What do sensory neurons do?
They carry signals from sensory organs to the CNS.
What are the three protective layers of the meninges?
Dura mater, Arachnoid, and Pia mater.
Functions of the Nervous System

What do sensory neurons do?

They carry signals from sensory organs to the CNS.

Protection of CNS: Meninges and CSF

What are the three protective layers of the meninges?

Dura mater, Arachnoid, and Pia mater.

Embryological Development of CNS

What are the five secondary brain vesicles formed during embryonic development?

The five secondary brain vesicles are not specified but develop from the primary brain vesicles.

Components of the Central Nervous System

What are the two major components of the Central Nervous System (CNS)?

The brain and the spinal cord.

Embryological Development of CNS

What are somites derived from?

Somites are derived from mesoderm and are precursors of the axial skeleton and skeletal muscle.

Functions of the Nervous System

What is the function of the spinal cord in the CNS?

It conducts signals to and from the brain and controls reflex activities.

Embryological Development of CNS

What is the embryological origin of the neural plate?

The neural plate originates from ectoderm.

Protection of CNS: Meninges and CSF

What surrounds the Central Nervous System for protection?

The bony structures of the skull and vertebral column and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Somatic vs Autonomic Nervous System

What are the two divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System?

The sympathetic division (Fight or Flight) and the parasympathetic division (Rest or Digest).

Functions of the Nervous System

What is the role of motor neurons?

They transmit signals from the CNS to muscles and glands.

Role of Neural Crest Cells

What do neural crest cells form?

They form most of the peripheral nervous system.

Functions of the Nervous System

What is the function of the cerebrum?

It receives and processes sensory information, initiates responses, stores memories, and generates thoughts and emotions.

Embryological Development of CNS

What happens to the notochord during embryological development?

It degenerates and persists only as the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral discs.

Educational Objectives in CNS Anatomy

What is the significance of understanding the anatomy of the CNS in medical practice?

Knowledge of the descriptive and functional anatomy of the CNS is essential for medical practice.

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