What is measurement in physics?
The comparison of a quantity with a standard of the same physical quantity.
What are scalar quantities?
Physical quantities that have only magnitude and no direction, such as mass, density, and time.
Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What is measurement in physics?

The comparison of a quantity with a standard of the same physical quantity.

Classification of Physical Quantities

What are scalar quantities?

Physical quantities that have only magnitude and no direction, such as mass, density, and time.

Classification of Physical Quantities

What are vector quantities?

Physical quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as displacement, force, and velocity.

Fundamental and Derived Units

What are fundamental quantities?

A set of physical quantities that are completely independent of each other, such as mass and time.

Fundamental and Derived Units

What are derived quantities?

Quantities that can be expressed in terms of fundamental quantities, such as speed and pressure.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What is a unit of a physical quantity?

The chosen reference standard of measurement in multiples of which a physical quantity is expressed.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What are the four basic properties of units?

Units must be well defined, easily available and reproducible, invariable, and accepted by all.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What is the FPS system?

A system where length, mass, and time are taken as fundamental quantities with base units foot (ft), pound (lb), and second (s).

Classification of Physical Quantities

What are the fundamental quantities in the CGS system?

Length, mass, and time.

Physical Quantities and Units

What are physical quantities?

All quantities that can be measured, such as time, length, mass, force, and work done.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What is the value of the gravitational constant G in the MKS system?

6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ N·m²/kg².

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the value of cos(–60°)?

cos(–60°) = cos(60°) = 1/2.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What is the value of the gravitational constant G in the CGS system?

6.67 × 10⁻⁸ cm³/g·s².

Vectors and Vector Operations

What happens when the angle q = 0° between vectors a and b?

The resultant vector R is maximum, and |R| = |a| + |b|.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the value of sin(300°)?

sin(300°) = sin(270° + 30°) = –cos(30°) = -√3/2.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the equation representing the difference of squares of two forces P and Q with an angle q?

P² + Q² - 2PQcos(q) = 113.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the result when adding the two equations involving forces P and Q?

2(P² + Q²) = 338.

Vectors and Vector Operations

Which sets of forces cannot form a triangle for equilibrium?

Sets (A), (B), and (D).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

How do you solve the quadratic equation 2x² + 5x - 12 = 0?

By using the quadratic formula, the solutions are x = 3/2 and x = -4.

Dimensional Analysis and Dimensional Formula

What principle is used to check the dimensional correctness of a physical relation?

The principle of homogeneity of dimensions.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the condition for the resultant vector R to be minimum?

When the angle q = π (180°) between vectors a and b, |R| = |a| - |b|.

Fundamental and Derived Units

What is the International System (SI) of units known as?

Rationalised MKS system.

Dimensional Analysis and Dimensional Formula

How can new relations among physical quantities be derived?

Using the principle of homogeneity of dimensions.


What is the SI unit for temperature?

Kelvin (K).

Fundamental and Derived Units

What are derived units?

Units that can be expressed in terms of base units.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What are the unit vectors along the three coordinate axes?

î along x-axis, ĵ along y-axis, and k̂ along z-axis.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What is the unit of energy in the MKS system?

Joule (J).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle?

The side opposite the right angle, denoted as OP in the triangle OPM.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the power formula for logarithms?

log(m^n) = n * log(m).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the area of the curved surface of a cylinder?

Area = 2πrl (where r = radius and l = length).

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the value of sin q if sin q = 3/5?


Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the volume of a rectangular slab?

length × breadth × height = abt.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the relationship between sin, cos, and tan for small angles?

cos q ≈ 1, tan q ≈ sin q/q.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the result of (1 - x)⁻ⁿ in binomial approximation?

1 + nx.

Fundamental and Derived Units

How many base units are there in the SI system?

Seven base units.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

How is the magnitude of a physical quantity expressed?

Magnitude = numeric value (n) × unit (u).

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the result of multiplying a vector a by a scalar m?

