What is a defining characteristic of transition metals? A) They are all gases at room temperature B) They have a full outer electron shell C) They can form variable oxidation states D) They are all radioactive E) They are only found in nature as pure elements
C) They can form variable oxidation states Explanation: Transition metals are known for their ability to exhibit variable oxidation states, which allows them to participate in a variety of chemical reactions and form different compounds.
Which of the following is NOT a transition metal? A) Iron B) Copper C) Zinc D) Helium E) Nickel
D) Helium Explanation: Helium is a noble gas and not a transition metal. Transition metals are found in the d-block of the periodic table, while helium is located in the p-block.
Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

What is a defining characteristic of transition metals?
A) They are all gases at room temperature
B) They have a full outer electron shell
C) They can form variable oxidation states
D) They are all radioactive
E) They are only found in nature as pure elements

C) They can form variable oxidation states
Explanation: Transition metals are known for their ability to exhibit variable oxidation states, which allows them to participate in a variety of chemical reactions and form different compounds.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

Which of the following is NOT a transition metal?
A) Iron
B) Copper
C) Zinc
D) Helium
E) Nickel

D) Helium
Explanation: Helium is a noble gas and not a transition metal. Transition metals are found in the d-block of the periodic table, while helium is located in the p-block.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is the electron configuration of a typical transition metal?
A) ns²
B) (n-1)d¹⁰
C) ns²(n-1)d⁴
D) ns²(n-1)d⁹
E) ns²(n-1)d⁵

C) ns²(n-1)d⁴
Explanation: Transition metals typically have an electron configuration that includes both the outermost s and the d-orbitals, often represented as ns²(n-1)d⁴ for various transition metals.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

Which property is commonly associated with transition metals?
A) High electronegativity
B) High melting and boiling points
C) Low density
D) Non-conductivity
E) Lack of metallic luster

B) High melting and boiling points
Explanation: Transition metals are known for their high melting and boiling points, which is a characteristic feature due to the strong metallic bonding present in these elements.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

What role do transition metals often play in catalysis?
A) They are always reactants
B) They increase the activation energy
C) They provide a surface for reactions to occur
D) They are never involved in redox reactions
E) They only catalyze organic reactions

C) They provide a surface for reactions to occur
Explanation: Transition metals often act as catalysts by providing a surface for reactants to adsorb and react, facilitating the reaction without being consumed in the process.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

What defines transition metals in the periodic table?
A) They have filled s orbitals
B) Their last electrons enter the (n-1)d orbital
C) They are only found in the p block
D) They have no d electrons
E) They are only metals

B) Their last electrons enter the (n-1)d orbital
Explanation: Transition metals are defined as elements where the last or differentiating electrons enter the (n-1)d orbital, which is characteristic of their placement in the periodic table.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

What is a primary reason zinc is not used as a catalyst?
A) It is too reactive
B) It is too expensive
C) It cannot withstand high temperatures
D) It is too rare
E) It is not a metal

C) It cannot withstand high temperatures
Explanation: Zinc is not commonly used as a catalyst because it lacks the necessary stability at high temperatures, which limits its effectiveness in many catalytic processes compared to metals like platinum and nickel.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What is the coordination number (C.N.) for the molecular geometry that is linear?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6

A) 2
Explanation: The coordination number for linear molecular geometry is 2, as seen in examples like [Ag(NH₃)₂]⁺ and [CuCl₂]⁻.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

Which transition metal shows the largest number of oxidation states?
A) Scandium (+2, +3)
B) Iron (+2, +3, +6)
C) Manganese (+2 to +7)
D) Copper (+1, +2)
E) Zinc (+2)

C) Manganese (+2 to +7)
Explanation: Manganese is noted for exhibiting the largest number of oxidation states, ranging from +2 to +7, which is a characteristic feature of transition metals.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is the general valence shell electron configuration for transition metals?
A) ns2
B) (n-1)d1-10 ns1-2
C) (n-1)p1-6
D) (n-1)s1-2
E) (n-2)d1-10 ns1-2

B) (n-1)d1-10 ns1-2
Explanation: The general valence shell electron configuration for transition metals is (n-1)d1-10 ns1-2, indicating the filling of d orbitals in the penultimate shell and s orbitals in the valence shell.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

According to Crystal Field Theory, what happens to the d orbitals when a metal ion is surrounded by ligands?
A) They become fully filled
B) They remain degenerate
C) They split into two sets with different energy levels
D) They disappear
E) They become identical in energy

C) They split into two sets with different energy levels
Explanation: When a metal ion is surrounded by ligands, the degeneracy of the five d orbitals is lost, resulting in the splitting into two sets: the higher-energy e_g set and the lower-energy t_2g set in octahedral complexes.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What is a complex compound?
A) A compound with a single type of atom
B) A compound formed by the combination of two metals
C) A compound consisting of a central metal atom bonded to surrounding ligands
D) A compound that does not contain any metals
E) A compound that is always ionic

C) A compound consisting of a central metal atom bonded to surrounding ligands
Explanation: A complex compound is defined as one that consists of a central metal atom or ion bonded to surrounding ligands, which can be ions or molecules that donate electron pairs.

Ligands and Their Types

What is a common feature of bidentate and polydentate ligands?
A) They can only bond to alkali metals
B) They give rise to rings in the complex ion
C) They have no donor atoms
D) They are always negatively charged
E) They can only bond to transition metals

B) They give rise to rings in the complex ion
Explanation: Both bidentate and polydentate ligands can form rings in the complex ion due to their multiple donor atoms bonding to a central metal ion, which enhances the stability of the complex.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What geometries can arise from a coordination number of 6 in transition elements?
A) Tetrahedral and square planar
B) Linear and trigonal planar
C) Outer octahedral and inner octahedral
D) Pyramidal and cubic
E) Trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral

C) Outer octahedral and inner octahedral
Explanation: A coordination number of 6 can give rise to either outer octahedral or inner octahedral geometries in transition metal complexes.


Which hybridization corresponds to a trigonal planar molecular geometry?
A) sp
B) sp²
C) sp³
D) dsp²
E) d²sp³

B) sp²
Explanation: The hybridization for trigonal planar molecular geometry is sp², as exemplified by [Cu(CN)₃]²⁻.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What is the molecular geometry for a coordination number of 4 with low oxidation states for the metal?
A) Linear
B) Tetrahedral
C) Square planar
D) Trigonal bipyramidal
E) Octahedral

B) Tetrahedral
Explanation: A coordination number of 4 with low oxidation states for the metal results in a tetrahedral geometry, as seen in complexes like [Ni(CO)₄].

Paramagnetic Properties of Transition Metals

What causes paramagnetism in transition metals?
A) Presence of paired electrons
B) Presence of unpaired d electrons
C) Absence of d electrons
D) Presence of s electrons
E) Presence of p electrons

B) Presence of unpaired d electrons
Explanation: Paramagnetism in transition metals is primarily due to the presence of unpaired d electrons, which allows these substances to be attracted to magnetic fields.

Ligands and Their Types

What is the primary function of ligands in coordination chemistry?
A) To increase the temperature of the solution
B) To donate electrons to metal ions
C) To act as catalysts
D) To change the color of the solution
E) To precipitate metal ions

B) To donate electrons to metal ions
Explanation: Ligands primarily function to donate electrons to metal ions, forming coordination complexes that are essential in various chemical reactions and processes.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

Which metal ion is an example of an inner octahedral complex?
A) [Fe(NH3)6]3+
B) [Ni(NH3)6]2+
C) [Cr(NH3)6]3+
D) [Co(NH3)6]3+
E) [Cu(NH3)4]2+

C) [Cr(NH3)6]3+
Explanation: The hexaamminechromium(III) ion, [Cr(NH3)6]3+, is specifically mentioned as an example of an inner octahedral complex, illustrating the concept clearly.

Color of Coordination Complexes

Which of the following ions is colorless due to having completely empty d orbitals (d0)?
A) Ti³⁺
B) Sc³⁺
C) Zn²⁺
D) Cu²⁺
E) Fe²⁺

B) Sc³⁺
Explanation: Sc³⁺ has completely empty d orbitals (d0), making it colorless as there are no electrons available for promotion to higher energy orbitals, thus no d-d transitions occur.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What happens to the orbitals of the Cr3+ ion in the formation of the [Cr(NH3)6]3+ complex?
A) They remain unchanged
B) They become unhybridized
C) They mix to form d2sp3 hybrid orbitals
D) They form only 4s orbitals
E) They lose all their electrons

C) They mix to form d2sp3 hybrid orbitals
Explanation: The six lowest-energy, empty orbitals of the Cr3+ ion mix to become six equivalent d2sp3 hybrid orbitals, which are essential for forming the inner octahedral complex.

