed to the rise of international organizations post-WWII?

Increased awareness of interdependence, world economic crises, human rights violations, and environmental degradation.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is the role of global governance in relation to states?

It helps coordinate between them without replacing states.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is a key characteristic of contemporary global governance?

It involves cross-border transactions without a world government regulating them.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What are the four essential roles of the UN according to Weise and Thakur (2011)?

Managing Knowledge, Developing Norms, Formulating Recommendations, Institutionalizing Ideas.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

Why are norms important in the international arena?

They are necessary for society's function and existence.

Historical Context of International Organizations

When was the United Nations founded?

October 24, 1945.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the UN's role in managing globalization?

The UN manages risks and opportunities of globalization by promoting global norms, fostering cooperation, and addressing issues that individual states cannot handle alone.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

What challenges does the UN face in global politics?

Powerful nations ignoring its rulings and the complex nature of global problems.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What are some global issues the UN helps tackle?

Pandemics, climate change, and inequality.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

Why is global governance vital in today's world?

Because no single country can solve global issues alone.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What are some examples of cross-border activities mentioned?

Traveling between states, goods and services delivery, and overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

How does the UN manage knowledge on global issues?

By gathering solid information and mobilizing knowledge from various sources.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the main role of the UN that is widely accepted?

Maintenance of peace and security, carried out by the Security Council.

Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty

How does globalization affect the distribution of benefits?

Globalization connects the world, but not everyone benefits equally.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

What challenges does the UN face in maintaining global order?

Controversies, criticisms, and the need to take on a stronger role.

Globalization and Its Effects on International Relations

What is globalization?

The growing interconnectedness of the world in economic, cultural, informational, and political terms.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What was the outcome of the 2016 ruling by the Tribunal in favor of the Philippines?

The Tribunal stated that China had no legal basis for its territorial claims.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

How did China respond to the 2016 Tribunal ruling?

China ignored the ruling.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the role of the UN in global governance?

The UN is the central actor due to its universal membership and legitimacy.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

How did China respond to the Tribunal's decision?

China refused to recognize the case and stated it would never accept any decision by the UN arbitral tribunal.

Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty

What are some negative views of globalization?

It is viewed as a new form of Western dominance, benefiting only big countries.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What issues have worsened due to the rise of 'uncivil society'?

International terrorism, human trafficking, and illicit trade.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What happened to the number of international organizations after the Cold War?

It declined due to the dissolution of Soviet bloc organizations.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What is the function of the UN Security Council?

To handle international peace and security.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What is the voting requirement for decisions in the Security Council?

A majority of nine out of 15 members, including all five permanent members.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What is the function of the Secretariat?

To carry out the administrative and substantive work of the UN.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What was the purpose of the Trusteeship Council?

To provide international supervision for Trust Territories and prepare them for self-government.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What does the UN emphasize alongside respecting states' rights?

The rights of peoples, especially in cases of human rights abuses.

Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty

What are some issues created by globalization?

Inequalities and global risks.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What was the purpose of establishing the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)?

To serve as a principal instrument for global action on HIV/AIDS and provide action to the epidemic.

Definition and Creation of International Organizations

What does global governance encompass?

Laws, norms, policies, and institutions that define and constitute international order.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What role do international organizations like the UN play in global governance?

They help frame and contribute to improvements leading to desired international order.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

How does the UN facilitate problem-solving?

By creating institutions that can oversee implementation despite non-coercive power.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What was one reason for the League of Nations' failure?

Absence of a clear division between the League Council and the League Assembly, which could only make non-binding recommendations.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What challenges are linked to globalization?

Inequality, dependence between industrialized and developing countries, terrorism, and illicit trade.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What was the Tribunal's 2016 decision regarding China's claims in the West Philippine Sea?

The Tribunal ruled in favor of the Philippines, stating that China violated its sovereign rights.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

What is suggested for the UN in the face of 21st-century challenges?

It needs to be improved and complemented rather than abandoned.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

How can international organizations be viewed according to Rittberger and Zangl?

As instruments, arenas, or actors.