The result is a vector parallel to a with modulus |ma| = |m| * |a|.

Vectors and Vector Operations

Under what conditions are two vectors considered equal?

When they have equal magnitude and are in the same direction, representing the same physical quantity.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the expression for the circumference of a circle of radius 'r'?

s = 2πr.

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the dimension of work?


Vectors and Vector Operations

What does the commutative property of vector addition state?

That the order of addition does not affect the resultant: A + B = B + A.

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the dimension of specific heat capacity?


Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the product formula for logarithms?

log(mn) = log(m) + log(n).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the surface area formula for a sphere?

Surface Area = 4πr^2 (where r = radius).

Scalar and Vector Products

In which case is the magnitude of the resultant of two displacement vectors maximum?

The magnitude is maximum for case II (30°).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

How do you calculate the volume of a cube?


Dimensional Analysis and Dimensional Formula

What does the relation derived from dimensional analysis give no information about?

Dimensionless constants.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is a plane angle?

It is a measure of change in direction, defined by the ratio of arc length to the length of the line.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the value of cosec q if sin q = 3/5?

cosec q = OP/MP = 5/3.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the triangle law in vector addition?

It states that if vectors are drawn in head to tail fashion, the resultant is defined by a vector drawn from the tail of the first vector to the head of the last vector.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is one radian?

The angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc whose length is equal to the radius of the circle.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the Parallelogram law of addition for vectors?

It states that if two vectors are placed such that their tails coincide, the diagonal of the parallelogram formed represents the sum of the two vectors.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the area of a sector of a circle?

Area = (1/2) × r^2 × θ (where r = radius and θ is the angle subtended at the center).

Scalar and Vector Products

What is the component of vector A in the direction of vector B?

The component is given by A · B̂ = |A| cos(θ).

Fundamental and Derived Units

What are dimensions of a physical quantity?

Powers (or exponents) to which the base quantities are raised to represent that quantity.

Fundamental and Derived Units

How can force be expressed in terms of mass, length, and time?

Force = mass × length × (time)⁻².

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the binomial approximation for (1 - x)ⁿ?

(1 - x)ⁿ ≈ 1 - nx.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the formula for the volume of a sphere?

4/3πr³, where r = radius.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the volume of a cylinder?

πr²l, where r = radius and l = length.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

How is the volume of a cone calculated?

1/3πr²h, where r = radius and h = height.

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the SI unit of displacement?

Metre (m).

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the SI unit of time?

Second (s).

Vectors and Vector Operations

What happens to the tip of the resultant vector when the direction of one vector is changed continuously?

It describes a circle.

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the SI unit of force?

Newton (N).

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the component of vector A perpendicular to vector B?

4i + 3j + 5k (25).

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the SI unit of pressure?

Pascal (Pa).

Scalar and Vector Products

How is the angle between two vectors related to their dot product?

The angle θ between the vectors is given by cos(θ) = (A · B) / (|A||B|).

Fundamental and Derived Units

What is the dimensional formula of force?

[F] = MLT⁻².

Fundamental and Derived Units

What is the dimensional formula of mass?

[M¹ L⁰ T⁰].

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the value of the resultant vector R when q = π/2?

|R| = √(a² + b²) and tan(α) = b/a.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is a unit vector?

A vector of magnitude 1, used to describe direction in space.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What are parallel vectors?

Vectors that have the same direction, regardless of their location in space.

Applications of Dimensional Analysis

How do you convert 1 newton into dyne?

1 newton = 10⁵ dyne.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the polygon rule for vector addition?

It extends the triangle law to define the addition of more than two vectors.

Vectors and Vector Operations

Can the vectors being added and their resultant be in different planes?

Yes, they can be in different planes, but if all vectors are coplanar, their resultant must also be in the same plane.

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the dimension of density?


Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the magnitude of the component of vector B along vector A if it is given as 4x?

x will be 6.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the sine ratio in a right-angled triangle?

sin(θ) = perpendicular (PM) / hypotenuse (OP).