Ligands and Their Types

What are monodentate ligands characterized by?
A) Having multiple donor atoms
B) Having a single donor atom
C) Being unable to bond with metal ions
D) Having no active sites
E) Being exclusively anionic

B) Having a single donor atom
Explanation: Monodentate ligands are defined as having a single donor atom that bonds to a metal ion, making them 'one-toothed' in their bonding capability.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

Which of the following complex ions exhibits octahedral geometry?
A) [CuCl4] 2-
B) [Co(NH3)6] 3+
C) [Ag(NH3)2]+
D) [Fe(CN)6] 3-
E) [Zn(OH)4] 2-

B) [Co(NH3)6] 3+
Explanation: The complex ion [Co(NH3)6] 3+ is an example of a 6-coordinated complex ion that exhibits octahedral geometry.

Color of Coordination Complexes

Which color is absorbed when the complementary color observed is blue?
A) Yellow
B) Orange
C) Red
D) Indigo
E) Green

B) Orange
Explanation: When blue is observed as the complementary color, orange is the color that is absorbed, demonstrating the relationship between absorbed colors and their complements.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is the electron configuration of Scandium?
A) [Ar] 3d^2 4s^2
B) [Ar] 3d^1 4s^2
C) [Ar] 3d^3 4s^2
D) [Ar] 4s^2 4p^1
E) [Ar] 3d^1 4s^1

B) [Ar] 3d^1 4s^2
Explanation: Scandium has the electron configuration [Ar] 3d^1 4s^2, which allows it to exhibit oxidation states of +2 and +3 depending on the electrons lost.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

Which element marks the beginning of the second transition series?
A) Zinc (Zn)
B) Yttrium (Y)
C) Cadmium (Cd)
D) Mercury (Hg)
E) Lanthanum (La)

B) Yttrium (Y)
Explanation: Yttrium (Y) is the first element in the second transition series (4d series), which extends to Cadmium (Cd).

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

Why are platinum and nickel commonly used as catalysts?
A) They are inexpensive
B) They have high reactivity
C) They can withstand high temperatures and are stable
D) They are abundant in nature
E) They are non-toxic

C) They can withstand high temperatures and are stable
Explanation: Platinum and nickel are favored as catalysts because they possess high stability and can endure high temperatures, making them effective in facilitating chemical reactions without being consumed.

Ligands and Their Types

What defines a tridentate ligand?
A) It has one donor atom
B) It has two donor atoms
C) It has three donor atoms
D) It has four donor atoms
E) It has five donor atoms

C) It has three donor atoms
Explanation: Tridentate ligands are characterized by having three donor atoms, each of which bonds to a metal ion, allowing for the formation of stable complexes.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What is the coordination number that is widespread in transition elements?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7
E) 8

C) 6
Explanation: A coordination number of 6 is common in transition elements, leading to octahedral geometries in their complex ions.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

Which geometries can a 4-coordinated complex ion adopt?
A) Linear and trigonal
B) Tetrahedral and square planar
C) Octahedral and cubic
D) Planar and spherical
E) Hexagonal and pentagonal

B) Tetrahedral and square planar
Explanation: The coordination number of 4 in transition elements can lead to two geometries: tetrahedral and square planar.

Differences Between Inner and Outer Orbital Complexes

Which statement is true regarding the magnetic properties of inner orbital octahedral complexes?
A) They have a high magnetic moment due to many unpaired electrons.
B) They have a low magnetic moment due to fewer unpaired electrons.
C) They are always diamagnetic.
D) They have no unpaired electrons.
E) They have a variable magnetic moment.

B) They have a low magnetic moment due to fewer unpaired electrons.
Explanation: Inner orbital octahedral complexes typically have fewer unpaired electrons, resulting in a low magnetic moment.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

In the [Ni(CN)4]2− ion, what configuration do the electrons in the 3d orbitals achieve?
A) 3d6
B) 3d7
C) 3d8
D) 3d9
E) 3d10

C) 3d8
Explanation: In the [Ni(CN)4]2− ion, the electrons in the 3d orbitals undergo forced pairing to achieve a 3d8 configuration, which is stable due to the energy gained from bonding.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What type of hybridization occurs in tetrahedral complex ions?
A) sp
B) sp²
C) sp³
D) d²sp³
E) p³

C) sp³
Explanation: Tetrahedral complex ions result from sp³ hybridization, where s and p orbitals belong to the same shell.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What is the geometry of most d8 metal ion complex ions?
A) Tetrahedral
B) Linear
C) Square planar
D) Octahedral
E) Trigonal bipyramidal

C) Square planar
Explanation: Most d8 metal ions form square planar complex ions, where four ligands are arranged at the corners of a square around the central metal atom.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of transition metals?
A) High tensile strength
B) Low melting points
C) Ductility
D) Metallic lustre
E) Malleability

B) Low melting points
Explanation: Transition metals are known for their high melting points, along with other characteristics such as high tensile strength, ductility, and metallic lustre.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

Which ion is formed by the complex [Fe(CN)6]4-?
A) Ferrocyanide ion
B) Cobalt ion
C) Copper ion
D) Ammonium ion
E) Chloride ion

A) Ferrocyanide ion
Explanation: The complex ion [Fe(CN)6]4- is known as the ferrocyanide ion, which is part of the coordination compound potassium ferrocyanide (K4[Fe(CN)6]).

Color of Coordination Complexes

Why are transition metal ions with completely filled d orbitals (d10) colorless?
A) They absorb all wavelengths of light
B) They have no vacant d orbitals for electron promotion
C) They reflect all light
D) They emit light in the visible spectrum
E) They are always in a gaseous state

B) They have no vacant d orbitals for electron promotion
Explanation: Transition metal ions with completely filled d orbitals (like Zn²⁺, Cd²⁺, and Hg²⁺) are colorless because there are no vacant d orbitals available for electrons to be promoted, preventing any d-d transitions that would result in color.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What phenomenon causes transition metal ions to exhibit color?
A) Reflection of light
B) d-d transition of electrons
C) Absorption of UV light
D) Emission of photons
E) Thermal excitation

B) d-d transition of electrons
Explanation: The color of transition metal ions arises from the excitation of electrons from lower energy d-orbitals to higher energy d-orbitals, known as d-d transitions, which allows them to absorb certain wavelengths of visible light.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

Which transition metal has the oxidation states of +2, +3, +4, +5?
A) Iron (Fe)
B) Manganese (Mn)
C) Vanadium (V)
D) Cobalt (Co)
E) Chromium (Cr)

C) Vanadium (V)
Explanation: Vanadium (V) has oxidation states of +2, +3, +4, and +5, as indicated by its outer electron configuration of [Ar] 3d³ 4s².

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What is the coordination number of Co³⁺ in the complex [Co(NH₃)₆]³⁺?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
E) 5

C) 6
Explanation: In the complex [Co(NH₃)₆]³⁺, the coordination number of Co³⁺ is 6 because it is bonded to six ligand atoms (the nitrogen atoms of NH₃ molecules).

Ligands and Their Types

How do polydentate ligands differ from tridentate ligands?
A) They have fewer than three donor atoms
B) They have exactly three donor atoms
C) They have more than three donor atoms
D) They only bond to non-metal ions
E) They are always neutral

C) They have more than three donor atoms
Explanation: Polydentate ligands are defined as having more than three donor atoms, which allows them to form more complex structures with metal ions compared to tridentate ligands.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

Which of the following is an example of a coordination compound?
A) NaCl
B) H2O
C) [Cu(NH3)4]SO4
D) CO2
E) CH4

C) [Cu(NH3)4]SO4
Explanation: [Cu(NH3)4]SO4, known as tetraammine copper(II) sulfate, is a coordination compound that contains a complex ion and counterions, illustrating the definition of coordination compounds.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What is the complementary color of yellow-green?
A) Red
B) Blue
C) Red-violet
D) Indigo
E) Orange

C) Red-violet
Explanation: Yellow-green absorbs light and its complementary color, which is transmitted, is red-violet, as indicated in the relationship between absorbed and complementary colors.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What primarily causes the color of transition metal compounds?
A) Fully filled d orbitals
B) Partially filled d orbitals
C) s orbitals
D) p orbitals
E) f orbitals

B) Partially filled d orbitals
Explanation: The color of transition metal compounds is primarily due to the presence of partially filled d orbitals and the d-d electronic transitions that occur within the same subshell.

