What is the definition of PHILOSOPHY?
Philosophy is derived from the Greek word 'Philosophia', meaning the 'love of wisdom'. It primarily aims to study and seek answers to fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, logic, and language.
What is Sikolohiyang Pilipino?
Sikolohiyang Pilipino, or Filipino Psychology, refers to the psychology that emerges from the experiences, thoughts, and orientations of Filipinos.
Philosophy and Self

What is the definition of PHILOSOPHY?

Philosophy is derived from the Greek word 'Philosophia', meaning the 'love of wisdom'. It primarily aims to study and seek answers to fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, logic, and language.

Concepts of Self

What is Sikolohiyang Pilipino?

Sikolohiyang Pilipino, or Filipino Psychology, refers to the psychology that emerges from the experiences, thoughts, and orientations of Filipinos.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

What does Confucianism believe about the concept of self?

Confucianism believes in 'No Self', meaning the quest for the human self and the search for what it is to be human in terms of substance or no-substance does not exist.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

What is meant by 'pre-self' or 'potential-self' in Confucian thought?

In Confucian thought, 'pre-self' or 'potential-self' refers to the four beginnings that do not encapsulate a concept of self yet but represent the potential for developing a self.

Socratic Method and Self-Examination

What does Socrates mean by 'know thyself'?

Socrates believes that understanding the self is crucial for determining one's identity and living according to one's nature.

Descartes and the Thinking Self

What does 'Cogito, ergo sum' mean?

'Cogito, ergo sum' translates to 'I think, therefore I am,' a philosophical statement by Descartes asserting that the act of thinking is proof of one's existence.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What does Brahman represent in Hinduism?

Brahman is the absolute that underlies the workings of the universe, with Atman being part of Brahman, allowing for communion or fusion.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What are the five Skandha in Buddhism?

The five Skandha, or aggregates, are form, sensation, perception, mental formation, and awareness or consciousness, which together sum up an individual's mental and physical existence.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What is the significance of understanding oneself according to Dr. Enriquez?

Dr. Enriquez stated that a Filipino can better understand himself, which in turn allows him to improve his life.

Freud's Structure of Personality

What are the components of Freud's structure of personality?

Freud's structure of personality consists of the id, ego, and superego, which are similar to Aristotle's tripartite soul.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What is Dualism?

Dualism is the philosophical concept that posits the existence of two distinct substances, typically the mind and body, suggesting they are separate entities.

Concepts of Self

What is the definition of SELF?

Self is defined as an individual's character or behavior, and the union of elements (such as body, emotions, thoughts, and sensations) that constitute the individuality and identity of a person.

Concepts of Self

What is Self-knowledge?

Self-knowledge refers to one’s knowledge and understanding of one’s own learning, characters, motivation, and capabilities, including awareness of personal experiences, sensations, attitudes, and beliefs.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What are 'impressions' according to Hume?

Impressions are the original form of all our ideas, representing the immediate experiences of the mind.

Socratic Method and Self-Examination

What is the Socratic Method?

The Socratic Method is a form of dialogue between the soul and itself or between a student and a teacher, aimed at achieving self-knowledge and understanding.

Aristotle's View on Self and Soul

What is the significance of self-knowledge according to Aristotle?

Aristotle posits that knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom, highlighting the importance of self-awareness in personal development.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What does KNOWING mean?

Knowing is having or reflecting knowledge, information, or intelligence.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What is Anatta in Buddhism?

Anatta, or non-self, is the doctrine that there is no permanent, underlying substance in humans that can be called the 'soul'.

Concepts of Self

What does the concept of 'Kapwa' encompass?

The concept of 'Kapwa' is a Tagalog word that encompasses both 'self' and 'others', highlighting the interconnectedness of individuals.

Concepts of Self

What is the 'Bundle Theory of Personal Identity' proposed by Hume?

The Bundle Theory suggests that the self is a collection of perceptions and experiences linked by relations of causation and resemblance.

Aristotle's View on Self and Soul

What is Aristotle's view on the individuality of self?

Aristotle diverged from Plato by asserting that the true self of human beings is not solely the intellect but encompasses a broader understanding of individuality.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What is the Bundle Theory of Personal Identity?

The Bundle Theory of Personal Identity, proposed by David Hume, suggests that the self is merely a collection of perceptions and experiences rather than a singular, unchanging entity.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What is the definition of UNDERSTANDING?

Understanding is the capacity to comprehend fully and deeply a thing, concept, or situation.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

Who is Confucius?

Confucius, also known as Master Kong (Kongzi), was a fifth-century BCE Chinese thinker whose influence on East Asian intellectual and social history is immeasurable.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

What are the four beginnings in Confucianism?

The four beginnings in Confucianism are: heart of compassion (leads to Jen), heart of righteousness (leads to Yi), heart of propriety (leads to Li), and heart of wisdom (leads to Chih).

Concepts of Self

What is Self-image?

Self-image is a mental picture of an individual that is resistant to change over time, reflecting how one sees oneself in terms of ability, personality, and role.

Freud's Structure of Personality

What does Freud's quote 'The ego is not master in its own house' imply?

This quote implies that the ego is influenced by unconscious drives and conflicts, suggesting that it does not have complete control over the self.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What does Hume mean by 'Humans are bundles of impressions and ideas'?

Hume's statement indicates that humans are composed of various sensory impressions and ideas, which shape their identity and understanding of the self.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What is Atman in Hinduism?

Atman is the universal self believed to be identical with the core of the personality, which after death either transmigrates to a new life or attains release from the bonds of existence.

Philosophy and Self

Who is known as the Father of Filipino Psychology?

Dr. Enriquez, also known as Doc E, is recognized as the Father of Filipino Psychology.

Concepts of Self

What does Self-independent of the senses refer to?

Self-independent of the senses refers to the inner self, focusing on internal attributes like abilities, skills, and natural intelligence, which contribute to a person's sense of worth and self-esteem.

Western Philosophers on Self

How does Locke define the self?

Locke defines the self as a thinking intelligent being that possesses reason and reflection, and is defined by its consciousness and memory.

Socratic Method and Self-Examination

What does Socrates mean by 'an unexamined life is not worth living'?

This assertion emphasizes the importance of self-examination and reflection in leading a meaningful life.

Concepts of Self

What is Self-activity?

Self-activity is defined as an independent and self-determined action of a person, indicating the quality or state of being self-active, where decisions are made without external influence.

Concepts of Self

What is Self-identity?

Self-identity is the particular characteristics of the self that determine an individual’s uniqueness, including the recognition of one’s potentials and qualities as an individual.

Western Philosophers on Self

What does John Locke mean by 'self is a thinking intelligent being'?

Locke means that the self is capable of reasoning and reflection, and can recognize itself as the same entity across different times and places.

Descartes and the Thinking Self

How does Descartes define the self?

Descartes defines the self as a thinking person, emphasizing that the mind is a substance capable of thought, which affirms one's existence.

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