What does Statistics generally refer to?
Quantitative aspects of data management.
What is the primary purpose of Statistics as a discipline?
To convert random data into understandable information and aid in strategic business decision making.
Definition and Origin of Statistics

What does Statistics generally refer to?

Quantitative aspects of data management.

Uses and Importance of Statistics

What is the primary purpose of Statistics as a discipline?

To convert random data into understandable information and aid in strategic business decision making.

Definition and Origin of Statistics

What are the origins of the word 'Statistics'?

Derived from the Latin word 'Status', Italian word 'Statista', and German term 'Statistik', all meaning 'Political State'.

Definition and Origin of Statistics

Why was Statistics developed in ancient times?

To meet the requirements of the State primarily.

Plural Sense of Statistics

In how many senses is the term 'Statistics' generally used?

In two senses: Plural Sense and Singular Sense.

Limitations of Statistics

What type of facts can statistics study?

Only numerical facts that can be expressed in numerical terms.

Limitations of Statistics

What is required for quantitative data in statistics?

Data must be consistent and homogeneous to draw conclusions.

Uses and Importance of Statistics

How do administrators use statistics?

For varied purposes and decision-making support.

Uses and Importance of Statistics

What functions can statistics perform for business, industry, and agriculture?

Estimating demand and supply, studying seasonal changes, understanding trade cycles, consumer profiling, and product life cycle analysis.

Uses and Importance of Statistics

Why is statistics important in economics?

It helps establish assumptions and measures economic aggregates.

Nature of Statistics

Is Statistics considered a science or an art?

It is considered both; as a science, it studies statistical data, and as an art, it uses data to solve real-life problems.

Limitations of Statistics

Why can results be misleading without reference?

Circumstances and conditions under which conclusions are made must be studied; otherwise, results may give a wrong impression.

Nature of Statistics

What are the two main parts of the subject matter of statistics?

Descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics.

Nature of Statistics

What does descriptive statistics do?

It describes the data and consists of methods and techniques to explain characteristics of data.

Plural Sense of Statistics

What is an example of factors affecting statistics?

Rise in prices due to reduction in supply, increase in demand, or rise in input costs.

Plural Sense of Statistics

Why can't the height of 40 people be compared with their ages?

Because the data is not related.

Statistical Methods and Techniques

What statistical tools are commonly used in production engineering?

Inspection plans and control charts.

Scope of Statistics in Various Fields

How do governments utilize statistics for economic development?

Governments resort to planning based on statistical data to enhance economic development.

Scope of Statistics in Various Fields

What role does statistical data play in economics?

It is immensely useful for analyzing economic problems such as wages, prices, and time series.

Limitations of Statistics

Who can effectively use statistics?

Only experts can make good use of statistics; unqualified individuals may find it difficult to apply it.

Limitations of Statistics

What is a potential issue with the use of statistics?

The misuse of statistics to seek particular results is possible, especially when it is not easily understood.

Singular Sense of Statistics

What does the organization of data involve?

Organizing the collected data to make it comparable and simple.

Uses and Importance of Statistics

What role does statistics play in the banking and insurance industry?

Estimating credit growth, risk analysis, portfolio management, and establishing appropriate premiums.

Plural Sense of Statistics

What happens to data collected without a predetermined purpose?

It will only be a numerical value and not considered statistics.

Scope of Statistics in Various Fields

Why is statistics considered indispensable in modern planning?

Because it plays a crucial role in economic development and is essential for effective planning.

Plural Sense of Statistics

What is the definition of statistics according to Yule and Kendall?

By statistics, we mean quantitative data affected to a marked extent by multiplicity of cause.

Singular Sense of Statistics

How is statistics defined by Croxton and Cowden?

As the collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data.

Singular Sense of Statistics

What is Lovitt's definition of statistics?

The science which deals with the collection, classification, and tabulation of numerical facts for explanation, description, and comparison of phenomena.

Functions of Statistics

How does Statistics enlarge individual knowledge?

By expanding the horizons of individual knowledge and understanding.

Uses and Importance of Statistics

How do politicians utilize statistics?