Hybridization in Coordination Compounds

Which hybridization is involved in the formation of square planar complex ions?
A) sp
B) sp2
C) dsp2
D) d2sp3
E) p2d

C) dsp2
Explanation: Square planar complex ions result from dsp2 hybridization, where one d orbital, one s orbital, and two p orbitals mix to form four hybrid orbitals.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What does the coordination number (C.N.) represent in a complex?
A) The total number of metal ions
B) The number of ligand atoms bonded to the central metal ion
C) The oxidation state of the metal ion
D) The total number of electrons in the complex
E) The number of complex ions present

B) The number of ligand atoms bonded to the central metal ion
Explanation: The coordination number is defined as the number of ligand atoms that are directly bonded to the central metal ion in a complex, indicating the structure and bonding of the complex.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

Which element is noted for forming more complexes than any other element?
A) Iron
B) Copper
C) Cobalt
D) Nickel
E) Zinc

C) Cobalt
Explanation: Cobalt is highlighted as the element that forms more complexes than any other element, indicating its significant role in coordination chemistry.

Ligands and Their Types

Which of the following is an example of a bidentate ligand?
A) Water
B) Ammonia
C) Ethylenediamine
D) Chloride ion
E) Carbon monoxide

C) Ethylenediamine
Explanation: Ethylenediamine (abbreviated as en) is a bidentate ligand because it has two donor atoms (N atoms) that can bond to a metal ion, effectively 'grabbing' it like claws.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

Why are transition metals called 'transition' elements?
A) They transition between solid and liquid states
B) They exhibit transitional behavior between s block and p block elements
C) They transition between different oxidation states
D) They transition from metals to non-metals
E) They transition between different colors

B) They exhibit transitional behavior between s block and p block elements
Explanation: Transition metals are referred to as such because they exhibit transitional behavior between the s block and p block elements in the periodic table, highlighting their unique properties.

Inner and Outer Orbital Complexes

What type of hybridization occurs in inner octahedral complexes?
A) sp
B) d2sp3
C) dsp2
D) sp3d2
E) d3sp2

B) d2sp3
Explanation: Inner octahedral complexes result from d2sp3 hybridization, which involves the mixing of specific orbitals to form hybrid orbitals that define the geometry of the complex.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

What is the oxidation state of manganese (Mn) in the tetrahedral complex [MnCl₄]²⁻?
A) +1
B) +2
C) +3
D) +4
E) 0

B) +2
Explanation: In the complex [MnCl₄]²⁻, the oxidation state of manganese is +2, which is crucial for understanding the electronic configuration and bonding in the complex.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What is a complex ion?
A) A neutral molecule
B) An electrically charged ion with a central metal cation bonded to ligands
C) A simple ion with no ligands
D) A gas at room temperature
E) A solid metal without any charge

B) An electrically charged ion with a central metal cation bonded to ligands
Explanation: A complex ion is defined as an electrically charged ion consisting of a central metal cation bonded by coordinate covalent bonds to two or more ligands, which can be anions or neutral molecules.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

What is a common property of transition metals regarding their physical characteristics?
A) They are all gases at room temperature
B) They exhibit low densities
C) They have high thermal and electrical conductivity
D) They are brittle
E) They have low tensile strength

C) They have high thermal and electrical conductivity
Explanation: Transition metals are characterized by their high densities, good thermal and electrical conductivity, and high tensile strength.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What is the geometry of outer octahedral complex ions?
A) Tetrahedral
B) Square planar
C) Linear
D) Octahedral
E) Trigonal bipyramidal

D) Octahedral
Explanation: Outer octahedral complex ions have an octahedral geometry, which is a characteristic shape formed by the arrangement of ligands around the central metal ion.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What is Δ in the context of coordination complexes?
A) The total number of d orbitals
B) The energy difference between t_2g and e_g orbitals
C) The wavelength of absorbed light
D) The number of ligands
E) The color of the complex

B) The energy difference between t_2g and e_g orbitals
Explanation: Δ represents the energy difference between the lower-energy t_2g orbitals and the higher-energy e_g orbitals, which is crucial for determining the color of the coordination complex.

Ligands and Their Types

What type of ligands are involved in the complex [Ni(CN)4]2−?
A) NH3
B) Cl−
C) CN−
D) H2O

C) CN−
Explanation: The complex [Ni(CN)4]2− involves four cyanide (CN−) ligands, which are strong field ligands that lead to the pairing of electrons in the 3d orbitals.

Differences Between Inner and Outer Orbital Complexes

What type of ligands are associated with outer orbital octahedral complexes?
A) Strong-field ligands
B) Weak-field ligands
C) Neutral ligands
D) Bidentate ligands
E) Chelating ligands

B) Weak-field ligands
Explanation: Outer orbital octahedral complexes are formed by weak-field ligands, which influence the hybridization and reactivity of the complex.

Ligands and Their Types

What term is used to describe a complex ion that contains bidentate ligands?
A) Monomer
B) Chelate
C) Polymer
D) Isomer
E) Dimer

B) Chelate
Explanation: A complex ion that contains bidentate ligands is referred to as a chelate, derived from the Greek word 'chela,' meaning 'crab’s claw,' due to the way these ligands grasp the metal ion.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What type of complex is the hexaamminecobalt(III) ion, [Co(NH3)6]3+?
A) Tetrahedral complex
B) Square planar complex
C) Inner octahedral complex
D) Linear complex
E) Trigonal bipyramidal complex

C) Inner octahedral complex
Explanation: The hexaamminecobalt(III) ion is classified as an inner octahedral complex due to its geometric arrangement and the presence of six ammonia ligands around the cobalt ion.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What is the coordination number of a 4-coordinated complex ion?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6

C) 4
Explanation: A 4-coordinated complex ion is defined by a coordination number of 4, where the central metal ion forms coordinate covalent bonds with four ligands.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

What factors influence the relative stability of different oxidation states in transition metals?
A) Temperature and pressure
B) Electron configuration, nature of bonding, stereochemistry, lattice energies, solvation energies
C) Color and size of the metal
D) Atomic mass and density
E) Electronegativity and ionization energy

B) Electron configuration, nature of bonding, stereochemistry, lattice energies, solvation energies
Explanation: The stability of different oxidation states in transition metals is influenced by various factors including electron configuration, bonding nature, stereochemistry, lattice energies, and solvation energies.

Differences Between Inner and Outer Orbital Complexes

What type of hybridization is associated with inner orbital octahedral complexes?
A) sp3d2
B) d2sp3
C) sp2
D) dsp3
E) sp3

B) d2sp3
Explanation: Inner orbital octahedral complexes are formed by d2sp3 hybridization, which involves the use of d orbitals from the inner shell.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

Which of the following is a common property of transition metals?
A) They are all gases at room temperature
B) They have a full outer electron shell
C) They exhibit variable oxidation states
D) They are poor conductors of electricity
E) They do not form alloys

C) They exhibit variable oxidation states
Explanation: Transition metals are known for exhibiting variable oxidation states, which allows them to participate in a variety of chemical reactions and form different compounds.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

What is the oxidation state of Scandium (Sc)?
A) +1, +2
B) +2, +3
C) +3, +4
D) +4, +5
E) +5, +6

B) +2, +3
Explanation: Scandium (Sc) has oxidation states of +2 and +3, which are derived from its outer electron configuration of [Ar] 3d¹ 4s².

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

Which of the following elements is part of the first transition series?
A) Yttrium (Y)
B) Scandium (Sc)
C) Mercury (Hg)
D) Hafnium (Hf)
E) Actinium (Ac)

B) Scandium (Sc)
Explanation: Scandium (Sc) is the first element in the first transition series (3d series), which ranges from Scandium to Zinc (Zn).

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What hybridization is associated with outer octahedral complexes?
A) sp
B) sp2
C) sp3
D) sp3d
E) sp3d2

E) sp3d2
Explanation: Outer octahedral complexes result from sp3d2 hybridization, which is characteristic of most d5 metal ions.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What does crystal field theory (CFT) primarily explain in transition-metal complexes?
A) Their atomic mass
B) Their colors, magnetism, structures, stability, and reactivity
C) Their thermal conductivity
D) Their electrical resistance
E) Their isotopic composition

B) Their colors, magnetism, structures, stability, and reactivity
Explanation: Crystal field theory is used to explain various important properties of transition-metal complexes, including their colors, magnetism, structures, stability, and reactivity.

