Why is understanding how products and services are costed vital to managers?
It can have a substantial impact on reported profits and key management decisions.
What are the two main reasons for the shift in cost structure from direct labor to overhead in manufacturing?
The two main reasons are the automation of functions previously performed by direct labor and the increasing complexity of products requiring skilled indirect workers.
Importance of Costing in Management

Why is understanding how products and services are costed vital to managers?

It can have a substantial impact on reported profits and key management decisions.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What are the two main reasons for the shift in cost structure from direct labor to overhead in manufacturing?

The two main reasons are the automation of functions previously performed by direct labor and the increasing complexity of products requiring skilled indirect workers.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

What are the three reasons that make assigning manufacturing overhead to a specific job difficult?

1. Manufacturing overhead is an indirect cost, making it hard to trace to a specific product. 2. It consists of various items, from machine grease to production manager salaries. 3. Total manufacturing overhead costs remain relatively constant despite fluctuations in production units.

Importance of Costing in Management

How did Park Place Entertainment address the issue of high healthcare costs related to employee weight?

Park Place Entertainment held a weight-loss contest, resulting in a significant reduction in employee weight and associated healthcare costs.

Flow of Costs in Job-Order Costing

How is the unit product cost calculated for Job 2B47?

The total product cost ($1,800) is divided by the number of units (2) to obtain the unit product cost ($900).

Predetermined Overhead Rates

How is the predetermined overhead rate calculated?

By dividing the estimated total manufacturing overhead cost for the year by the estimated total amount of the allocation base.

Importance of Costing in Management

What unique approach did Renault take with its Logan vehicle regarding labor and overhead costs?

Renault focused on using people instead of machines for assembly, resulting in lower production costs and a simplified design, allowing the car to be sold at a lower price.

Predetermined Overhead Rates

What is the predetermined overhead rate for Ruger Corporation?

$6 per machine-hour.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What is a cost driver in the context of predetermined overhead rates?

A cost driver is a factor, such as machine-hours or direct labor-hours, that causes overhead costs and should ideally be used as the allocation base in the predetermined overhead rate.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

How is overhead applied to Work in Process in job-order costing?

Overhead is applied to Work in Process using the predetermined overhead rate, which is based on estimates established before the year begins.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What components make up the cost of a completed job in job-order costing?

The cost of a completed job consists of the actual direct materials cost, the actual direct labor cost, and the manufacturing overhead cost applied to the job.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What are the three broad categories of manufacturing costs?

Direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.

Absorption Costing Overview

What is activity-based costing and why is it used?

Activity-based costing is designed to more accurately reflect the demands that products, customers, and other cost objects make on overhead resources, especially when direct labor is not an appropriate allocation base.

Direct Materials and Labor Costs

How is direct labor cost treated in job-order costing?

Direct labor cost consists of labor charges that are easily traced to a particular job, while labor that cannot be traced is treated as manufacturing overhead.

Direct Materials and Labor Costs

What are time tickets used for in job-order costing?

Time tickets are used to record the time employees spend on each job and task.

Process Costing vs. Job-Order Costing

What is process costing?

Process costing is used in companies that produce many units of a single product for long periods, accumulating costs in a particular operation or department.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

What was the total manufacturing overhead incurred by Ruger Corporation in April?

The total manufacturing overhead incurred was $40,000.

Direct Materials and Labor Costs

How much of the requisitioned raw materials were classified as direct materials?


Characteristics of Job-Order Costing

How does the production process influence cost averaging in job-order costing?

Costs that cannot be directly traced to a product are assigned by averaging across time and products, influenced by the type of production process.

Flow of Costs in Job-Order Costing

How much overhead cost is applied to Work in Process if 15,000 machine-hours are worked?


Manufacturing Overhead Application

What is the formula for determining overhead applied to a job?

Overhead applied to a particular job = Predetermined overhead rate × Actual direct labor-hours charged to the job.

Characteristics of Job-Order Costing

How much of the direct materials was charged to Job A's cost sheet?


Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What does the Work in Process account summarize?

All of the costs appearing on the job cost sheets of the jobs that are in process.

Flow of Costs in Job-Order Costing

What is the purpose of a sales order in a job-order costing system?

A sales order is prepared as a basis for issuing a production order.

Direct Materials and Labor Costs

What are the two classifications of labor costs?

Labor costs are classified as either direct or indirect labor.

Direct Materials and Labor Costs

How much direct labor cost was recorded in April?

$60,000 was recorded for direct labor.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What is the total amount charged to Job A for direct labor?

$40,000 of direct labor cost was charged to Job A.