For formulating policies and analyzing existing social problems.

Functions of Statistics

How does Statistics aid in forecasting?

By extrapolating present data to predict likely future changes.

Plural Sense of Statistics

What does the term 'Statistics' refer to in the plural sense?

Numerical statements of facts related to any field of enquiry, such as income, expenditure, and population.

Limitations of Statistics

What do statistical results express?

Statistical results express tendencies and are true on an average, not absolutely.

Singular Sense of Statistics

What does statistics refer to in the singular sense?

It refers to the science dealing with techniques and methods for collecting, classifying, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting data.

Functions of Statistics

What is one of the main functions of Statistics?

To express facts in numbers and interpret the results with certainty.

Functions of Statistics

How does Statistics enable simple presentation of data?

By presenting complex data in formats like aggregate, average, percentage, graphs, and diagrams.

Plural Sense of Statistics

What does plural statistics refer to?

Statistics that are affected by multiple causes.

Singular Sense of Statistics

What is the purpose of the presentation of data?

To make the data intelligible, brief, and attractive.

Plural Sense of Statistics

What characterizes data as statistics?

Data that is mutually related and comparable.

Scope of Statistics in Various Fields

What is the relationship between statistics and mathematics?

Statistics are intimately related to mathematics, with advancements in statistical techniques stemming from mathematical applications.

Limitations of Statistics

Can conclusions be drawn from a single piece of data in statistics?

No, no conclusion is possible from a single piece of data.

Limitations of Statistics

Is statistics the only method for studying problems?

No, statistics is not the only method and may not suggest the best solution for each problem.

Singular Sense of Statistics

What is the first stage of statistics?

Collection of data - deciding how, where, when, and what kind of data to collect.

Plural Sense of Statistics

How is statistics influenced?

By a multitude of factors, not just one.

Plural Sense of Statistics

What is necessary for maintaining statistical data?

A reasonable degree of accuracy.

Scope of Statistics in Various Fields

How is statistics used in industry?

It is widely used for inequality control and to determine if products conform to specifications.

Plural Sense of Statistics

According to Bowley, how are statistics defined?

Statistics are numerical statements of facts in any department of enquiry placed in relation to each other.

Limitations of Statistics

What does statistics study in terms of data?

Statistics studies aggregates and not individual units.

Plural Sense of Statistics

What is the first feature of statistics in the plural sense?

Aggregation of facts; a single number does not constitute statistics as no conclusion can be drawn from it.

Plural Sense of Statistics

What does it mean for statistics to be numerically expressed?

Statistics are expressed in numbers; qualitative data cannot be termed statistics.

Nature of Statistics

What types of methods are used in descriptive statistics?

Graphical or computational methods.

Functions of Statistics

How does Statistics assist in policy formulation?

By analyzing and interpreting data to ascertain the precise nature of problems.

Singular Sense of Statistics

What does the interpretation of data involve?

Comparison and conclusions presented in simple and easy language.

Scope of Statistics in Various Fields

How is statistics applied in modern science, particularly in medical science?

Statistical tools are used for the collection and incidence of diseases and the results of various drugs and medicines.

Scope of Statistics in Various Fields

How is statistics used in business?

As a tool for production control and for understanding customer demand and preferences.

Scope of Statistics in Various Fields

What is the significance of statistical techniques for business executives?

They rely on statistical techniques to study market trends and customer desires.

Functions of Statistics

What role does Statistics play in comparing facts?

It facilitates the comparison of data and identifies interrelations between large sets of data for drawing inferences.

Singular Sense of Statistics

What is required in the analysis of data?

To draw conclusions using different methods such as central tendency and correlation.

Plural Sense of Statistics

Why is systematic collection of data important?

Haphazardly collected data will not provide conclusive evidence.

Nature of Statistics

What is the focus of inferential statistics?

It deals with methods that describe characteristics of a population or make decisions concerning a population based on sample results.

Functions of Statistics

In what way does Statistics help other sciences?

By testing their laws and establishing their assumptions, such as in economics.

Plural Sense of Statistics

How can data be collected?

By estimation for vast fields or enumeration for smaller sets.

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