Hybridization and Coordination Compounds

How many hybrid orbitals are formed in the hexaamminecobalt(III) ion?
A) Four
B) Five
C) Six
D) Seven
E) Eight

C) Six
Explanation: The six lowest-energy, empty orbitals of Co3+ mix to form six equivalent d2sp3 hybrid orbitals, which are oriented toward the corners of an octahedron.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What is the behavior of tetraammine copper(II) sulfate in water?
A) It forms copper ions and ammonia
B) It ionizes into simple ions
C) It separates into tetraammine copper(II) ion and sulfate ion
D) It remains as a solid
E) It decomposes into copper and sulfur

C) It separates into tetraammine copper(II) ion and sulfate ion
Explanation: When tetraammine copper(II) sulfate dissolves in water, it ionizes to form the tetraammine copper(II) ion and the sulfate ion, while the complex ion itself remains intact.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What is a coordination compound?
A) A compound that contains only simple ions
B) A compound that contains a complex ion combined with counterions
C) A compound that is only soluble in organic solvents
D) A compound that does not retain its identity in solution
E) A compound that contains only one type of ion

B) A compound that contains a complex ion combined with counterions
Explanation: A coordination compound is defined as a compound that contains a complex ion combined with one or more counterions and retains its identity in solution, highlighting its unique structure.

Ligands and Their Types

How many donor atoms do bidentate ligands have?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
E) Five

B) Two
Explanation: Bidentate ligands are characterized by having two donor atoms, each capable of bonding to a metal ion, which allows them to form more stable complexes.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

What are transition metals primarily characterized by?
A) Their ability to form ionic bonds
B) Their high electronegativity
C) Their ability to form complex compounds
D) Their low melting points
E) Their lack of variable oxidation states

C) Their ability to form complex compounds
Explanation: Transition metals are primarily characterized by their ability to form complex compounds, which is a key feature that distinguishes them from other elements.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What type of ion does [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 form in aqueous solution?
A) One [Cu(NH3)4]++ ion and one SO4-- ion
B) Two [Cu(NH3)4]++ ions
C) One [Cu(NH3)4]++ ion and two SO4-- ions
D) One [Cu(NH3)4]-- ion and one SO4-- ion
E) One [Cu(NH3)4]++ ion only

A) One [Cu(NH3)4]++ ion and one SO4-- ion
Explanation: In aqueous solution, [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 ionizes to form one [Cu(NH3)4]++ ion and one SO4-- ion, demonstrating how coordination compounds dissociate in solution.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

Which of the following transition metals is known as a general catalyst?
A) Iron (Fe)
B) Nickel (Ni)
C) Platinum (Pt)
D) Palladium (Pd)
E) Manganese (Mn)

C) Platinum (Pt)
Explanation: Platinum is recognized as a general catalyst due to its effectiveness in facilitating various chemical reactions, making it a key player in catalytic processes.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What causes the unpaired electrons in Co3+ to undergo pairing in the hexaamminecobalt(III) ion?
A) Presence of weak field ligands
B) Presence of strong field ligands
C) High temperature
D) Low pressure
E) Absence of ligands

B) Presence of strong field ligands
Explanation: The strong field ligand NH3 causes the unpaired electrons in the 3d orbitals of Co3+ to undergo pairing, resulting in two empty 3d orbitals.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

Which d orbitals experience stronger repulsions due to their orientation?
A) d xy and d xz
B) d x2−y2 and d z2
C) d yz and d xy
D) d xz and d yz
E) All d orbitals experience the same repulsion

B) d x2−y2 and d z2
Explanation: The d x2−y2 and d z2 orbitals experience stronger repulsions compared to the d xy, d xz, and d yz orbitals due to their different orientations, which affects their energy levels.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

How do complex compounds retain their identity in solution?
A) They form simple ions
B) They remain intact as complex ions
C) They completely dissociate into individual atoms
D) They evaporate in solution
E) They change into different compounds

B) They remain intact as complex ions
Explanation: Complex compounds, such as tetraammine copper(II) sulfate, do not dissociate into simple ions when dissolved; instead, their complex ions remain intact, behaving like polyatomic ions.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

What is a notable catalytic property of nickel powder?
A) It catalyzes oxidation reactions
B) It is a good catalyst for hydrogenation of unsaturated organic compounds
C) It acts as a catalyst in combustion reactions
D) It is used in polymerization reactions
E) It catalyzes hydrolysis reactions

B) It is a good catalyst for hydrogenation of unsaturated organic compounds
Explanation: Nickel powder is specifically noted for its catalytic role in the hydrogenation of unsaturated organic compounds, showcasing its utility in organic chemistry.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is the electron configuration of the free Mn²⁺ ion?
A) 3d⁵ 4s² 4p⁰
B) 3d⁵ 4s⁰ 4p⁰
C) 3d⁴ 4s² 4p⁰
D) 3d⁶ 4s² 4p⁰
E) 3d⁵ 4s¹ 4p⁰

B) 3d⁵ 4s⁰ 4p⁰
Explanation: The electron configuration of the free Mn²⁺ ion is 3d⁵ 4s⁰ 4p⁰, indicating that it has lost two electrons from the 4s orbital.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What is a 5-coordinated complex ion?
A) A complex ion with four ligands
B) A complex ion with six ligands
C) A complex ion where the central metal ion forms five coordinate covalent bonds with five ligands
D) A complex ion with three ligands
E) A complex ion with two ligands

C) A complex ion where the central metal ion forms five coordinate covalent bonds with five ligands
Explanation: A 5-coordinated complex ion is defined as one in which the central metal ion forms five coordinate covalent bonds with five ligands, which is a key characteristic of this type of complex.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What are counterions?
A) Ions that act as ligands
B) Ions of opposite charge to complex ions that are not ligands
C) Neutral molecules surrounding the metal cation
D) The central metal cation
E) Ions that have no charge

B) Ions of opposite charge to complex ions that are not ligands
Explanation: Counterions are defined as ions that have an opposite charge to the complex ions and do not participate in bonding as ligands.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

What is an example of an alloy formed from transition metals?
A) Steel
B) Bronze
C) Plastic
D) Glass
E) Wood

B) Bronze
Explanation: Bronze is an alloy made from copper and tin, demonstrating how transition metals can form alloys with each other due to their comparable sizes.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What is the bond angle in octahedral complexes?
A) 60º
B) 90º
C) 120º
D) 180º
E) 90º and 120º

B) 90º
Explanation: Octahedral complexes have a bond angle of 90º, which is consistent with the geometry of these complex ions.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

Which of the following compounds is mentioned as having good catalytic properties?
A) NaCl
B) V2O5
C) H2O
D) CO2
E) CH4

B) V2O5
Explanation: V2O5 (vanadium pentoxide) is highlighted as a compound with good catalytic properties, particularly in various oxidation reactions.

Color of Coordination Complexes

If a transition metal ion absorbs red light, what color will be observed?
A) Green
B) Blue
C) Yellow
D) Orange
E) Purple

A) Green
Explanation: When red light is absorbed, the complementary color observed will be green, as it is located on the opposite side of the color wheel.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What is the geometry of the hybrid orbitals in the [CoF6]3- complex?
A) Linear
B) Tetrahedral
C) Square planar
D) Octahedral
E) Trigonal planar

D) Octahedral
Explanation: The sp3d2 hybrid orbitals in the [CoF6]3- complex point toward the corners of an octahedron, indicating that the geometry of the complex is octahedral.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

In a tetrahedral complex, which d orbitals are typically higher in energy?
A) t2g orbitals
B) e g orbitals
C) d xy orbitals
D) d xz orbitals
E) d yz orbitals

B) e g orbitals
Explanation: In tetrahedral complexes, the e g orbitals are higher in energy compared to the t2g orbitals, following the pattern of d orbital splitting.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What type of transition occurs in Ti³⁺ compounds when they absorb visible light?
A) s-p transition
B) d-d transition
C) p-d transition
D) f-d transition
E) no transition occurs

B) d-d transition
Explanation: In Ti³⁺ compounds, when they absorb visible light, a d-d transition occurs as the single electron in the d orbital is promoted to a higher energy orbital, resulting in the absorption of specific wavelengths and the appearance of color.

Ligands and Their Types

Which type of ligands leads to a larger crystal field splitting energy (Δ)?
A) Weak-field ligands
B) Strong-field ligands
C) Neutral ligands
D) Non-polar ligands
E) Ionic ligands

B) Strong-field ligands
Explanation: Strong-field ligands, such as CN⁻ and NH₃, create a larger splitting energy (larger Δ) due to their strong electrostatic interactions with the central metal ion.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

Why do transition metals have multiple oxidation states?
A) They have a large energy gap between orbitals
B) Their d and s orbitals are far apart in energy
C) The (n-1)d and ns orbitals have close energy levels
D) They only lose s electrons
E) They do not participate in bonding

C) The (n-1)d and ns orbitals have close energy levels
Explanation: The close energy levels of (n-1)d and ns orbitals allow both sets of electrons to be available for bonding, leading to multiple oxidation states.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

Which of the following complexes has a square planar geometry?
A) [Ni(CO)₄]
B) [Cu(NH₃)₄]²⁺
C) [NiCl₄]²⁻
D) [PdCl₄]²⁻
E) [CoCl₆]³⁻

D) [PdCl₄]²⁻
Explanation: The complex [PdCl₄]²⁻ exhibits square planar geometry, which is typical for d⁸ metal ions.