Predetermined Overhead Rates

How are manufacturing overhead costs assigned to Work in Process?

By means of the predetermined overhead rate.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

How are costs calculated in a job-order costing system?

Costs are traced and allocated to jobs, and then divided by the number of units in the job to arrive at an average cost per unit.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

What are some examples of indirect labor costs?

Indirect labor costs include supervision, janitorial work, and maintenance.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What is the purpose of comparing total costs to total revenue in job-order costing?

To determine the gross profit for the job or tour.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What can happen if the allocation base in the predetermined overhead rate does not accurately drive overhead costs?

If the allocation base does not accurately drive overhead costs, it can lead to distorted product costs, such as overcosting products with high direct labor-hour requirements when direct labor-hours are used as the base.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

What happens when actual overhead costs differ from applied overhead costs?

When actual overhead costs differ from applied overhead costs, it results in a debit or credit balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account, indicating an over- or under-applied overhead.

Importance of Costing in Management

Why is a predetermined overhead rate preferred over an actual rate?

Using a predetermined rate helps avoid fluctuations in overhead costs due to seasonal factors that can affect actual rates.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What form is used to accumulate production costs in a job-order costing system?

Costs are accumulated on a job cost sheet prepared by the accounting department.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

How is the total cost calculated on the job cost sheet?

The total cost is calculated by summing the costs of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What is an allocation base in the context of manufacturing overhead?

An allocation base is a measure, such as direct labor-hours or machine-hours, used to assign overhead costs to products and services.

Characteristics of Job-Order Costing

What was the impact of the complexity of configurations on Chrysler's profitability?

Chrysler's Dodge Nitro had excessive configurations leading to high support costs, while simpler models like the Honda CR-V were more profitable due to fewer configurations.

Direct Materials and Labor Costs

What is the difference between direct labor and indirect labor?

Direct labor can be easily traced to a specific job, while indirect labor includes tasks like maintenance and supervision that cannot be directly traced.

Process Costing vs. Job-Order Costing

What is job-order costing?

Job-order costing is used in situations where many different products are produced each period, allowing for the tracking of costs for each specific job.

Predetermined Overhead Rates

Why do most companies prefer using predetermined overhead rates instead of actual overhead rates?

Most companies use predetermined overhead rates to avoid fluctuations in product costs and to have timely information about manufacturing overhead assigned to jobs.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

How is overhead cost applied to a particular job?

Overhead applied to a particular job is calculated by multiplying the predetermined overhead rate by the amount of the allocation base incurred by the job.

Characteristics of Job-Order Costing

What was the beginning balance for Job A's cost sheet?


Predetermined Overhead Rates

What is the predetermined overhead rate for Yost Precision Machining?

$8 per direct labor-hour.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What happens if a job is not completed at the end of the accounting period?

Overhead should still be applied to that job to determine the cost of work in process inventory.

Flow of Costs in Job-Order Costing

What initiates work on a job in a job-order costing system?

A production order initiates work on a job.

Direct Materials and Labor Costs

What is the purpose of a bill of materials?

It lists the type and quantity of each type of direct material needed to complete a unit of product.

Absorption Costing Overview

What is absorption costing?

Absorption costing assigns all manufacturing costs, both fixed and variable, to units of product, meaning units fully absorb manufacturing costs.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What types of costs are included in product costs under absorption costing?

All manufacturing costs, including direct materials and manufacturing overhead.

Importance of Costing in Management

Why did Yost Precision Machining agree to take on the initial order for Loops Unlimited at cost?

To get their foot in the door for future orders if the design works.

Characteristics of Job-Order Costing

What changes did Chrysler's CEO plan for the 2008 Nitro and Pacifica models?

Chrysler's CEO planned to reduce the number of configurations for the 2008 Nitro from 167,000 to 650 and for the Pacifica from 35,820 to 680.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

How do computerized systems improve the recording of labor costs?

Computerized systems use bar codes to capture data, eliminating manual recording and increasing timeliness and accuracy.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

How much was charged to Manufacturing Overhead for indirect materials?


Predetermined Overhead Rates

When would the manufacturing overhead assigned to a job be known if actual overhead rates are used?

The manufacturing overhead assigned to a job would not be known until the end of the year if actual overhead rates are computed annually based on the actual costs and activity for the year.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

How much overhead cost was applied to Job 2B47?

$216 of overhead cost was applied to Job 2B47.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What information is included in the job cost sheet example provided?

The job cost sheet includes details such as job number, description, quantity, unit cost, total cost, direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.

Flow of Costs in Job-Order Costing

How are unit product costs computed in a job-order costing system?