The Role of Non-State Actors in Global Governance

What is the significance of transnational companies (TNCs) in global governance?

They play a crucial role with around 82,100 TNCs having numerous foreign affiliates.

Historical Context of International Organizations

What significant event led to the growth of international organizations by 1945?

World War II and the creation of the UN and Bretton Woods institutions.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What are intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)?

Organizations like the UN, NATO, and the European Union that facilitate international cooperation.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What challenges exist in resolving maritime disputes according to Klare (2017)?

The legal machinery for adjudicating offshore boundaries remains underdeveloped, and many states are reluctant to cede authority over these matters.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What has been the international community's reaction to China's non-recognition of the Tribunal's decision?

Different reactions emerged, with more countries and international organizations advocating for peaceful resolution according to international law, including UNCLOS.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What is the role of the General Assembly in the UN?

A platform where all member nations meet to discuss global issues, with non-binding recommendations.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

What was the UN's response after the Tribunal issued its decision?

The UN was found silent regarding the strict imposition of its verdict against China.

Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty

What role do states still play amid globalization?

Controlling their borders and economies.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What is the mandate of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)?

To coordinate the economic and social work of the UN.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What did former UN Secretary Kofi Annan identify as a characteristic of modern problems?

'Problems without passport' that require globalization of policy making.

Globalization and Its Effects on International Relations

What is necessary for addressing global affairs issues according to Nowotny?

Common political responses and broader political input.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What role does the UN play in global governance?

It is regarded as the only custodian of sovereignty with unique and universal legitimacy.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is global governance?

A collection of governance-related activities, rules, and mechanisms at various levels in the world today.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

What does the UN Charter assert regarding state rights?

It asserts both the rights of the state and the rights of the peoples, especially in cases of extreme human rights transgressions.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the role of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)?

Coordinates economic, social, and environmental efforts.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

How is the UN viewed in the context of global governance?

As the most important actor in global governance and not just a meeting site for world leaders.

The Role of Non-State Actors in Global Governance

What are some examples of non-state actors involved in global governance?

Civil society groups, activists, environmentalists, feminists, and scientists.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What specialized agencies are included in the UN system?

International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), World Health Organization (WHO), UNESCO, and UNICEF.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

Why are global problems like climate change and terrorism significant?

They cannot be solved by individual states alone and require global governance.

Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty

How is globalization defined according to Steger (2003)?

As the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is an example of an institution created by the UN to address global challenges?


Roles and Functions of the United Nations

How does the UN facilitate global governance?

By bringing together countries, civil society, and international organizations to tackle cross-border problems.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What was reported about China's actions in the West Philippine Sea after the Tribunal's decision?

China was transforming seven reefs claimed by the Philippines into military bases.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

How many permanent members are in the Security Council?


Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What governance issue does the UN struggle with?

Enforcing rulings, as seen with China's refusal regarding the West Philippine Sea dispute.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

What significant failures did the UN experience in the mid-1990s?

The failure to prevent large-scale slaughter in Rwanda and Bosnia.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What action did the Philippines take in 2013 regarding the dispute with China?

Filed a case at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS).

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What maritime dispute involves the Philippines and other coastal powers?

The dispute in the South China Sea.

The Role of Non-State Actors in Global Governance

How do states and non-state actors interact in global governance?

Through formal and informal mechanisms, sharing the governance stage to ensure international order.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

When is intervention by the international community deemed justifiable?

When there is a threat to international peace and security.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What does the UN flag symbolize?

The UN's mission and presence, featuring a white emblem on a light blue field.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What does the West Philippine Sea dispute illustrate about global governance?

It highlights the limitations when powerful countries refuse to comply with international rulings.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What legal framework did the Philippines cite to justify its claim in the arbitration case?

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What actions did the Tribunal find China had taken that violated the Philippines' sovereign rights?

Interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration, constructing artificial islands, and failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the main goal of the United Nations?

To maintain peace, promote human rights, and foster cooperation among nations.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What trend is observed in income levels between countries due to globalization?