Activation Energy

What is activation energy?
A) The energy required to break bonds
B) The minimum energy needed for molecules to collide and react
C) The energy released during a reaction
D) The energy required to cool a reaction
E) The energy needed to form a catalyst

B) The minimum energy needed for molecules to collide and react
Explanation: Activation energy is defined as the minimum energy that reactant molecules must possess in order to collide and undergo a chemical reaction, leading to the formation of products.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What are the three lower energy orbitals called in the context of d orbital splitting?
A) e g orbitals
B) d x2−y2 orbitals
C) t2g orbitals
D) d z2 orbitals
E) d xy orbitals

C) t2g orbitals
Explanation: The three lower energy orbitals resulting from the splitting are referred to as t2g orbitals, which include the d xy, d xz, and d yz orbitals.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

What type of reaction is facilitated by the catalytic properties of transition metals in the example given?
A) Combustion
B) Hydrogenation of alkenes and alkynes
C) Decomposition
D) Neutralization
E) Precipitation

B) Hydrogenation of alkenes and alkynes
Explanation: The catalytic properties of transition metals enable the hydrogenation of alkenes and alkynes, demonstrating their role in facilitating important organic reactions.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What type of attraction exists between the central metal ion and the ligand in crystal field theory?
A) Covalent attraction
B) Hydrogen bonding
C) Electrostatic attraction
D) Van der Waals forces
E) Metallic bonding

C) Electrostatic attraction
Explanation: The attraction between the central metal ion and the ligand in crystal field theory is purely electrostatic, meaning it arises from the charge interactions between the metal cation and the ligands.

Definition and Characteristics of Transition Metals

According to crystal field theory, what is the charge of the central metal atom considered to be?
A) Neutral
B) Equal to its atomic number
C) Equal to its oxidation number
D) Always positive
E) Always negative

C) Equal to its oxidation number
Explanation: In crystal field theory, the central metal atom is considered to be a cation, with a charge that is equal to its oxidation number, which is crucial for understanding its interactions with ligands.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is the energy state of d orbitals in an isolated metal ion?
A) They have different energies
B) They are degenerate
C) They are completely filled
D) They are empty
E) They are half-filled

B) They are degenerate
Explanation: In an isolated metal ion, the d orbitals have different orientations but equal energies, meaning they are degenerate and have an equal probability of being occupied by d electrons.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

In the [Cu(H₂O)₆]²⁺ complex, how are the d-orbitals split according to Crystal Field Theory (CFT)?
A) They remain degenerate
B) They split into three equal energy levels
C) They split into two sets: eₕ (higher energy) and t₂g (lower energy)
D) They split into four sets
E) They split into two equal energy levels

C) They split into two sets: eₕ (higher energy) and t₂g (lower energy)
Explanation: According to CFT, the presence of ligands causes the d-orbitals of the copper ion to split into two sets: eₕ (higher energy) and t₂g (lower energy).

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What causes the splitting of degenerate d orbital energies in a metal ion?
A) The temperature of the solution
B) The size of the metal ion
C) The repulsive interaction between electrons of the central metal ion and ligands
D) The presence of water molecules
E) The magnetic field applied

C) The repulsive interaction between electrons of the central metal ion and ligands
Explanation: The repulsive interaction between the electrons of the central metal ion and the electrons of ligands leads to the splitting of degenerate d orbital energies, resulting in different energy levels for the orbitals.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What geometries can arise from a coordination number of 5?
A) Linear and tetrahedral
B) Trigonal bipyramidal and square pyramidal
C) Octahedral and square planar
D) Tetrahedral and octahedral
E) Square planar and linear

B) Trigonal bipyramidal and square pyramidal
Explanation: A coordination number of 5 can give rise to two distinct geometries: trigonal bipyramidal and square pyramidal, which are important for understanding the spatial arrangement of ligands around the central metal ion.

Ligands and Their Types

What type of ligands are the chloride ions (Cl⁻) in the [MnCl₄]²⁻ complex?
A) Strong field ligands
B) Weak field ligands
C) Bidentate ligands
D) Chelating ligands
E) Monodentate ligands

E) Monodentate ligands
Explanation: Each chloride ion (Cl⁻) acts as a monodentate ligand, donating a pair of electrons to the manganese ion in the complex.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

In the complex ion [Co(NH3)6]Cl3, what is the central metal cation?
A) Cl−
B) NH3
C) Co3+
D) [Co(NH3)6]
E) None of the above

C) Co3+
Explanation: In the complex ion [Co(NH3)6]Cl3, the central metal cation is Co3+, which is the metal ion to which the ligands (NH3) are attached.

Differences Between Inner and Outer Orbital Complexes

Which hybridization is characteristic of outer orbital octahedral complexes?
A) d2sp3
B) sp3d2
C) dsp3
D) sp3
E) d3sp2

B) sp3d2
Explanation: Outer orbital octahedral complexes are formed by sp3d2 hybridization, which involves the use of d orbitals from the outer shell.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What is the energy difference (Δ) between the t₂g and eₕ orbitals in the [Ti(H₂O)₆]³⁺ ion associated with?
A) Energy of ultraviolet light
B) Energy of infrared light
C) Energy of green-to-yellow light
D) Energy of blue light
E) Energy of red light

C) Energy of green-to-yellow light
Explanation: The energy difference (Δ) between the t₂g and eₕ orbitals in the [Ti(H₂O)₆]³⁺ ion corresponds to the energy of photons in the green-to-yellow range of visible light.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What type of complex is the hexafluorocobalt(III) ion, [CoF6]3-?
A) Tetrahedral complex
B) Square planar complex
C) Outer octahedral complex
D) Linear complex
E) Trigonal bipyramidal complex

C) Outer octahedral complex
Explanation: The hexafluorocobalt(III) ion, [CoF6]3-, is classified as an outer octahedral complex due to its geometry and the arrangement of ligands around the cobalt ion.

Differences Between Inner and Outer Orbital Complexes

How do the reactivities of inner and outer orbital octahedral complexes compare?
A) Inner orbital complexes are more reactive than outer orbital complexes.
B) Outer orbital complexes are less reactive than inner orbital complexes.
C) Inner orbital complexes are less reactive than outer orbital complexes.
D) Both types have the same reactivity.
E) Reactivity is not determined by orbital type.

C) Inner orbital complexes are less reactive than outer orbital complexes.
Explanation: Inner orbital octahedral complexes are less reactive, making ligand substitution more difficult compared to outer orbital complexes, which are more reactive.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What type of light radiation is involved in the d-d transition of transition metal ions?
A) Infrared radiation
B) Ultraviolet radiation
C) Visible light
D) X-rays
E) Radio waves

C) Visible light
Explanation: The light radiation required for the d-d transition, which causes the color of transition metal ions, is available in the visible region, allowing these ions to absorb specific wavelengths.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

What factors contribute to the formation of complex compounds by transition metals?
A) High negative charge density and large size
B) High positive charge density and small size
C) Low energy orbitals and high temperature
D) High electronegativity and low ionization energy
E) Large atomic radius and low nuclear charge

B) High positive charge density and small size
Explanation: Transition metals have a high positive charge density and smaller size, which facilitates the acceptance of lone pairs from ligands, promoting complex formation.