Unit product costs are computed using the job cost sheet, which is used to value ending inventories and determine cost of goods sold.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What does the materials requisition form specify?

It specifies the type and quantity of materials to be drawn from the storeroom and identifies the job that will be charged for the cost of the materials.

Predetermined Overhead Rates

How is the predetermined overhead rate calculated?

The predetermined overhead rate is computed by dividing the total estimated manufacturing overhead cost for the period by the estimated total amount of the allocation base.

Flow of Costs in Job-Order Costing

What is the incremental cost of producing an additional unit compared to the average unit cost?

The incremental cost of an additional unit is something less than the average unit cost of $900.

Direct Materials and Labor Costs

What information is included in a completed time ticket?

A completed time ticket includes an hour-by-hour summary of the employee’s activities, job number, time spent, and nature of indirect labor tasks.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What is the initial accounting treatment for purchased raw materials?

Purchased raw materials are initially recorded as an asset in the Raw Materials account.

Flow of Costs in Job-Order Costing

What does the flow of costs through the Manufacturing Overhead account represent?

It represents the actual overhead costs added to the account and the application of overhead to Work in Process.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

Do actual overhead costs appear on the job cost sheet?

No, actual overhead costs are not charged to jobs and do not appear on the job cost sheet.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What costs are recorded on the job cost sheet after direct materials are issued?

The costs for direct materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead are recorded on the job cost sheet.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What is recorded on the job cost sheet to identify the source document for direct materials charge?

The requisition number from the materials requisition form is recorded on the job cost sheet.

Flow of Costs in Job-Order Costing

What is the total product cost for Job 2B47 at Yost Precision Machining?


Manufacturing Overhead Application

What is recorded when manufacturing overhead costs are incurred?

Manufacturing Overhead is debited and Accounts Payable (or Cash) is credited.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

What costs are classified as manufacturing overhead?

All manufacturing costs other than direct materials and direct labor are classified as manufacturing overhead costs.

Predetermined Overhead Rates

Why are estimated overhead costs used instead of actual overhead costs in the costing process?

Estimated overhead costs are used to provide a more accurate allocation of costs based on expected activity levels, allowing for better budgeting and planning.

Flow of Costs in Job-Order Costing

What was the total manufacturing costs recorded for Job A at Ruger Corporation by the end of March?


Characteristics of Job-Order Costing

What is an example of a job in the service industry?

A specific tour offered by VBT Bicycling Vacations can be considered a job, with costs detailed in a job cost sheet.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What is the amount charged to Work in Process for direct materials?


Manufacturing Overhead Application

What is the journal entry for applying manufacturing overhead to Work in Process?

Debit Work in Process for $90,000 and credit Manufacturing Overhead for $90,000.

Predetermined Overhead Rates

How is the predetermined overhead rate calculated?

The predetermined overhead rate is calculated by dividing the estimated total manufacturing overhead cost by the estimated total amount of the allocation base.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

What does the Manufacturing Overhead account accumulate?

All manufacturing overhead costs as they are incurred during a period.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What is a job cost sheet?

A job cost sheet is a form prepared for a job that records the materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead costs charged to that job.

Cost Accumulation and Allocation

What is the significance of the production order in job-order costing?

It is issued when an agreement has been reached with the customer concerning quantities, prices, and shipment date for the order.

Characteristics of Job-Order Costing

What is a job in a job-order costing system?

A job is a specific order, such as 1,000 stonewashed men’s blue denim jeans, for which costs are traced and allocated.

Characteristics of Job-Order Costing

In what industries is job-order costing extensively used?

Job-order costing is used in manufacturing, hospitals, law firms, movie studios, accounting firms, advertising agencies, and repair shops.

Direct Materials and Labor Costs

What were the total raw materials requisitioned for production in April?


Predetermined Overhead Rates

What happens to the overhead rate if it is recomputed at the end of each month or quarter based on actual costs?

The overhead rate would go up in the winter and summer and down in the spring and fall, leading to different manufacturing overhead costs for identical jobs completed in different seasons.

Predetermined Overhead Rates

What is the purpose of the predetermined overhead rate?

The predetermined overhead rate is used to apply overhead cost to jobs throughout the period before it begins.

Manufacturing Overhead Application

What role does the Manufacturing Overhead account play in job-order costing?

The Manufacturing Overhead account operates as a clearing account where actual factory overhead costs are debited as incurred, and overhead costs are applied to jobs using a predetermined overhead rate.

Characteristics of Job-Order Costing

What was the remaining amount of direct materials charged to Job B's cost sheet?


Cost Accumulation and Allocation

How much in raw materials did Ruger Corporation purchase during April?


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