Growing divergence, not convergence, in income levels, leading to widening inequality.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is a major aspect of global governance?

Shared decision-making beyond borders while balancing state sovereignty.

Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty

How does globalization affect states differently?

Big powers may benefit more, while smaller countries can feel overwhelmed.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What is the voting requirement for key issues in the General Assembly?

A two-thirds majority vote.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

Why are poverty and inequality considered global concerns?

Because there is no economic and social institution more effective than the UN system in tackling these issues.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What is the main judicial organ of the UN?

The International Court of Justice.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

How many judges are in the International Court of Justice?

15 judges.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What does the UN do to manage knowledge?

It collects and shares information about global problems like HIV/AIDS, nuclear weapons, and climate change.

Definition and Creation of International Organizations

What are some high-profile international organizations that the Philippines is a member of?


Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What are the names of the islands involved in the East China Sea dispute?

The Paracels, Spratlys, and Macclesfield Bank.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the current status of the Trusteeship Council?

It is now inactive as all trust territories have gained independence.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

How did the UN's authority get challenged in the South China Sea dispute?

China ignored a ruling in favor of the Philippines.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

Which specialized agencies does the UN oversee?

Organizations like WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, and the IMF.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

Which countries are the permanent members of the Security Council?

USA, Britain, France, Russia, and China.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

Who leads the UN Secretariat?

The Secretary-General.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What negative forces have been unleashed by globalization?

International terrorism, drug trafficking, people and gun trafficking, and illicit money flows.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What is the role of the General Assembly?

To consider the world's pressing problems and represent all UN members.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

Who heads the Secretariat?

The Secretary-General.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What are mixed views on globalization?

Some see it as a positive force improving living standards, while others believe it benefits wealthy countries at the expense of poorer nations.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is meant by 'developing norms' in the context of the UN?

Setting global standards of behavior, such as human rights or environmental protection.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What is the primary function of international organizations?

To foster cooperation among states on global issues.

Definition and Creation of International Organizations

What distinguishes international governmental organizations (IGOs) from international non-governmental organizations (INGOs)?

IGOs are institutions with formal procedures and membership comprising three or more states.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

What does the International Court of Justice do?

Settles disputes between countries and provides legal advice to the UN.

Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty

What are some positive views of globalization?

It is seen as an important engine of growth that paves the way for progress and higher standards of living.

Historical Context of International Organizations

How many international organizations existed by the end of WWII?


UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

How many main organs does the UN have?


Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is the nature of economic interdependence between industrialized and developing countries?

It is highly asymmetrical, with developing countries being highly dependent on industrialized countries.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What does the International Labor Organization panel suggest about the problems caused by globalization?

The problems are not caused by globalization but by deficiencies in its governance.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What types of disputes does the International Court of Justice handle?

Disputes between countries and provides advisory opinions to UN organs.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What did the Tribunal find regarding China's historic rights within the nine-dash-line?

There was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources in those sea areas.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

How many governments are involved in the global governance system?

Nearly 200 governments, including 193 UN members.

Maritime Dispute in the West Philippine Sea

What basis does China use to justify its claims in the maritime disputes?

The 'nine-dash-line'.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is a key challenge of globalization?

Economic inequality, with developing countries dependent on industrialized nations.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What restrictions on people's movements were noted after the 9/11 attack?

People's movements remain restricted and strictly regulated.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What is the principal responsibility of the Security Council?

Maintaining international peace and security.

UN's Challenges and Criticisms

What criticism does the UN face?

Failing to prevent major atrocities like the Rwanda genocide or Bosnian war.

Globalization and Its Effects on International Relations

What role do international organizations play in global governance?

They are key elements in cooperative problem-solving.

UN's Main Organs and Their Functions

What are the six main organs of the UN?

Security Council, General Assembly, and Secretariat.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is the nature of global governance according to Heywood (2011)?

It is a dynamic and complex process of interactive decision-making at the global level.

Roles and Functions of the United Nations

Why are international organizations considered vital in global governance?

They serve as the formal or institutional face of global governance.

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