What hybridization is associated with a trigonal bipyramidal molecular geometry?
A) sp
B) sp²
C) sp³
D) sp³d
E) dsp²

D) sp³d
Explanation: The hybridization for trigonal bipyramidal geometry is sp³d, as seen in the complex [CoCl₅]²⁻.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What role do vacant low energy orbitals play in complex formation?
A) They repel ligands
B) They can accept lone pairs from ligands
C) They increase the size of the complex
D) They stabilize the metal ion
E) They are not involved in bonding

B) They can accept lone pairs from ligands
Explanation: The vacant low energy orbitals in the valence shell of transition metal ions can accept lone pairs of electrons from ligands, forming coordinate covalent bonds essential for complex formation.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

Which coordination number corresponds to octahedral geometry?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
E) 8

D) 6
Explanation: An octahedral geometry corresponds to a coordination number of 6, as exemplified by complexes like [CoCl₆]³⁻.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is a key feature of transition metal ions?
A) They have completely filled d subshells
B) They often have partially occupied d subshells
C) They do not exhibit oxidation states
D) They are always diamagnetic
E) They have no magnetic properties

B) They often have partially occupied d subshells
Explanation: Most transition metal ions contain partially occupied d subshells, which contribute to their unique properties, including multiple oxidation states and magnetic behavior.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What is the term used to describe the splitting of d orbital energies in transition metals due to ligand interactions?
A) Orbital hybridization
B) Crystal field effect
C) Electron shielding
D) Ligand field theory
E) Quantum tunneling

B) Crystal field effect
Explanation: The crystal field effect refers to the splitting of d orbital energies in transition metals caused by the electrostatic interactions between the central metal ions and the surrounding ligands.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

Why do transition metals exhibit good catalytic properties?
A) They have low melting points
B) They provide a suitable and large reaction surface for adsorption
C) They are non-reactive
D) They have high electronegativity
E) They are always in solid form

B) They provide a suitable and large reaction surface for adsorption
Explanation: Transition metals and their compounds offer a large reaction surface that allows gaseous reactants to adsorb and come closer together, facilitating chemical reactions effectively.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

Who proposed crystal field theory?
A) Linus Pauling
B) Gilbert Lewis
C) Hans Bethe and van Vleck
D) Dmitri Mendeleev
E) Robert Hooke

C) Hans Bethe and van Vleck
Explanation: Crystal field theory was proposed by Hans Bethe and van Vleck to explain the interaction of transition metals with ligands and the splitting of d orbitals in metal complexes.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What occurs during a d-d transition in coordination complexes?
A) Electrons are lost from the metal ion
B) Electrons are excited from t_2g to e_g orbitals
C) Electrons are transferred to ligands
D) Electrons are absorbed from the environment
E) Electrons are emitted as light

B) Electrons are excited from t_2g to e_g orbitals
Explanation: During a d-d transition, electrons absorb radiant energy and are excited from the lower-energy t_2g orbitals to the higher-energy e_g orbitals, which is responsible for the color observed.

Color of Coordination Complexes

Why are compounds of Ti³⁺ colored while those of Ti⁴⁺ are colorless?
A) Ti³⁺ has no electrons in d orbitals
B) Ti⁴⁺ absorbs all visible light
C) Ti³⁺ has one electron in d orbital allowing d-d transitions
D) Ti⁴⁺ has a filled d orbital
E) Both have the same electron configuration

C) Ti³⁺ has one electron in d orbital allowing d-d transitions
Explanation: Compounds of Ti³⁺ are colored because the single electron in the d orbital can be promoted to a higher energy level during d-d transitions when absorbing visible light, while Ti⁴⁺ is colorless due to the absence of electrons for such transitions.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What is the most common coordination number in complex ions?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8
E) 10

C) 6
Explanation: The most common coordination number in complex ions is 6, which is often observed in various metal complexes, indicating a stable arrangement of ligands around the central metal ion.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

What property of transition metals allows them to act as catalysts?
A) Their low density
B) Their high melting points
C) Their partially filled (n-1)d orbitals
D) Their ability to form alloys
E) Their metallic lustre

C) Their partially filled (n-1)d orbitals
Explanation: The catalytic properties of transition metals are attributed to the presence of partially filled (n-1)d orbitals, which facilitate various chemical reactions.

Paramagnetic Properties of Transition Metals

What is the relationship between unpaired electrons and magnetic properties?
A) Unpaired electrons lead to diamagnetism
B) Unpaired electrons have no effect on magnetism
C) Unpaired electrons lead to paramagnetism
D) Unpaired electrons are always paired
E) Unpaired electrons are irrelevant to magnetic properties

C) Unpaired electrons lead to paramagnetism
Explanation: The presence of unpaired electrons in atoms, ions, or molecules is responsible for paramagnetism, making these substances attracted to magnetic fields.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What color does the solution appear when white light shines on it, specifically for the [Ti(H₂O)₆]³⁺ ion?
A) Green
B) Yellow
C) Purple
D) Blue
E) Red

C) Purple
Explanation: The [Ti(H₂O)₆]³⁺ ion appears purple in aqueous solution because it absorbs certain colors of light, allowing red, blue, and violet light to be transmitted.

Ligands and Their Types

Which of the following is an example of a weak-field ligand?
A) CN⁻
B) NH₃
C) H₂O
E) NO₂⁻

C) H₂O
Explanation: H₂O is an example of a weak-field ligand, which leads to a smaller crystal field splitting energy (smaller Δ) compared to strong-field ligands.

Hybridization in Coordination Compounds

Which type of hybridization occurs in the [MnCl₄]²⁻ complex?
A) sp
B) sp²
C) sp³
D) d²sp³
E) p³

C) sp³
Explanation: In the [MnCl₄]²⁻ complex, one 4s and three 4p orbitals of the Mn²⁺ ion undergo sp³ hybridization, which is characteristic of tetrahedral complexes.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

Which orbitals mix to form the hybrid orbitals in the [CoF6]3- complex?
A) One 4s, three 4p, and two 4d orbitals
B) Two 4s and four 4p orbitals
C) One 3s, three 3p, and two 3d orbitals
D) One 5s, three 5p, and two 5d orbitals
E) One 4s, two 4p, and three 4d orbitals

A) One 4s, three 4p, and two 4d orbitals
Explanation: The six lowest-energy, empty orbitals of the Co3+ ion—one 4s, three 4p, and two 4d—mix to form six equivalent sp3d2 hybrid orbitals in the [CoF6]3- complex.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

Which complex ion is an example of a square pyramidal complex?
A) Iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)5)
B) Pentacyanonickel(III) (Ni(CN)5^3−)
C) Tetraamminecopper(II) (Cu(NH3)4^2+)
D) Hexaamminecobalt(III) (Co(NH3)6^3+)
E) Tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) (Co(en)3^3+)

B) Pentacyanonickel(III) (Ni(CN)5^3−)
Explanation: Pentacyanonickel(III) is specifically mentioned as an example of a square pyramidal complex ion, illustrating the coordination of five ligands around the central nickel ion.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

Which of the following transition metals has only two oxidation states?
A) Copper (Cu)
B) Iron (Fe)
C) Zinc (Zn)
D) Manganese (Mn)
E) Titanium (Ti)

C) Zinc (Zn)
Explanation: Zinc (Zn) has a stable oxidation state of +2 and does not exhibit variable oxidation states like other transition metals.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What is the reason for the colorlessness of compounds formed by transition metal ions with d0 configuration?
A) They reflect all light
B) They absorb UV light only
C) There are no electrons for promotion to higher energy orbitals
D) They emit light in the visible spectrum
E) They are always in a solid state

C) There are no electrons for promotion to higher energy orbitals
Explanation: Transition metal ions with d0 configuration, such as Ti⁴⁺, are colorless because there are no electrons in the d orbitals to be promoted to higher energy levels, preventing any d-d transitions.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

In an octahedral complex, how many ligands are attached to the central transition metal?
A) Four
B) Six
C) Eight
D) Two
E) Five

B) Six
Explanation: In an octahedral complex, there are six ligands that are symmetrically arranged around the central transition metal, which is a defining characteristic of this type of coordination complex.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What is the orientation of the d xy, d xz, and d yz orbitals in relation to the ligands?
A) Directly toward the ligands
B) Between the lobes of the ligands
C) Perpendicular to the ligands
D) In the same plane as the ligands
E) Randomly oriented

B) Between the lobes of the ligands
Explanation: The d xy, d xz, and d yz orbitals are oriented between the lobes of the ligands, which affects how they interact with the ligands in an octahedral field.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

How do ligands approach the central metal in an octahedral complex?
A) Only from the z-axis
B) From different directions along the x, y, and z axes
C) Randomly without a specific orientation
D) Only from the xy plane
E) Only from the corners of the octahedron

B) From different directions along the x, y, and z axes
Explanation: Ligands in an octahedral complex approach the central metal ion from different directions along the x, y, and z axes, which influences the interaction with the d orbitals.