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the formula for the magnitude of the resultant of two vectors A and B?

|A + B| = √(|A|² + |B|² + 2|A||B|cos(θ)), where θ is the angle between the vectors.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the trigonometric identity for sin²(θ) + cos²(θ)?

sin²(θ) + cos²(θ) = 1.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the formula for the determinant of a 2x2 matrix?

D = ad - bc.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the area formula for an ellipse?

Area = πab (where a and b are semi-major and semi-minor axes respectively).

Scalar and Vector Products

How is the dot product of two vectors A and B expressed in terms of their components?

A · B = Ax * Bx + Ay * By + Az * Bz.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the general form of a quadratic equation?

ax² + bx + c = 0.

Fundamental and Derived Units

What does the dimensional formula represent?

How and which of the base quantities are included in that quantity.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the result of (1 + x)⁻ⁿ in binomial approximation?

1 - nx.

Dimensional Analysis and Dimensional Formula

What are the dimensions of time T in the context of dimensional analysis?

[M⁰ L⁰ T¹].

Vectors and Vector Operations

What defines a vector?

A vector has both magnitude and direction.

Dimensional Analysis and Dimensional Formula

What is the derived expression for the time of revolution T of a satellite around the Earth?

T = 2π√(R³/GM).

Applications of Dimensional Analysis

What are the limitations of dimensional analysis in mechanics?

It cannot derive formulas depending on more than three physical quantities or those involving exponential, trigonometric, and logarithmic functions.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What is the unit of force in the SI system?

Newton (N).

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the angle between two vectors?

The smaller angle formed when the initial or terminal points of the two vectors are brought together, ranging from 0º to 180º.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is allowed when shifting vectors?

Vector shifting is allowed without changing their direction.

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the dimension of angular velocity?


Basic Mathematics in Physics

What does the Componendo and Dividendo theorem state?

If p/a = q/b, then (p + q)/(a + b) = (p - q)/(a - b).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the quotient formula for logarithms?

log(m/n) = log(m) - log(n).

Scalar and Vector Products

What is the dot product of two vectors?

The dot product is the product of the magnitude of one vector and the magnitude of the component of another vector in the direction of the former vector.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the formula for the area of the whole surface of a cylinder?

2πr(r + l), where l = length.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the formula for the total surface area of a cone?

πr² + πrl, where l = slant height.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the value of tan q if sin q = 3/5?

tan q = MP/OM = 3/4.

Fundamental and Derived Units

What does MKS stand for in the MKS system?

Metre, kilogram, second.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the value of cos(120°)?

cos(120°) = cos(180° – 60°) = –cos(60°) = –1/2.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the equation representing the sum of squares of two forces P and Q with an angle q?

P² + Q² + 2PQcos(q) = 225.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the triangle law of vector addition?

It states that if two vectors are represented as two sides of a triangle, their resultant is represented by the third side.

Vectors and Vector Operations

How are vector quantities typically denoted in print?

Vector quantities are usually denoted by boldface letters.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the geometrical representation of a vector?

A vector is represented by a directed straight line, indicating its magnitude and direction.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What is the unit of power in the SI system?

Watt (W).

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the identity relating tan²(θ) and sec²(θ)?

1 + tan²(θ) = sec²(θ).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the area formula for a square?

Area = (side)^2.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the area formula for a parallelogram?

Area = base × height.

Scalar and Vector Products

What is the resultant magnitude when vector Q is reversed and added to vector P?

The resultant has a magnitude of 113 units.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the formula for the solutions of a quadratic equation?

x = (-b ± √(b² - 4ac)) / (2a).

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

How do you find cos q given sin q = 3/5?

cos q = OM/OP = 4/5.

Measurement and Units of Physical Quantities

What are the units for length, mass, and time in the CGS system?

Centimetre (cm), gram (g), and second (s).