Ligands and Their Types

Which of the following statements about ligands is true?
A) Ligands can only be anions
B) Ligands can only be neutral molecules
C) Ligands can donate electron pairs to the central metal atom
D) Ligands do not affect the properties of the complex
E) Ligands are always larger than the central metal atom

C) Ligands can donate electron pairs to the central metal atom
Explanation: Ligands are species that can donate electron pairs to the central metal atom in a complex, which is essential for the formation of coordination compounds.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

Which of the following ions can form tetrahedral complex ions?
A) d⁰ or d¹⁰ ions
B) d² ions
C) d³ ions
D) d⁴ ions
E) d⁵ ions

A) d⁰ or d¹⁰ ions
Explanation: Tetrahedral complex ions are formed by d⁰ or d¹⁰ ions, which are capable of sp³ hybridization.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

How does the coordination number vary for Pt²⁺ and Pt⁴⁺ ions?
A) Both have a coordination number of 4
B) Both have a coordination number of 6
C) Pt²⁺ has a coordination number of 4, Pt⁴⁺ has 6
D) Pt²⁺ has a coordination number of 6, Pt⁴⁺ has 4
E) Coordination number is the same for all oxidation states

C) Pt²⁺ has a coordination number of 4, Pt⁴⁺ has 6
Explanation: The coordination number for Pt²⁺ ions in many complexes is 4, while for Pt⁴⁺ ions, it is 6, demonstrating how coordination numbers can change with oxidation states.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

Why is the [Cr(NH3)6]3+ complex ion considered paramagnetic?
A) It has no unpaired electrons
B) It has paired electrons only
C) It has three unpaired 3d electrons
D) It has a full outer shell
E) It is diamagnetic

C) It has three unpaired 3d electrons
Explanation: The complex ion [Cr(NH3)6]3+ is paramagnetic because the three unpaired 3d electrons of the central Cr3+ ion remain in unhybridized orbitals, contributing to its magnetic properties.

Activation Energy

What happens when reactant molecules collide with energy less than the activation energy?
A) They react and form products
B) They bounce off each other and no reaction occurs
C) They form an intermediate compound
D) They increase in temperature
E) They change oxidation states

B) They bounce off each other and no reaction occurs
Explanation: If the energy of the collision is less than the activation energy, the reactant molecules do not have enough energy to react and simply bounce off each other, resulting in no reaction.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What type of bond is formed between the central atom and the ligand in a complex compound?
A) Ionic bond
B) Covalent bond
C) Metallic bond
D) Coordinate bond
E) Hydrogen bond

D) Coordinate bond
Explanation: The bond formed between the central metal atom and the ligand in a complex compound is known as a coordinate bond, where the ligand donates a lone pair of electrons to the metal.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What happens to the d electrons in the presence of ligands in an octahedral field?
A) They are attracted equally
B) They are repelled unequally
C) They remain unaffected
D) They gain energy
E) They lose mass

B) They are repelled unequally
Explanation: When ligands approach the central metal ion in an octahedral complex, the d electrons are repelled unequally due to the different orientations of the d orbitals, leading to a splitting of energy levels.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What is the energy difference between the e_g and t_2g orbitals called?
A) Ligand field strength
B) Crystal field splitting energy (Δ)
C) Orbital hybridization energy
D) Electron affinity
E) Ionization energy

B) Crystal field splitting energy (Δ)
Explanation: The energy difference between the e_g and t_2g orbitals is referred to as the crystal field splitting energy (Δ), which varies depending on the type of ligands present.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is the electron configuration of the Cu²⁺ ion in the [Cu(H₂O)₆]²⁺ complex?
A) d⁸
B) d⁹
C) d¹⁰
D) d⁷
E) d⁶

B) d⁹
Explanation: The Cu²⁺ ion has a d⁹ electron configuration, meaning that the t₂g orbitals will be fully occupied with 6 electrons, and there will be one electron in one of the eₕ orbitals.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What type of bonding occurs between the NH3 molecules and the Co3+ ion in the hexaamminecobalt(III) complex?
A) Ionic bonding
B) Covalent bonding
C) Metal-ligand bonding
D) Hydrogen bonding
E) Van der Waals forces

C) Metal-ligand bonding
Explanation: The NH3 molecules donate lone pairs from their nitrogen atoms to form six metal-ligand bonds with the Co3+ ion, characterizing the bonding in coordination complexes.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

What is the highest oxidation state of Chromium (Cr)?
A) +4
B) +5
C) +6
D) +3
E) +2

C) +6
Explanation: Chromium (Cr) can exhibit oxidation states up to +6, which is the highest among its possible oxidation states of +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, and +6.

Magnetic Properties of Coordination Compounds

Why is the compound [Ni(CN)4]2− considered diamagnetic?
A) It has unpaired electrons
B) It has paired electrons
C) It has no electrons
D) It has only d electrons
E) It has only s electrons

B) It has paired electrons
Explanation: The compound [Ni(CN)4]2− is diamagnetic because it contains paired electrons, resulting from the forced pairing in the 3d orbitals during complex formation.

Color of Coordination Complexes

How is the color of an object determined in terms of light absorption?
A) By the amount of light it emits
B) By the wavelengths it absorbs
C) By the temperature of the object
D) By the pressure of the environment
E) By the size of the object

B) By the wavelengths it absorbs
Explanation: An object's color is determined by the wavelengths of light it absorbs; it reflects or transmits the remaining wavelengths, which gives it a specific color.

Paramagnetism in Transition Metal Complexes

Why is the [MnCl₄]²⁻ complex considered paramagnetic?
A) It has no unpaired electrons
B) It has one unpaired electron
C) It has two unpaired electrons
D) It has four unpaired electrons
E) It has paired electrons only

C) It has two unpaired electrons
Explanation: The [MnCl₄]²⁻ complex is paramagnetic because it contains two unpaired electrons in its d-orbitals, which contributes to its magnetic properties.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

Which of the following is an example of a 2-coordinated complex ion?
A) [Cu(CN)₄]³⁻
B) [Ag(NH₃)₂]⁺
C) [Zn(NH₃)₄]²⁻
D) [CoCl₄]²⁻
E) [MnCl₄]²⁻

B) [Ag(NH₃)₂]⁺
Explanation: [Ag(NH₃)₂]⁺ is an example of a 2-coordinated complex ion, where the central metal ion forms two coordinate covalent bonds with two ligands.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

Why is the [CoF6]3- complex ion considered paramagnetic?
A) It has no unpaired electrons
B) It has paired 3d electrons only
C) It has unhybridized orbitals with paired electrons
D) It has unpaired 3d electrons
E) It has a full octet

D) It has unpaired 3d electrons
Explanation: The four paired 3d electrons of the central Co3+ ion remain in unhybridized orbitals, making the complex ion paramagnetic due to the presence of unpaired electrons.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is the electron configuration of Iron (Fe)?
A) [Ar] 3d^6 4s^2
B) [Ar] 3d^5 4s^2
C) [Ar] 3d^7 4s^2
D) [Ar] 3d^8 4s^2
E) [Ar] 3d^10 4s^1

A) [Ar] 3d^6 4s^2
Explanation: Iron (Fe) has the electron configuration [Ar] 3d^6 4s^2, which reflects its position in the fourth period of transition metals.

Ligands and Their Types

What is the role of a ligand in a complex ion?
A) To provide a positive charge
B) To donate lone pair electrons to the metal ion
C) To act as a counterion
D) To stabilize the complex ion without bonding
E) To increase the size of the complex ion

B) To donate lone pair electrons to the metal ion
Explanation: Ligands are molecules or ions that contain one or more donor atoms with lone pair electrons, which they donate to the central metal ion, forming coordinate covalent bonds.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

How do transition metals typically form ions?
A) By gaining electrons from non-metals
B) By losing ns electrons before (n-1)d electrons
C) By losing (n-1)d electrons before ns electrons
D) By gaining protons
E) By forming covalent bonds

B) By losing ns electrons before (n-1)d electrons
Explanation: Transition metals form ions primarily by losing their ns electrons before their (n-1)d electrons, which is a key aspect of their chemistry.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What is the significance of the d-orbitals in transition metals?
A) They are completely filled in all transition metals
B) They determine the color of the compounds
C) They are involved in the formation of covalent bonds only
D) They do not participate in chemical reactions
E) They are responsible for the high reactivity of transition metals

B) They determine the color of the compounds
Explanation: The d-orbitals in transition metals play a crucial role in determining the color of the compounds, as the splitting of these orbitals in a crystal field can lead to different absorption of light.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What is the geometry of a 2-coordinated complex ion?
A) Tetrahedral
B) Square planar
C) Linear
D) Octahedral
E) Trigonal

C) Linear
Explanation: A 2-coordinated complex ion has a linear geometry, resulting from sp hybridization.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

How do you determine the charge of the central metal ion in a complex?
A) By counting the number of ligands
B) By subtracting the total charge of ligands from the charge of the complex ion
C) By adding the charges of all counterions
D) By multiplying the charge of the ligands by the number of ligands
E) By using the atomic number of the metal

B) By subtracting the total charge of ligands from the charge of the complex ion
Explanation: The charge of the central metal ion can be calculated by taking the charge of the complex ion and subtracting the total charge contributed by the ligands.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

What determines the geometry of complex ions?
A) The temperature of the solution
B) The coordination number and the metal ions
C) The color of the ligands
D) The size of the metal ion only
E) The type of solvent used

B) The coordination number and the metal ions
Explanation: The geometry of complex ions is determined by the coordination number and the specific metal ions involved, as the bonds between the central metal ion and ligands are directional in nature.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is the electron configuration of Scandium (Sc)?
A) [Ar] 3d^1 4s^2
B) [Ar] 3d^2 4s^2
C) [Ar] 3d^3 4s^2
D) [Ar] 3d^5 4s^1
E) [Ar] 3d^6 4s^2

A) [Ar] 3d^1 4s^2
Explanation: The electron configuration of Scandium (Sc) is [Ar] 3d^1 4s^2, indicating its position in the transition metals and its specific electron arrangement.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What is the electron configuration of Copper (Cu)?
A) [Ar] 3d^9 4s^2
B) [Ar] 3d^10 4s^1
C) [Ar] 3d^8 4s^2
D) [Ar] 3d^10 4s^2
E) [Ar] 3d^6 4s^2

B) [Ar] 3d^10 4s^1
Explanation: Copper (Cu) has the electron configuration [Ar] 3d^10 4s^1, which is unique among transition metals due to its filled d-subshell and one electron in the 4s subshell.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

Which set of orbitals is higher in energy according to the splitting of d orbitals?
A) t2g orbitals
B) d xy orbitals
C) d xz orbitals
D) e g orbitals
E) d yz orbitals

D) e g orbitals
Explanation: The e g orbitals, which arise from the d x2−y2 and d z2 orbitals, are higher in energy compared to the t2g orbitals, which arise from the d xy, d xz, and d yz orbitals.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

What type of bonds do transition metals in +2 and +3 oxidation states primarily form?
A) Covalent bonds
B) Ionic bonds
C) Metallic bonds
D) Hydrogen bonds
E) Coordinate bonds

B) Ionic bonds
Explanation: Transition metals in +2 and +3 oxidation states primarily form ionic bonds, while those in higher oxidation states tend to form covalent bonds.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

What is the magnetic property of the hexaamminecobalt(III) ion?
A) Paramagnetic
B) Diamagnetic
C) Ferromagnetic
D) Antiferromagnetic
E) Superparamagnetic

B) Diamagnetic
Explanation: The hexaamminecobalt(III) ion is diamagnetic because the paired 3d electrons remain in unhybridized orbitals, resulting in no net magnetic moment.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

What determines the oxidation state of an atom in a compound?
A) The number of protons in the nucleus
B) The number of neutrons in the atom
C) The number of electrons available for bonding
D) The atomic mass of the element
E) The size of the atom

C) The number of electrons available for bonding
Explanation: The oxidation state of an atom is determined by the number of electrons it loses, gains, or appears to use when combining with other atoms, which directly relates to its bonding capabilities.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

What type of hybridization results in trigonal bipyramidal complexes?
A) sp
B) sp2
C) dsp3
D) d2sp3
E) p2d

C) dsp3
Explanation: Trigonal bipyramidal complexes result from dsp3 hybridization, where the d orbitals involved are typically the d_x2-y2 orbital from a lower shell, combined with s and p orbitals from a higher shell.

Coordination Compounds and Complex Ions

What type of bonding occurs between the F- ions and the Co3+ ion in the [CoF6]3- complex?
A) Ionic bonding
B) Covalent bonding
C) Metal-ligand bonding
D) Hydrogen bonding
E) Van der Waals forces

C) Metal-ligand bonding
Explanation: The six F- ions donate electron pairs to form six metal-ligand bonds with the Co3+ ion in the [CoF6]3- complex, which is characteristic of coordination chemistry.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

Which transition metal has the electron configuration [Ar] 3d^5 4s^1?
A) Titanium (Ti)
B) Chromium (Cr)
C) Iron (Fe)
D) Cobalt (Co)
E) Copper (Cu)

B) Chromium (Cr)
Explanation: Chromium (Cr) has the electron configuration [Ar] 3d^5 4s^1, which is notable for its half-filled d-subshell that contributes to its stability.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What color is observed for the [Cu(H₂O)₆]²⁺ complex due to its absorption of light?
A) Red
B) Green
C) Blue
D) Yellow
E) Violet

C) Blue
Explanation: The [Cu(H₂O)₆]²⁺ complex absorbs light in the orange-red part of the spectrum, resulting in the complementary blue color being observed.

Electron Configuration of Transition Metals

Which of the following transition metals has a completely filled d-subshell?
A) Scandium (Sc)
B) Copper (Cu)
C) Zinc (Zn)
D) Manganese (Mn)
E) Nickel (Ni)

C) Zinc (Zn)
Explanation: Zinc (Zn) has the electron configuration [Ar] 3d^10 4s^2, indicating that it has a completely filled d-subshell, which is characteristic of this element.

Paramagnetic Properties of Transition Metals

What is the characteristic of diamagnetic substances?
A) They are attracted by magnetic fields
B) They have unpaired electrons
C) They are weakly repelled by magnetic fields
D) They contain only d electrons
E) They are always colored

C) They are weakly repelled by magnetic fields
Explanation: Diamagnetic substances are characterized by their weak repulsion from magnetic fields, which is due to the presence of paired electrons in their atoms, ions, or molecules.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

What happens to the d orbitals when ligands approach the central metal cation according to CFT?
A) They merge into one set
B) They get split into two different sets of energy
C) They disappear completely
D) They become more stable
E) They increase in number

B) They get split into two different sets of energy
Explanation: According to crystal field theory, when ligands approach the central metal cation, the five d orbitals split into two different sets of energy levels, namely t2g and eg.

Color of Coordination Complexes

What causes many transition metal compounds to be colored?
A) Presence of paired electrons
B) Presence of unpaired electrons in (n-1)d orbitals
C) Presence of oxygen
D) Presence of hydrogen
E) Presence of carbon

B) Presence of unpaired electrons in (n-1)d orbitals
Explanation: The color in many transition metal compounds arises from the presence of unpaired electrons in their (n-1)d orbitals, which allows them to absorb certain wavelengths of light.

Ligands and Their Types

What are ligands referred to in the context of crystal field theory?
A) Point charges
B) Free radicals
C) Transition metals
D) Anions only
E) Cations only

A) Point charges
Explanation: In crystal field theory, ligands, which can be negatively charged anions or neutral molecules with lone pairs of electrons, are referred to as point charges.

Variable Oxidation States in Transition Metals

Why do transition metals exhibit variable oxidation states?
A) They have a fixed oxidation state
B) Due to their ability to change oxidation state
C) Because they are non-metals
D) Due to their high atomic mass
E) Because they are gases at room temperature

B) Due to their ability to change oxidation state
Explanation: Transition metals are known for their variable oxidation states, which allows them to participate in various chemical reactions and form different compounds.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

How do transition metals increase the rate of reaction?
A) By lowering the temperature
B) By forming unstable intermediate compounds
C) By increasing the concentration of reactants
D) By providing excess energy
E) By changing the physical state of reactants

B) By forming unstable intermediate compounds
Explanation: Transition metals can form unstable intermediate compounds with suitable reactants, providing alternative reaction pathways with lower activation energy, which increases the rate of reaction.

Crystal Field Theory and d-Orbital Splitting

Which set of d orbitals is known as the e_g set?
A) d_xy, d_xz, d_yz
B) d_x2-y2, d_z2
C) d_xy, d_x2-y2
D) d_xz, d_yz
E) d_xy, d_xz, d_z2

B) d_x2-y2, d_z2
Explanation: The e_g set consists of the d_x2-y2 and d_z2 orbitals, which are doubly degenerate and have higher energy compared to the t_2g set.

Characteristics of Transition Metals

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of transition metals?
A) They often have more than one stable oxidation state
B) They are always colorless
C) Many of their compounds are colored
D) They often exhibit magnetic properties
E) They contain partially occupied d subshells

B) They are always colorless
Explanation: Transition metals and their compounds are known for being colored, which is a significant characteristic, while the statement that they are always colorless is incorrect.

Geometrical Shapes of Complex Ions

Which type of metal ions typically form square planar complex ions?
A) d^0 metal ions
B) d^1 metal ions
C) d^8 metal ions
D) d^10 metal ions
E) d^5 metal ions

C) d^8 metal ions
Explanation: Most d^8 metal ions are known to form square planar complex ions, which is a common characteristic of this group of transition metals.

Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals

What happens to the catalyst after the reaction involving transition metals?
A) It is consumed in the reaction
B) It changes into a different element
C) It gains a new oxidation state
D) It remains unchanged and returns to its original oxidation state
E) It evaporates

D) It remains unchanged and returns to its original oxidation state
Explanation: After the reaction, the catalyst, which is often a transition metal, remains unchanged and returns to its original oxidation state, allowing it to catalyze further reactions.

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