Dimensional Analysis and Dimensional Formula

Why may a physical quantity not be unique?

Because many physical quantities have the same dimensions.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

How is the angle (θ) between two orientations of a line defined?

By the ratio of the arc length (s) to the length of the line (r): θ = s/r.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the value of cot q if tan q = 3/4?

cot q = OM/MP = 4/3.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the relationship between radians and degrees?

π rad = 180°.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What are the names of the four quadrants in a Cartesian coordinate system?

I, II, III, and IV quadrants.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the tangent ratio in a right-angled triangle?

tan(θ) = perpendicular (PM) / base (OM).

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the identity relating cot²(θ) and cosec²(θ)?

1 + cot²(θ) = cosec²(θ).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the area formula for a trapezoid?

Area = (1/2) × (distance between parallel sides) × (sum of parallel sides).

Scalar and Vector Products

What is the self-product of a vector?

The dot product of a vector by itself, denoted as A · A.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

How is the surface area of a cube calculated?


Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the binomial approximation for (1 + x)ⁿ when x is very small?

(1 + x)ⁿ ≈ 1 + nx.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the value of tan(210°)?

tan(210°) = tan(180° + 30°) = tan(30°) = 1/3.

Fundamental and Derived Units

What is the dimensional formula of speed?

[M⁰ L¹ T⁻¹].

Applications of Dimensional Analysis

What is one application of dimensional analysis?

To convert a physical quantity from one system of units to another.

Dimensional Analysis and Dimensional Formula

What does dimensional analysis not indicate about a physical quantity?

Whether it is a scalar or a vector.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What are the two common units for measuring angles?

Radians (rad) and degrees.

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the dimension of mass?


Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the magnitude of a vector?

The magnitude of a vector is a positive scalar and is always positive.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the maximum angle between vector a and the resultant vector when vector b is added?

The angle is maximum when the resultant is tangent to the circle.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What does the associative property of vector addition state?

That the grouping of vectors does not affect the resultant: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C.

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the exponential expansion of e^x?

e^x = 1 + x + (x^2/2!) + (x^3/3!) + ...

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the area formula for a triangle?

Area = (1/2) × base × height.

Scalar and Vector Products

What is the result of the dot product if two vectors are perpendicular?

The dot product is zero: A · B = 0.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What are the T-ratios for 30°?

sin 30° = 1/2, cos 30° = √3/2, tan 30° = 1/√3.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the value of sec q if cos q = 4/5?

sec q = OP/OM = 5/4.

Vectors and Vector Operations

How is a vector represented in terms of its components?

A vector can be represented as a sum of two or three vectors along predetermined axes.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What are antiparallel vectors?

Vectors that are in opposite directions.

Applications of Dimensional Analysis

What is the acceleration due to gravity in ft/s² if it is 9.8 m/s²?

32 ft/s².

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is the negative of a vector?

A vector that has equal magnitude but is in the opposite direction.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is a null vector?

A vector of zero magnitude, resulting from the addition of a vector and its negative vector.

Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

What is the SI unit of power?

Watt (W).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the exponential expansion of e^(-x)?

e^(-x) = 1 - x + (x^2/2!) - (x^3/3!) + ...

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the area enclosed by a circle?

Area = πr^2 (where r = radius).

Scalar and Vector Products

What is the dot product of Cartesian unit vectors?

The dot product of unit vectors î, ĵ, k̂ is 1 if they are the same and 0 if they are different.

Vectors and Vector Operations

What is a negative vector?

A vector opposite in direction but equal in magnitude to another vector.

Vectors and Vector Operations

How is vector subtraction defined?

As the addition of a negative vector.

Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

What is the cosine ratio in a right-angled triangle?

cos(θ) = base (OM) / hypotenuse (OP).

Basic Mathematics in Physics

What is the area formula for a rectangle?

Area = length × breadth.

Scalar and Vector Products

Is the dot product of two vectors commutative?

Yes, the dot product is commutative: A · B = B · A.

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